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Why haven't intestines caught on as food in the US? I see a bunch of liver shills, but nobody ever shills intestines here. They're on of my favorite animal parts to eat.
Third world bugman (((food))). Be a good goy and eat the shit-filled organslop, rabbi!
Because americans will just fill them with mac and cheese.
Take your meds, schizo
I think it'd be pretty good
what's so good about them? tripe tastes enough like shit, only time I've liked it was in some szechuan hotpot where I couldn't taste shit
Show me a first world country besides France with their shitty andouille where they are actually eaten.
We just need some a grifter like The Liver King to come along and promote intestines.
we just use them for sausage instead of eating them boiled
Isn't that where the shit runs through?
They're cleaned first
I wouldn’t be surprised if amerilards eat more intestines than anyone
yeah but lets be honest, theyve got no flavour. we dont eat that stuff in the west because were not dirt poor like chinese serfs used to be. for you guys, that was 100 years ago. for us, that was 5000 years ago. weve been eating steak and chicken ever since. and when i say chicken i mean the meat, not the fucking feet like you chinese do. why would you ever eat that shit when you all now have access to actual meat? i dont understand. youre not poor anymore. you can afford meat. stop acting like you cant afford it.
It does have a taste, though. It's gamey, and the texture is nice if you make it right. If asians have "no reason" to eat it, why would they keep eating it? The obvious answer is because it fucking tastes good just like anything else if you know how to cook it. The only organ that really has zero flavor at all is tripe. Tripe is purely eaten for texture, for people who actually like the texture.
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I agree with you on not having to eat things, but I don't agree that we shouldn't. I guess you've never had proper chicken feet. I go to Chinatown every couple years just for a big bowl of chicken feet. Anything done its best can be incredible. I haven't had intestines yet but if they were on a menu I'd get them in an instant. I love tripe when I can get it. I enjoy tongue and brains too. I eat all kinds of liver. Next you're going to tell me you're too good for fish heads.
Fuck off back to your chicken strips, milquetoast. You're embarrassing the adventurous eaters who came to an intestines thread.
>why would they keep eating it
because they were brought up on it, and because they think theyre being frugal by eating the shit. they think its stupid to have real meat every night of the week. no exceptions
>I enjoy tongue and brains too. I eat all kinds of liver.
I'm a Bong and I have also eaten the above, I've also eaten Chitterlings (pig intestines) too.

I had a bad experience with Tripe growing up but I would give it a go, now I'm older. never had chicken feet either, looks a bit too finicky to eat. And of course we eat Kidney all the time in our pies.
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I wasn't brought up eating organ meats but still try them occasionally. They taste fine. Even pretty good in certain cases. Couple's delight is fucking crack, and I know it wouldn't taste nearly as good if it was just meat slices.
Have tripe in pho or menudo in a reputable respective restaurant. Chicken feet are kind of soft, rubbery cartilage but also like steamed chicken skin. It's hard to explain, but the sauce they're coated in is delicious and you just kind of suck the coating off of the little bones and throw them in a discard pile like wings or crayfish or nut shells.
I think it would be cool to own a little pub and make really good chicken feet or some other ethnic and uncommon acquired taste dish and people would come from all around to eat them.
>suck the coating off of the little bones and throw them in a discard pile like wings
This is what annoys me with wings, too much faff.

It was my Dad boiling green tripe for our dogs and the smell was obnoxious but I would like to start with British Classics, like Tripe and Onions.

>I think it would be cool to own a little pub and make really good chicken feet or some other ethnic and uncommon acquired taste dish
Funnily enough a Pub near me resurrected Snails (we have been eating them since the Romans arrived, with a bigger species) not sure if they're still doing it. They renamed them 'Mendip Wallfish'.

You know that real British faggots also include lungs and heart? (don't mistake them for the Brains Faggots, which are basically meatballs).

Thanks for your insight into chicken feet, here is my insight into pigs intestines. I have only eaten them boiled and semi-dried, they were chewy and tasted of an unsalted, lest flavoursome pork scratching.
They have.
No but since they're mostly used in soul food Mac n cheese might be a side dish. >>20976510
Probably. It's actually almost chitlin season. I think some town in Georgia has a chitlins festival the Saturday after Thanksgiving.
I grew up knowing about them but I've only eaten them once in Thailand.
this jogger be eatin' shit tubes.
>They have.
They're not even close to meats like liver in popularity. You can't find them at most grocery stores. Outside of some ethnic restaurants they're not on restaurant menus.

>This is what annoys me with wings, too much faff.
I love this about wings and chicken feet. Eating them is a fun experience rather than just a shove it down your gullet experience.
I enjoy most organ meat but have an aversion to intestines since they're colon adjacent.
If chicken feet were soooo incredible you'd be eating them more than once every 2 years.
lol fatass has to eat every single body part just to stuff himself.
but poop comes from there
Pork chitterlings are popular in the South.
Your garloids aren't looking to good.
Good luck convincing the average American to eat the organ full of bacteria where poop is made.
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Do you know how sausage is made?
Andouille isn't intestines, andouiette is
Holy shit that sounds incredible
Only weirdos like the taste of poop. You aren't a weirdo are you OP?
They are stinky and I have no reason to believe when I tried cooking them my source was inferior.

I live in the South and I can definitively say - no, they're not. I have literally never met anyone down here who knows how to make them, let alone actually eats them.

From what I understand, they're time-consuming to prepare because you have to wash them so many times, and it makes your whole house smell like shit, for what amounts to... boiled pig intestines. Soul Food has far better things to offer than that, and I'm pretty sure the only ones who eat chitlins, are the really really old folks who still have some nostalgia for it.
>You're embarrassing the adventurous eaters
Eat poop. Other people find it delicious. Human feces. If you refuse, you're a picky eater.
>inb4 but I've tri-
If its not poop i don't care.
Mexicans also love organ meat, I live in a town with a big mexican population and one of the supermarkets here has an entire aisle dedicated to cow, chicken, and pig hearts/stomachs/intestines
Hog maws is the superior pig digestive tract dish.
my dad has a story of his one time trying chitlins cooked by southern blacks in the 80s and he said he'll never try them again because it tasted of vomit on shit. to which the hosts replied "try it with hot sauce".
not right now it dont
>He doesnt know Kutteln
They dont taste like shit. Shit tastes like them. Same goes for pig skin of a raw pork belly. It tastes like piss because haram people eat so much pork their piss smells like pork.
Any country that eats any sausage
They don't taste like poop though, dummy
Stop larping, fagwad
Why haven't meds caught on as food in the US? I see a bunch of schizo shills, but nobody ever shills pills here
Every google hit claims otherwise.
It depends on what kind of andouille. In America, andouille isn't usually made with intestines.

>TRUE andouille sausage, a product of France, is made with the small intestines and stomach lining of hogs. Cajun andouille is made with lean pork, black pepper, and garlic.

>We’ll take the latter — no matter what the Small Intestines and Stomach Lining Association says. And so will Cajun cooks across the nation, who use the heavily smoked andouille (an-DOO-ee) to make specialties such as jambalaya, gumbo, and red beans and rice.
>chicken feet
>pork belly/skin

All of these are excellent food sources and the required amount of preparation filters out the chicken nuggy types who can only eat mechanically separated foodstuffs because of undiagnosed tism.
why are modern city dwellers so afraid of intestines? why waste parts of an animal that can be eaten?
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>"liver shills"
>As early as the late Qing dynasty, many Muslim vendors living in Chengdu were already selling beef slices served cold in the city's streets, using beef offal because they were relatively inexpensive. Because of its low cost, the dish was popular among rickshaw pullers and poor students.

>In the 1930s, a married couple in Chengdu became famous for making beef slices. The husband, Guo Zhaohua (郭朝華), and wife, Zhang Tianzheng (張田政), were particular about the beef slices they made, and often experimented with new ingredients. As a result, their beef slices had a distinct taste from the other beef slice vendors, and their business boomed. Often though, mischievous children would pull a prank on the couple, and stick paper notes that read fuqi feipian ("husband and wife lung pieces") on their backs, and sometimes people would yell the words out. Later on, a merchant tried the fuqi feipian and was so satisfied, he gave them a gold-lettered plaque that read fuqi feipian, and the name has stuck ever since.

That was a fun read, thanks anon. I want to try this now. I still find it weird that Chinese brides don't take their husbands' names though.
They are popular in large portions of the south. Local stores will move pallets of the 10lb tubs during thanksgiving alone. The south is more than just your little corner of hell.
I fucking love menudo
intestines are the hell tunnels of the body's abyss of destruction
bad vibes
look bad
smale bad
is bad
hell-people like Chinese love them
While that's incredibly based, menudo is made with tripe which is stomach and not intestines.
Thefoodranger guy said he ate some intestines that taste like literal shit
maybe they weren't cleaned
for me it's chicken hearts
The whole giblet pack is pretty good if you ask me
Because they poop from there.
Wait until you find out what happens in muscles
Japan, South Korea

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