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There are 10 threads on the catalogs about burgers right now. United we stand but divided we fall, fellow Burgmunchers.

Why did Hungry Jack's go to complete shit? First, they ruined the Tendercrisp in 2018 when they replaced the bread and the chicken with something new and fucked up; the bread no longer had the flour and the chicken was no longer crispy but soggy and shit. Eventually, they got rid of the Tendercrisp entirely, leaving us with the tinier, even soggier "Chicken Royale". Today, they've got the "Jack's Fried Chicken" which is an admittedly good burger, but is twice as expensive as the Tendercrisp even when adjusted for inflation.
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I support your efforts to wrangle the burger munchers into a single corral.
Have a bump
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>open thread to read high IQ discussions about burger cooking and assembly
>it's a fast food thread
>burger general
>talks about chicken sandwiches
fucking 1 job..
Chicken burgers are a type of burger
Batter-fried unprocessed chicken is not a burger
If it's a grilled ground chicken patty then okay but it's never that
A chicken burger is a large chicken nugget
Oh fuck off you insufferable cunt
>makes thread about burgers
>just critiques fast food menu items

fuck off
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And Hesburger
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And McDonald's France
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And McDonald's UK
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And McDonald's Germany
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But no, both of these are chicken sandwiches with no way to disambiguate in conversation. Chicken in a burger bun being called a chicken burger? Absolute madness!
Why is Germany naming their burger a transexual????
oh silly, they're not naming their burgers transexuals. that's not a burger at all!
Japan, Nigeria, Italy... The list goes on. I think a lot of South America and the Philippines are sandwich people, however
I kneel.
Based seppo banisher
>both of these are chicken sandwiches with no way to disambiguate
how about the word “salad”?? you nigger?????
a chicken salad is served on a plate
Where's the salad?
There are now only 4 burger threads on the catalog... The burger has fallen, BILLIONS must eat.

God I hate br*t*sh "people" so fucking much
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>based burger thread
Where's the fucking salad, you cunt?
But it never has a salad in it, does it. You'd call chicken and mayo a chicken salad.
it’s a salad but with chicken in place of lettuce. is the name making more sense to you now?
>Call themselves burgers
>Don’t even know what makes a burger a burger
Americans are a fucking embarrassment.
the point is not that you’re wrong for calling that. it’s that “burger” is colloquial shorthand for hamburger/cheeseburger, which will bring to mind ground beef for anyone who hears that word. we don’t call them beef burgers, because it is redundant. the exception being Indians because they don’t eat beef, and maybe vegans for the same reason.
in america, the country known everywhere for obsession with burgers, and also where the “chicken burger” as you know it is said to have originated, we say “chicken sandwich” the vast majority of the time.
furthermore, no one in either camp actually cares that much about this. not even the 7 year old Indian who’s probably pissing his pants laughing every time he posts these bait threads. which I have a feeling is also you.
>which will bring to mind ground beef for anyone who hears that word
no it doesn't. Anyway, are vegan burgers an oxymoron?
yeah I guess if you wanna argue that imitation burgers don’t count as burgers. the impossible stuff is meant to closely mimic meat, and generally bean burgers are made with black beans because they are more similar to beef (in look and taste) than other beans, so people swear by them as a substitute
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burgenstocks :]
why come no one told me pickle just spice cucumber
it’s brined first and foremost
No if lettuce were in the place of chicken, that would be lettuce and mayo
first and foremost it’s brined
more likely it would be lettuce+mayo+other vegetables+plus spices which is, and I hate to break it to you, a salad

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