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Post your current drinking
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ABK Helles, moving onto Bohemien Regent Pils and then have some Franziskaner Weizen
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I just love it so much
Unfiltered or nothing
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The walls are shaking rn
Got me some gouden carolus christmas beers. I'm probably going to have a few tonight - there aren't many people who could stop me.
I am currently 4 cans of PBR in.
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Franz don't give a fuqq bout no BJCP!
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They started distributing this again. Idk what any of their other beers taste like but I enjoy this one and it's cheaper than most other stouts
a shitty store brand 6% marzenbier
the other day I brewed a Belgian dubbel/trippel that was supposed to come out at 7.5% ABV but now is looking more like 8% since I eyeballed the measurements for the candy syrup I made for it. Now I have to wait a month and a half til its ready but until then it's more no name high percent beer for me.
There are many potential good things about Belgian ales, but my favourite is that they're hard to fuck up as long as you aren't aiming for specific esters.
Are you going dark or blond with it? That's basically how the distinction's made (here, at least) between high proof dubbels and low-mid proof trippels.
Money's getting tight.

Is this a good IPA? I like their all-day IPA although it's a bit weak. This is the same price at $20 for a 15-pack
Good choice, wheat beer is delicious.
Often get loads of picrel when I go in lidl, those monks do it so damn good.
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Old Rasputin from an old fashioned Coca-Cola glass.
It should be a dark one. I threw in a small handful of chocolate malt and it had enough grain to have a dark amber colour before that.
fucking puke
That thar be a strong dubbel then. Tripels are usually blonde (and quads to light brown or red)
Steel reserve really isn't that bad, but I might be a little biased due to nostalgia. I had a German roommate about 10 years ago in college, and pretty much all we drank was the glass 40oz Steelie's. I tried to introduce him to some good local beers (actually good, not just dime-a-dozen IPAs,) but he insisted that Steel Reserve was his favorite. I also introduced him to magic mushrooms. We would go on hikes in the woods while tripping balls, and he would forget he was in the US and start yelling in German freaking everybody else out. Good times.
It might not be bad but you are as an individual dumb ass trash.
I agree, I am a dumbass for going to college.
Ex stoner here, help me understand beer. Ive never been a drinker.

Ive been ordering beer at restaurants, tried Miller, Coors, Budweiser, Modello, Stella Artois maybe something else.

When I look it up, everyone says all of them are tasteless shitty beers. I get they are cheap american beers, but they all were a pretty strong flavor to me.

A bit of bitterness, a lot of like sourdough bready type taste. . It feels like im drinking a snack or something, like its liquid pizza crust or some shit. I dont get how thats flavorless, it feels heavy and bloating almost.

Anyways, what sort of beers SHOULD I be trying to get *real* beer flavor or whatever?
I dont actually mind the stuff I have tasted, its kinda of nice.
>what sort of beers SHOULD I be trying to get *real* beer flavor or whatever?
Surly Darkness
All of the beers you listed would be classed as either a lager, or a pilsner (a type of lager) which are typically characterized by a lightly sweet bready malt flavor, with a balanced bitterness, and floral aroma from the hops. They're pretty much the "seltzer" of beers that are palatable to the widest possible market. Beer snobs will turn up their nose at them due to that fact, seeing them as unsophisticated, but there's nothing wrong with a nice crisp refreshing macro-lager. If you want something a bit more complex, but along the same lines I would recommend a Kölsch which is essentially a hybrid of an ale, and a lager. I won't go into the boring details, but kölsch has a lot of the same characteristics as lagers, but with some subtle differences in flavor due to the strains of yeast used in fermentation. Kölsch often has more notes of fruit or spices than a lager.
There's a few different varieties - a fairly wide range of flavours and viscosities for something that's usually a variation on the theme of the same four ingredients.

- American style lagers tend to be pale, and use corn or rice sugar syrup to decrease the body (and cost of production). They're fairly lightly hopped, aiming for a slight sweetness and just enough bitterness to attenuate an aftertaste that could otherwise be very pastry like. They're based on German/Czech pale lagers like Pilsners and Helles lagers. European Pilsners tend to be hoppier. American "Pilsners" tend to be a lot closer to a Helles.
There are darker lagers, largely German, with Baltic Porter being one of those notable-exception kinda things. They're usually a lot like brown ales, porters and stouts, but a lot "cleaner", less rum and fruit notes, leaning a lot more into the roast on the barley, and usually using hops to balance the sweetness to something that's very palate-cleansing, if a little charred.
English ales (and English hops) tend toward a vaguely floral palate, sometimes fairly sweet, but almost always with a bitter finish. English IPAs are on the bitter side of balanced, but the floral, herbal quality of the hops gives a much milder effect than American pine-citrus forward hops that can really harsh up a beer if shoveled in.
Belgian ales (largely due to belgian yeasts) are very fruity - with a tendency toward a flavour balanced between banana and clove, but that can bloom out to bubblegum or lychee.
Wheat beers have a vaguely orange-like sour-sweetness, that's often compounded with orange peel and coriander. They also come in dark, using roasted or even burned barley and wheat to add some gravitas to what's otherwise a very dessert-like beer.

There are a lot of "real" beers. If you want to see where things like Budweiser come from, try Budvar/Czechvar (the original Budweiser), Pilsner Urquell, or Jever - all using "noble" old world hops giving an old world flavour.
I thought imperial stout was supposed to be bitter but this thing is incredibly sweet and flavorful
Depends what's up.
The roasted barley can add an acrid bitterness, but when you add enough barley, oats, and/or wheat to get the ABV up above 9%, you wind up with a very sweet beer. It takes a lot of hops (or a very long boil time) to bring that back down to bitterness.
>cheap american beer
Stella is Belgian - the worst Belgian beer there is.
Other Belgian beers are great, like Duvel or Delirium Tremens.
Do you have Lidl in America? Sometimes they sell selection boxes of decent Belgian ale, coming up to Christmas maybe you'll find one.
We have Aldi, not Lidl and this is the beer selection.

If you want Duval or DT you have to go to a liquor supercenter. We have Walmart sized liquor stores with imports.
Stella, Modelo, Corona, and Heineken might as well be American. It's the same German-import featherweight lager archetype.
Jeez, tough luck. I would drink any of that swill.
Wanted Duvel 666 but the store only had Orval :(
Still pretty good
I am drinking Hamm's because it is less than $17 for 30
next I will purchase 'Lucky Streak' because it is $15 for 30 at my local beer steer
Corr I could go for one of these right now.
>Aged in maple Syrup-Bourbon barrels
Why not just piss in there while they're ruining perfectly good booze
for me, it's comfy Schultenbräu. I wasn't gonna drink it but one of the other fifteen cans of Schulten hit the lid and broke the seal.
Islay Scotch Redditors have ruined every other drink they show interest in, because they need every other drink to taste like peat
Hey lads, only mildly related question here
I live outside of the US and want to buy a bottle of booze there and have it delivered to a buddy that lives in the states, any page I can use?
maybe Curiada?
>Liqueurs are for women and the gays. I only drink high-sulfur diesel!
C'mon buddy. It's not like these are flavours that work against medium and high Lovibond crystal malts, or 300+L roasted/chocolate grains. With a mild, more old-world hopping, getting coffee and chocolate flavours out of darker grains is very easy - the addition of cocoa and coffee to accentuate this is fairly common practice. 40-120L crystal/caramel malts (medium roast, wet kilned malted barley) give a caramel or syrup-like sweetness, that when playing with East Kent Golding hops specifically warp a little toward maple or fenugreek - adding a touch of maple syrup to prime and backsweeten, and bring this note forward, is also not unheard of. Brewing at the higher end of the temp range with lager and some ale yeasts will result in detectable levels of dimethyl sulfate and diacetyl - usually cleaned up a lot by just letting the yeast work for a month or so, but if a taste test tells you that they're not a bad flavour to have in a beer, aging in a bourbon barrel will bring some of that corn and butter back, while letting the charred oak smooth out any overly acrid flavours from using things like black or patent malt (usually closer to 500L - burned. Literally black malt) by tying a bit of vanillin and lignin into the charred tannins (polyphenols) present.

try it first, maybe it'll give Snobby a sock
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Carlsberg master brew. 10.5%
>basic terminology
What do you need help understanding?
A measure of colour. Basically how dark a malt or grain is roasted. 5's light. 40-60's medium, 120's dark, 300's dark brown, and 500's black.
A plant related to marijuana, imparting bittering humulone and other alpha acids, as well as flavouring terpenes to beer. Noble or German hops tend toward a floral, grassy, or vaguely perfumey flavour. English hops tend more toward earthy, cedary, or something hinting at lavender and nutmeg. American hops are usually like a citrus-fight in a spruce forest.
A grain that when malted (allowed to sprout a bit) produces enzymes that will allow it to be fermented
>East Kent Goldings
A very Bri'ish hop. Like smacking yourself in the mouth with a cedar twig loaded with nutmeg
adding sugar to feed the yeasts left in suspension in the bottle/keg/barrel. How carbonation happens without a CO2 tank.
>Dimethyl Sulfate
a diester of methanol and sulfuric acid. Reminiscent of corn or bourbon.
a vicinal diketone, tastes, smells and feels buttery.
You just drank a bunch of mostly American lagers that have a very balanced flavour, meant for drinking more than just one. The bitterness you tasted was from the hops and the bready flavour was from the malt; pilsner/lager malt is usually quite "biscuit", "cracker" or bread like and they use very plain hops simply as a bitterant.

Like >>20976040 I would recommend an English ale, a Belgian, wheat beer, a stout (get nitrogenated like Guinness) and some German or Czech lagers. Most non-beer drinkers I know like some kind of Belgian ale, usually a kriek (cherry beer) or trappist beer. They're quite strong but also sweet and balanced due to added candied syrup and the fruity yeast.

If the beers you tried were too bitter, I recommend the English ale or stout. English hops are more earthy/woody/spicy than German bitter/minty hops and are usually less intense. The malt used in English ales has more of a toast/biscuit/nutty flavour than German malts which as said before are crisper and taste more like bread or cracker.

If you liked the bitterness, try an American IPA. They usually use a German style hop as a bitterant and then add some American hops for flavour. American breeds are more resiny/citrus/fruity and sometimes a strongly hopped American IPA can smell like weed lol.
AUS/NZ hops are weirder, they taste like tropical fruit and get used in a lot of IPAs.
not an attack on you or anyone who enjoys weissbier but that style gives me the aftertaste of childrens bubblegum toothpaste, especially the dunkle weissbier. I know the beer is all natural but it tastes like artificial flavorings and artificial sweeteners.
Why make him spend 20$ on a beer he won't like. Surly hell would be a better opening but probably still a little much for the guy
>AUS/NZ hops are weirder
I never tried many NZ ipas but I didn't really taste much difference from an american one. Yeah, maybe they are a little bit more tropical but I think that's about it.
That's what I recall. Less earthy, less bitter, more tropical and citrus. Haven't had a specifically new Zealand hopped beer since sierra Nevada last put one out
This is probably my favorite right now:
I can't stop drinking beer, despite trying to lose weight. I am losing weight, but slower than I should be because beer is just too fucking tasty. I have a trainer but I don't tell him how much I drink, I just try to fit it somewhere in the realm of my calorie limit.
Same brother. I'm not fat by any means but I have a higher bf % than I want. I can't give up beer. I love the crisp initial taste, I love the malty aftertaste, I love the way it feels when it hits my stomach. Sometimes I think I'm getting sick of beer, but then I try a new beer or one I haven't had in awhile and I remember how much I love it. Cider IS a very close and honorary second in alcohol beverages for me though.
Drank a Triple New England IPA last night
10% abv, 34 IBUs
Tasted like a screwdriver
34's not atrocious for a 3xNEIPA... The screwdriver thing's throwing me off. What was it?
>hops and weed are related
I'm not particularly into beer, but my friend tried to shill yuengling to me a little while ago and I thought it tasted like otherwise flavorless carbonated water infused with raw cannabis. I wasn't a fan. Do you have recommendations for beers that do not have this quality?
Belgians are usually the opposite - relying heavily on the yeast and malt for flavour, often with a little rock sugar/syrup to up the abv without making the beer thicker. Most heavier beers (not all) will be maltier. Darker beers will tend toward a more dark espresso kind of thing. Even hoppier beers will usually play more off of a floral, citrusy, or piney hop, and take efforts to not let it skunk.

"Adjunct lagers" are really the only beers that get a ganja like flavour to them - and even then, usually only beers in green and clear bottles (sunstruck/UV activated hop alpha acids taste and smell like skunk weed).
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It's a real shame the best beer is only available around christmas.
Why the kristall version though? The regular unfiltered one is way superior imo
Do some people unironically like duvel? I don't mind a beer being bitter myself, I can really enjoy things like IPA's, but I feel like duvel is just all bitter without any other interesting flavors to it. I don't really see the point of a beer that is just bitter without anything else going on.
>Do you have recommendations for beers that do not have this quality?
try imperial stouts or quadrupels
He said that he is not particularly into beers and you are recommending him imperial stouts or quadrupels..?
he said he's not into "flavorless carbonated water infused with raw cannabis", so typical pale lagers
it makes sense to recommend the opposite of that - malty, thick beers with a lot of flavor that doesn't come from hops
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It's nice and refreshing. Especially the citra
Recommending anything across the broad spectrum of beer besides lager is good. It shows that there are in fact more styles that are wildly different.
I "didn't like beer" until I was the one buying all the shit I'd never heard about. I settled largely for heavy stouts and IPAs.
Seems like it since they keep distributing the stuff. I think la chouffe is better, personally, but I'll drink both happily
Chouffe is a lot darker and more like Chimay no?
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for me it's Bernardus 12
Störtebeker > Franziskaner > Erdinger. Even though none of them is bad.
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Forgot image of course.
I always get a banana bread flavor from Erdinger, more so than other hefeweizens
isoamyl acetate. Either their yeast is all over making it and not cleaning it up, or they do their primary fermentation a little hot and their secondary or bottling a little cool.
>not an attack
why not, they are autistic sissies
duvel is not known for being bitter
you had a bad one or you are fucking retarded
the yeast strains they use can sometimes give off aromas similar to bubblegum, that's true
they make at least one IPA. IPA'd Belgians tend to be quite bitter.
the flavours like banana, pear, bubblegum, and fruit punch in beer are (usually) just straight esters and ketones produced by the yeast. Essentially they're naturally produced artificial flavours.
yeah but that's not the standard Duvel, that's their IPA
I see a beer with an old timey and/or busy label I buy it. Simple as.
Sadly not true any more. Goes for most supermarket-tier wine and spirits as well nowadays.
I don't find Duvel's flagship brew all that bitter, and one response was a pic of their citra tripel. I think that poor chap was bamboozled.
It's definitely true for anything Trappist, most "Abbey" beers that want to be Trappist, and basically anything that lists "Water, malted barley, hops, yeast" as its ingredients. Belgian yeasts from White Labs and Wyeast will introduce anything from banana to antiseptic and clove oil depending on the available sugars and brewing temperature. Some Kveik yeasts will do the same if you abuse the shit out of them.
>all bitter without any other interesting flavors
Duvel is way too flavourful for that description.
I've wanter to try Jever, but it's not really sold anywhere here. would be nice to have the reference hoppy German pilsener
La chouffe has multiple different styles available to my knowledge
Never cared for most Trappist ales. I'm not a big quad guy though. I will take a triple over one any day of the week
Pretty fucked up on some Sam Adams Octoberfests. Thought about going to the store but might just order some of the winter lager cause I dont drive drunk
Update? Did you drive drunk, or order a taxi for your winter lager?
NZ/AUS hops have usually more of like a stonefruit (cherry/peach/plum/passionfruit) flavour than American pine/citrus hop bombs, IIRC they have a lower AA content making them less bitter. I made a rye ale with NZ cashemere and it smelled like cherry soda in the fermenter
Hopefully his non response is due to a fatal one car accident on the way there.
>I'm not a big quad guy though. I will take a triple over one any day of the week
exact opposite here, I've never really liked triples
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I've gotten really bored with many of the more gimmicky craft beers. I usually go for more classic styles nowadays. Also I've gone off high ABV beers mostly, I stick to good hoppy pilsners, stouts and the like.
Drinking Natty Daddy with the last of the money in my checking account because I have given up on life.
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Just tried Trappist Rochefort 10 for the first time and god it was such garbage I didn't even finish it, way too much going on flavor wise plus it had a really bad lingering medicinal aftertaste. 0/10 not worth the price.
i wish this was bait
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>too much going on flavor wise plus it had a really bad lingering medicinal aftertaste
that afteraste is called "hops". might want to stick to natty daddy, anon
these smoked malt beers are based
Rochefort's got some interesting yeast - it definitely has a touch of phenol to it. Lightly chilled I find it's got a bit of clove to it, but I could imagine that coming across like barbicide if it were ice cold.
that was probably my issue, I threw it in the fridge for a week.
thanks for the input anons. I ended up grabbing a few different singles of imperial and other varieties. I thought all hope was lost because I poured them out into a pint glass and didn't particularly care for any of them, but I had an extra of one and I felt bad wasting it so I tried it straight out of the bottle and it was significantly better? The tasting notes that seemed to be fictional out of a glass were sort of there in the bottle. Not sure what that's about, but now I sort of want to try the others again and see if they're any better.
>Chouffe has multiple different styles
I checked their site and it's true. I only really remember their Christmas beer existing in stores near me. Maybe I should order a few of their blondes.
Absolutely top tier drinking. It's a shame I need a palate cleanser after a bottle or two. It gets a bit overwhelming after a while.
maybe you chilled them too much? strong beers like that are better only slightly chilled
I regret to inform all of you that Anchor has closed down. There will never be another Old Foghorn or their amazing Christmas barley wine.
It's my favorite beer, I'm not a big drinker but when I do it's always Erdinger. Kind of pricey in my cunt but still, the taste is amazing.
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>Drink two or three beers on a weekday
>Absolutely knackered and go to bed early
>Same amount on the weekend
>Just getting started
What's this phenomenon called?
I'm guessing you're getting home from work on an empty stomach and those two beers hit much quicker
>What's this phenomenon called?
an alcoholic
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>mogs all beers
>fizzy banana water
frickin epic!!!
>brainless tastelet detected

Its a spiced wheat beer you uncultured subhuman
honey, you have autism
I'd consider friday after work weekend in this case. Should be equally empty stomach.
Only a little
Well shit...
I only ever had their steam beer, but it was right when I was getting into making beer - opened my eyes very early to the idea that there's a sliding scale of what yeasts can do - even if they can't do them well.
possibly, though the bottle also came straight out of the fridge when I drank it
>The tasting notes that seemed to be fictional out of a glass were sort of there in the bottle
Usually it's the other way (if they're actually there) - the smell of a beer can have a lot of impact on its taste, especially up around the 10% range, where a nose full of ethanol and esters can really turn your tastebuds around on certain things - like isoamyl acetate. In some blonde-to-light brown beers relying on wheat or oats to thicken them up, it's going to come across like this background note of artificial pear, but once the CO2 and ethanol are pushing it up your nostrils, suddenly it's banana.
I've made a few quads that needed the head to die down to be drinkable out of the glass - the nose was just straight funky rum.
I really love stouts
>19.5% ABV
Jesus H Hong, why?
>He goes looking for a list of high grav yeasts
White Labs' WLP099 can handle up to 25%... Why?
just had a tap guiness the other day at a pub, that shit is tight, can guiness takes like ass though
I love beer
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Best bang for the buck, that said I wished they brought back the shorty bottles.
It has to be Guinness Extra Stout
what's with these reddit meme beers that use fucking chocolate and syrup and other nonsense? just give me hops. if I want flavors I'll go get some wine and/or whiskey with some chasers.
I'm gonna drink so much sweet beer spiced with cardamom while it's still close to christmas. And that's how it's supposed to be.
This was me for a long time but I mostly quit a few months ago, only one or two beers a week now and a small splash (like half a pinky finger in a rocks glass) of bourbon some other nights. On one hand I'm happy I was able to cut my drinking back so effectively, I was really afraid I was an alcoholic with how long I'd been drinking 3+ beers a night, but goddamn do I miss beer specifically, the end of a long day just isn't the same without it.

Fuck, I haven't had one since Monday, maybe I can let myself go get one tonight, need to be up early tomorrow anyway and it'll help me get to sleep.
>Anchor has closed down
The brewery was purchased by the CEO of Chobani Yogurt recently. They're working on cleaning up and revitalizing the brewing facility before relaunching with all of the old recipes.
We might have them back next year.
most beers use corn syrup or malted corn as an additive, especially American/German/Czech lagers
the only beers that are just malted barley, yeast & hops are traditional English ales. everything else has some kind of additive in it whether its sugar syrup, corn or rice
What are some good european dark lagers?
Staropramen Dark or Zlatopramen half n half
Anything from eastern europe
did you have a regular duvel or an ipa variant like >>20978839 ?
i'd assume those duvel ipas taste bitter and hoppy like every other ipa.

their regular beer tastes malty and full bodied though. less bitter than what i'm used to from the pils beers i'm used to in germany.
Do you guys prefer ale or lager?
Usually ales, but it depends what's being done with the lager.
>the only beers that are just malted barley, yeast & hops are traditional English ales.
That's not true at all. In many parts of Germany, using anything other than those ingredients in beer was outlawed for many centuries.

Adding non-malt material to lagers is a pure cost-saving measure used almost exclusively in cheap, shitty beer. It's also added before fermentation, the sugar doesn't end up in the beer, it's fermented into alcohol. Hardly comparable to adding stuff for flavor.

Some exceptions include some belgian ales, which use it deliberately to make the ale lighter and hide its strength.
you better be a woman for posting this
incredibly based
>t. autistic child
>When I look it up, everyone says all of them are tasteless shitty beers.
The people who say this are snobs that burnt their tastebuds out on quadruple hopped IPA's long ago. Do not take them seriously.
If you want a stronger flavor, try some normal people IPA's, those those lean heavily into the bitterness. The New England ones will have a more fruity flavor, while you'll probably get a kick out of hazy IPA's as most taste of skunky weed to me.
Darker beers like porters (best), stouts and doppelbocks will have heavy mocha flavors. Samuel Smith's is my go-to here.
If you want PURE BEET FLAVOR get Germans: they legally cannot put anything other than water, hops, malt, and yeast into their beers and will taste most like beers you've already had. Though again, the darker ones will have slightly more developed flavors. There are plenty of reccomendations for these ITT.
My personal favorites are Belgians, which tend to have malty, light fruit flavors. Hoegaarden is usually easy to find, though I am seeing Delirium more and more, which is fantastic.
I want pure beet flavour!
There's a decent amount of variety to German beer for having to call their beer something else if a flake of wheat so much as grazes the outside of a brewtank... but... BUT...
But, they (Bavaria, and Bohemia/Czechia) marketed the absolute piss out of their pale lagers when they nailed a few formulas in the 19th century. "A beer" basically became synonymous with a Pilsner styled lager, usually from a company founded by German immigrants, or who hired a German brewmaster to kickstart their brewery.
I guess there's the wordplay aspect, but I'm surprised a lot of these beers weren't called Helles - They're kind of their own style (literally #1 A and B in the Beer Judge Certification Program Guidelines) with the syrups used to keep the body light, but they're usually on the sweeter, maltier end of balanced, rather than erring toward traditional Pilsner hoppiness. They're not water - there's always a bit of lightly kilned malt to them (kind of a bread or cracker thing), and some mild hoppiness to keep it from being literal barley soda. You can get some subtle variety to them because of malt, adjunct and hop choices, but they are all designed to be a light, refreshing, highest selling, lowest common denominator version of a German light lager, and they all advertise as "Cool" or "Ice cold" where stronger beers will advise "Serve Chilled" or even give an ideal temp, usually above 4C.
I like both. Used to primarily drink ale, then I remembered how good lagers are. I am happy with almost any beer, except baltika
It's just Inbev.
Schwarzbier if you want something drier rhan your usual dark beers.
Pretty good choice.
Duvel is a decent beer brewed by a respectable company. Regular Duvel is nowhere near as bitter as your average IPA. It's alcohol% is pretty high and that's it. Simple, straightforward, tasty beer. That's how we like it in Belgium.
They're not selling it here now, because the crimes of the government are the crimes of its people... but I like Baltika. I couldn't tell you what I like about it - it doesn't taste like musty wooden halls smell, but there's something about it that reminds me of a dilapidated church or something.
I thought it tasted like a really shitty lager. I threw it up mostly from the taste. This was baltika 9? I believe. Whatever one comes in the 53oz bottle
>maple syrup bourbon barrels
>taste like peat
i want to say there's no way you're this stupid, but this is /ck/ so you absolutely are this stupid
You should get that brainrot checked out.
It saddens me as well, but you posted the wrong one by accident.
Still one of the highest rated beers ever.
Yes it is good.
>not steel reserve
Clearly you haven't completely given up anon.
Vitus is absolutely wonderful.
>chocolate is just BAD ok???
Maybe one day you'll be a grown up instead of trying to be one.
I'd never say that it was good, only that I kind of like it.
Most American lagers use a syrup of some kind somewhere in the fermentation - even if it's something as simple as dextrose syrup as part of the "grain" bill.
noted, if I come across it I'm smashing dat bix
Congrats on having the shittiest take ITT, and that's including the anon who thinks Duvel is bitter for the sake of bitter.
wait, you mean tap or bottle?
It used to be burned Molson ale here in Soviet Kanada, but I think they finally caught on and started making it better, or importing a better product. I wonder if they're using fish bladders - of all the things one of my vegan friends has subbed in for animal based (real) food, I think the black Molson Guinness was what I gave him the most grief over - but it didn't have isinglas...
That's fair. That's how I feel about most American adjunct lagers. They are not good, but I like them. Some of them.
I know what you mean. MGD's a terrible beer, and it's always a little skunky up here... but after a long day of toil in the hotbox, it's more refreshing than ice water.
>light up the fillies and pass the stout
Gotta be from a bottle too. That nice condensation on the glass just adds to the moment for some reason
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I couldn't even tell you the last time I saw it on tap here. I get weird look for ordering it with a shot of tequila and using the fruit in the beer, but it's every bit as good as gatorade.
I just discovered that if you screw around with an Aviation, it tastes like redbull vomit... Luckily it's easy to put back to speck.
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I drink icehouse edge because I'm poor and too lazy to try anything else. Worst thing a poor man could ever go through is to spend money on a beer that he doesn't like. I think chicks call that taurus behavior or something
Absolute heresy.
Cold, refreshing, delicious heresy.
it's not bud light, that's just a glass I have. I think it was corona.
drink whatever you like, nothing is worse than repeatedly spending 12 bucks on a 6 pack that sucks ass after you try one, then getting saddled with 5 more disappointing drinks.
That was my entire 20s until I finally found a beer that I really loved, then the 6 packs slowly went up from 12 bucks to 18 over the course of a year and a half. Said fuck it and went back to the same 'ol.
It's all iceworthy. A pale, light, subtle lager's gotta be cold, and sometimes ice is just the way to do... Although a supercooled Corona, poured into a slushie is a thing of beauty.
What happens if > half of your daily calories comes from beer?
>What is meibomian gland dysfunction? Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) happens when oil-secreting glands in your eyelids don't secrete the quantity or quality of oil you need to prevent your eyes from drying out. MGD is a very common cause of dry eye syndrome.
I'd imagine eyeball secretions would make a very terrible beer. Kinda weird of you to drink that shit.
>I think it was corona.
That's not really any better desu senpai
I was about to call you a newfag for not knowing how to greentext, but then i realized i would be the retard.
As for your question: you just move to Ireland and blend in with the locals.
I knew a guy who was a severe alcoholic and drank like 10 l per day. He was yellow, bloated and his eyes popped out. He obviously died from liver failure.
One problem - it looks like your Melbourne Gland Dysfunction causes a lack of eyeball secretions (and is the leading cause of scorpions in the eye).
Miller Genuine Draft (as opposed to High Life, or any of the 'Lite' beers that may or may not be discontinued) does have a slightly dry finish, but it's far from sebaceous glad shutdown dry.
Either really
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Worlds better than Coors Light. Still not good.
>19.5% ABV
I have to say that, the abv content is really well balanced.
must be blacker than the gates of hell. My 8.something Maudite's got a touch of the barleywine burn to it, I can only imagine what the first couple of test runs above 18% went like.
>It's no bad, but it tastes like you could set fire to it. We might need a lot more 60 and 120L, and at least another lb of the 300, something to let us pretend we're going for a barley based mocha liqueur, and not just Old English Quadruppel.
White claw surge, green apple. Currently making lasagna and getting drunk.
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Nitro stouts are the GOAT, and nothing else even comes close.
I've had some pretty kickass CO2 lacto/milk stouts that wind up with a similar texture once they're done blowing up.
But yeah, there's quite a few great nitro stouts out there. Standard Guinness is none of them.

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