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I refuse to live like a bitch worrying about stupid shit all my waking hours. We're all gonna die of something anyway. Take care of yourself but don't become neurotic.
nobody thinks not eating seed oil makes you immortal. but people want to be healthy while they're alive so they can actually enjoy life as much as possible rather than feeling sick all the time.
Yeah but if you know something is 200% proven to to give you cancer, why keep doing it?
It's like people who smoke, there is all this fucking research that you will die off lung cancer, but yet they still do it and then wonder why they are dying off lung cancer.
And then there are those who smoke like a chimney yet never get cancer and die at 93 or something similar.
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Seed oils are considered more healthy than animal fats by 99% of the population and and especially anyone that has taken more than elementary nutritional science. The terminally online zoomers, hotdog merchants, and high fat diet grifters are the ones pursuing this narrative.
I wish there was a separate "Nutrition" board so all the retards sperging constantly about seed oils, söy, carbs or whatever the latest fads say is good/bad for you would stop shitting up this one
Better do die like a man than to live like a rat, that's my opinion.
>especially anyone that has taken more than elementary nutritional science
yes I drink beer and wine because I enjoy it
what's the supposed problem with seed oils?
It's the current boogieman that magically causes everything that ails you.
it's just part of the narrative
seed oils, gluten, fat, sugar, soy, etc. there's always going to be some sort of dietary boogeyman that grifters will tell you is ruining your life. they always have something to sell you to make you feel better too.
>page not found
>ketoschizo sighting
like most things they're bad because they make you fat.
if you want to be healthy, eat less and exercise.
but people just grab whatever premade calorie-dense crap is on the shelves and shovel it into their mouths. it takes effort to cook healthy food so people don't bother
>3 month old wikipedia article
>Sugar is objectively bad for you fatass
Then why is our DNA literally made out of sugar?
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try again, lard ass.
What a coincidence. I don't care about your opinion either. Get rekt together with your orange convicted melon and his gang of rapists.
seed oils don't even taste good
but my body feels better when i avoid them, if you want to live life feeling like shit then go ahead.
Placebo Effect.

You've convinced yourself of something and your body is giving you what you want.
I cook with beef fat not because i'm afraid of seed oils, but because I'm a cheap fuck so I save all the fat that seeps out of the meat I cook
It's bad for your heart.

Use sunflower seed oil for general cooking.
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I feel where you're coming from. Turns out all salt you buy is loaded with aluminum anyways, it's the anti-caking agent. What am i going to do, make my own salt? It's so dumb.
>the frozen slop addicted fatty is so perplexed about his sneed laden diet he's making cope threads
Wow, that was hard.
Seed oils are ruining the British countryside - nothing but rape wherever you look.

You can taste that shit in every product and it's rank.

For me, it's olive oil and butter.
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>nothing but rape wherever you look
I don't know, some people take really good care of their rats.

Hehehe, 4chin get on that. We need a /nut/ board.
The posted misinformation wiki actually provides some of the answers without actually debunking them, it just uses ad hominim & guilt by association attacks to make it seem "bad", a typical left wing attack strategy.

PUFAs is the big one, that is the one with actual doctors pushing them as health hazards. Problem when actual docs start pushing it is you need other doctors to properly explain why they are wrong for the common man to consume, and that shit just doesn't exist. Anyone trying to suppress it just looks like a censoring cunt trying to suppress the truth and that effort backfires, reinforcing bad information.



Plus the problem with nutrition "science" is that it's all correlation shit via studies, wrapped up in probability and risk factors, which make normies & NPCs heads explode. And all the industries out there shilling food have a vested interest in making garbage studies to sell you their shit, so even the experts can be shilling you crap here. It's why nutrition news flip-flops more often than a politician.

And who is going to sit through some unintelligible jeet explaining chemistry to understand how things actually work at the cellular level?
What if I drink myself to death first?
>nutrition board
That would be /fit/.

What we really need is a /pet/ board to separate all the pet console warriors out of /an/. And they should hurry up and unlock /qa/ already, I wish to discuss meta issues once more.
>Yeah but if you know something is 200% proven to to give you cancer, why keep doing it?
It hasnt
>what's the supposed problem with butter?
>what's the supposed problem with fat?
>what's the supposed problem with eggs?
>what's the supposed problem with red meat?
>what's the supposed problem with gluten?
>what's the supposed problem with carbs?
And so on and so on.
Diet fad combined with companies trying to sell you something.
Eat a balanced diet and follow moderation for portion size and youll be fine.
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I just don't trust it or the people saying it's safe. Simple as.
Finally someone said it
>a typical left wing attack strategy.
oh god. is it an american style "culture wars" thing.

i'm not watching crank yootoobers.
> Yeah but if you know something is 200% proven to to give you cancer, why keep doing it?
I guess we should all never go outside again considering sunlight is a direct cause of cancer in humans you retard
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>200% proven to to give you cancer
Typical seed oil seether level of intelligence. All that lard must be causing brain damage.
alex jones is an obese retard
donald trump is an obese retard
i refuse to take health advice from diabetic conservative retard influencers when the worst states for obesity in this country are red republican states
in blue states they eat all the fucking seed oils all the fucking time and yet they aren't morbidly greasy and obese like fucking right wingers please explain
No thanks hotdog merchant. I won't fall for your jewish tricks. Now post body, let's see that perfect shill body.
how about you fix your alcoholism before you bitch about seed oils
I don't understand how those fuckers keep operating on top of slamming down 12 packs daily. Like damn
I’m a simple man. If it tastes good, I eat it. Simple ass
>it's okay that this food destroys your body because it only starts doing so to the weak and obese
Don't you have some vodka to be drinking? Nobody's buying your sunflower oil you Russian shill.
Lack of sunlight causes problems too. It's how our body makes vitamin D. People who don't get enough sunlight often develop health issues. You don't develop health issues from not smoking. But even then, we still take precautions to limit sun exposure and not get burned too much by it.
the research for cigs giving cancer is due to using specific cigarettes that was sold with abesto filters instead of traditional filters hence y we have all cigs cause cancer
>Don't you have some vodka to be drinking?
Drikining it right now off yer mum's cunt
Not an argument.
most people stopped caring a long time ago, OP
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But how will I fill the gaping void in my life and soul if I don't find some special snowflake gimmick "evil" to clutch pearls over and pretend that avoiding it makes me solve the mysteries of the universe?
I must say, agricorps disconnecting rancidification from unsaturation was a masterstroke. People knew throughout several centuries that animal fats tended to be better than vegetal oils (except for "lean" days), but agricorps gaslighting people into accepting vegetal oils as the baseline (instead of an inferior ersatz of animal fats) was genuinely amazing.
>no body posted
You're delusions of grandeur mean nothing because you're a fat shill. I accept your concession.
Argument status: not
Why does your right foot have a gigantic pinky toe? It looks like its toes are reversed. Inbred much?
The only thing people use seed oils for is frying, which we're told is bad.
The bigger problem is they're in fucking EVERYTHING regarding slop. Seriously, do some label reading. Fucking EVERYTHING has soybean oil in it. So if you eat slop you're eating a lot of them.
>Fucking EVERYTHING has soybean oil in it.
Because it's cheap and people like to buy cheap food because they are poor.

Not everything is a conspiracy.

Also, the Japanese eats loads of fried foods in soybean oil and are known for their longevity.
>Not everything is a conspiracy.
I didn't imply it is.
It fucking baffles me how nutrition has become political. Like, fucking why? There's no need for nutrition to become political. What the fuck?
But isn't it RFK Jr the one pushing the anti-seed oil stuff?
He was running to be the dem nominee, so by your own logic, we should listen to his liberal ass
>I didn't imply it is.
Yes you did.
>The bigger problem is they're in fucking EVERYTHING regarding slop. Fucking EVERYTHING has soybean oil in it.
I use seed oils because they're cheap
I also use olive oil, butter, clarified butter and lard
The fear-mongering around seed oils seems like a hysteria to me
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>the best argument that top-tier paid professional shills can muster in favor of toxic seed oils is that, they don't care about themselves and want to die
Ask me how I can tell you're a Kamala voter, OP.
>all salt you buy
Not true there are many brands which advertise no additives or anti-caking agents.
Your reading comprehension is poor.
>I use seed oils because they're cheap
Nobody, not even the shills, claims to use them because they're tasty.
For me a fat has two uses
The first is for flavour, for example eating rice with lard or mixing butter when making risotto and the second is for cooking
Cooking is a process which creatures flavours and you need a fat for it
There's nothing wrong with using oil for cooking
>There's nothing wrong with using oil for cooking
Unless it's seed oil, of course. There's a lot wrong with that.
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anon, that is my left foot.
I don't think it is. You've purposefully used caps lock to emphasize the word "EVERYTHING", which does imply some kind of unavoidable conspiracy by someone.
>which does imply some kind of unavoidable conspiracy by someone
It literally, factually and objectively does not.
Whatever did you mean, then?
>using caps implies conspiracy theories now
Fucking topkek. What kind of RETARDED LOGIC is this? Uh oh oops, just dropped a CONSPIRACY THEORY. ;)
>Whatever did you mean, then?
That it's in EVERYTHING, including the flavored lubricant I use with your mother.
everything down to the air you breathe is political you fucking child
It doesn't make any sense that this has become a "right wing believes in the science that says seed oils are bad and left wing believes in the science that says seed oils are good" thing. It's nonsensical for this split to occur.
based retard
Shut the fuck up retard
>It's nonsensical
low perception issue
>Yeah but if you know something is 200% proven to to give you cancer, why keep doing it?
That's why I eat chicken and fish instead of red meat...
>seething at a perfectly reasonable post
talk to ur doc about adjusting your medications
Suck my retarded dick
>Take care of yourself but don't become neurotic
unironically imposible for retards here, it needs ot become their lives
it's literally just cutting back on processed/fast food
wtf is "neurotic" about that?
dont lie to me when 90% of this shit just turns into complaining about normies and jews and obsessing over things on this site
nu or /pol/?
if I had to guess i'd say you're nu, but could be /pol/. most newfags go to /pol/ first since it's the biggest board and most well-known outside of the site
So? You're trying to change the topic now.
you are taking this way to personally, what happened?
>even more projection
hey at least you're consistent
Shut the fuck up retard
No seriously, I state a common fact about 4chan and you seem like I committed sacrilege what's happened to you today anon?
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ok smart guy
>since it's the biggest board and most well-known outside of the site
What a brainrotted retard thing to believe
4chan is not one person and you're here posting on 4chan, are you not?
how is it so hard to understand how you're projecting
/pol/ niggers have a massive over inflated ego, its pretty common since 2016, and its never goign to get better sadly
Is this just a bot? You cant even seem to acknowledge what I'm posting.
>uh yes I enjoy the taste of sunflower oil if you eat a better tasting healthier oil ur not a man
What a weird hill to die on.
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you'd deny most people who don't use 4chan know of it as /pol/ basically? lol
amazing how people like you never figure out why you think intelligent people are brainrotted. Not unexpected of course, but still amazing to observe
I keep seeing people use this as an excuse as if just randomly starting to reply to someone mid-conversation exactly as the other person was is supposed to be obvious on the aforementioned anonymous image board
No, simply no one gives a shit about your den of piss in the conversation, admitting to posting there just makes you look worse
If you had more iq than a bear you'd understand but being raised on reddit took away your chances of noticing posting styles.
i agree, it's incredible that people need to be reminded of that

>dont lie to me when 90% of this shit just turns into complaining about normies and jews and obsessing over things on this site
some people do that, not everyone. I said you were projecting (implying you are one of those people)
really that hard to understand?

quote where I said I post there?
How low do you need to get to derive satisfaction form trying to start pointless arguments?
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I will chug a bottle of vegetable oil and hope it kills me so I never have to see one of these threads again
No, honestly you just seem like the obsessed moron I was alluding to at this point, also desperate for attention, so Ill just stop replying now
ok anon go lick your wounds it happens to the best of us
just try to be better going forward; that's just the human experience
Getting kicked out of your parent's house for being gay and doing a shit ton of glue sniffing as a homeless man is an all too common american experience.
>anon says many are obcessed and nerotic about these things
>Say they arent
>then devolve into exaclty what he said usually happens
Better than TV
self awareness is the first thing to go these days.
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>y-you're new or poal
>no seriously wtf man
>you're a bot!
kek, he sure did

fatties will do anything to believe cutting back on junk food is "neurotic"
No seriously is this on purpose?
enjoy your taco bell anon, i will not try to stop you
it likely will not be taxed or regulated, you can rest easy
Is this just some last word in this now?
yes, that is clearly what you're doing as your posts never have any substance, it's just "no really man is this polebotpurposeful?"
i'll let you have it though as I know you'll respond to this one. it's all yours
kinda based how well this works
now post all asspained like anon
Learn how to write the easiest language in the world before you hit post. Since you were so kind to share yours here's my headcanon. You felt personally attacked by the gay and kicked out of your parents' house. You are extremely mad. You intermittingly starved yourself for 10 years and finalky bought an android phone with leftover change. You are so mad that you smashed your android phone on the mcdonalds table and cracked the screen. The rest of the customers are looking at you funny and you have a sinking feeling that your wifi access will be restricted from now on.
Im just going to start posting fruits and watch you loose your fucking mind over it

Was this psychotic post supposed to prove him wrong?
It was supposed to nudge his self-awareness and help him realize what he looks like when he tries this hard to troll but he'll probably just continue to giggle to himself like an idiot and go to sleep thinking of me.
>self awareness
Irony is dead I guess
Proving me right.
Frankly Im impressed he hasnt started calling people NPCs and Jews yet
wrong ideology
And stop you from having a real time mental break down over me calling this exact conversation?
You're really bad at reading tones.
>reading tones
I love how unironically stupid this site can get
Scratch that, you're really bad at reading in general. I don't think you even know what you're arguing about anymore.
I have absolutely no idea why you've been screaming at me about this whole time, you just seem to dislike that I think people get neurotic and obsessive over fitness and health and here we are.
Nobody is screaming at you mate. You're not being assaulted. It's all in your head.
Anon, my last post was when I said I would give you the last word and you said apple
This is getting sad to watch
Also didn’t you announce you were leaving the thread long before that lol. Give it a rest lad
right there with you, this is some genuine mental illness
is the worst fruit.
seed oils good
dragon fruit
Really made me think
seed oils bad
>anon calls people neurotic and insane
>other anon goes into psychotic fit
>samefagging this hard
Hey i'm not the one crying THAT hard about an anon just making an observation, if you feel like it was an attack consider some self reflection.
what observation is that
>eat whatever
>do light exercise every few days when I feel like it
>feel fine
>everything in the internet says I should have inflammation/chronic pain from the seed oils, I should feel lethargic and bloated from carbs, I should be dying from getting the vax (no boosters, though, can't be bothered), I should hate driving (have an automatic), etc etc
Listen. If you have a problem, sure, investigate solutions. But if you're feelin' fine, and not relying on booze, smokes, weed, or hard drugs to keep going, then...don't? I mean in the sense of going autistic over everything. Always aim for a more balanced diet, of course, but don't try to single out "HOLY SHIT I ATE RED MEAT/CANOLA SEARED VEGGIES/FOUR SLICES OF BREAD 3 DAYS IN A ROW IT'S SO OVER AAAAAAAAAH"

If eating seed oil (a misnomer, just avoid non-pressed, solvent extracted oils) is your primary concern, then you might have fucking anxiety, man. People just want a singular issue to blame all their health issues on. We've seen it with fats, sugar, seed oils, everything under the sun. Nobody wants to re-evaluate the way they handle their life, they just want a single thing to blame. This is why fad diets happen in the first place.
>ree but i need my goyslop
Lotta tards itt. Imagine seething so much because you sense a vague threat against your cheetos.
>youtube videos
show me peer reviewed articles, then I'll beleieve you.
Did you not bother to even read the thread?
dont exist sorry
Yes, I'd deny that anyone outside of 4chan knows of or gives a shit about /pol/ you retarded faggot.
you a li bitch aren't you, hello cute desu
well you're a dumb nigger aren't you
I'm OP.

The guy you were talking to was not me.
>typical skinny fat build
enjoy your early onset cardiovascular diseases fatty
>stupid shit
>literally your own health
Checks out
Just because Alan Magee survived falling without a parachute doesn't mean you will too
>nothing but rape wherever you look.
What does this have to do with bongs and seed oils?
It's shills, the same shills who don't want you looking at chemtrails or the fact that Obama was born in Kenya, want you drinking the seed oils. They're Jewish and evil.
Well, I am 0.2% Jewish.
No shit?
Blueberry oil? Damn that must be expensive.

This thread gets more interesting every post. Thanks kind stranger, bump!
You're going to be so mad when I say pear.
You just don't want this thread bumped but I... I'm gonna BUUUMP!

have fun trying to sell peanuts and recalled waffles lol
I'd say that it's likely that seed oils aren't the best thing to consume, but people treating it as whatever the opposite of a magic bullet is are searching for an easy solution to a difficult problem (that is to say pinning the problem of "unhealthy eating" upon a single group of ingredients instead of acknowledging how many facets there are). Banning them is not going to magically fix everyone's health, so hyper-focusing on them isn't much help.
you don't have to hyperfocus, just cut back on most fast food and junk food and you dramatically reduce seed oil and total fat consumption
at that point all you have to do is not go wild with frying when cooking at home
See no you're evidently not a nutjob so that post isn't directed at you
It's an easy solution though, just stop using seed oils. There's no actual reason to use them.
Nobody is hyperfocusing on seed oils you deranged lunatic.
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Infographics and twitter screencaps from /pol/ aren't proving anything.
Some gnarly almost VHS-era looking video on how one form of seed oil is produced spread around, and it doesn't look pleasant so they think it's bad somehow. The same argument can be made against eating meat, since butchering animals and cutting up the chunks of meat isn't very pleasant either, but you won't see any reasonable person avoiding eating meat over that.
Not useful information unless you have an individual users statistic, anon. C'mon, now.
you'd have to be living under a rock to not think that most people who are aware of 4chan but don't go there think of it as /pol/ basically
Just use non-sneed oils for now when you cook at home. The small amount of sneed oils from outside food is negligible, you shouldn't be eating that slop that often anyways.

Oil is cheap, you shouldn't be using that much anyways

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