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Explain why you do not have one of these at home right now.

>can make restaurant quality food at a fraction of the price
>can use lard instead of seed oils
>I decide on the portion sizes
it's easy to deep fry in a basic pot on the stove if you have a thermometer to keep temperature accurate. those things are harder to clean and usually too small to stay hot after adding food.
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because I have an air fryer
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>I don't need a stove, I have a microwave
I don't like grease fires or fried food. And I can shallow fry anything I want pretty easily
you have a tiny oven anon. it's much different to frying
Stinks up the whole place
I own a deep fryer but don't use it as you usually need more fat/oil than in a regular pot.
You can use the fat a few times before it gets rancid but it got so expensive that it's not worth it.
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having a large basket that fits exactly in the pot of oil is very convenient.
the built-in thermostat is also a nice addition. You set the temperature and forget it.
many models also have a "cool zone" feature that prevents the residues from burning.
I bought mine years ago for cheap and I'm very happy with it.
The recovery time on that can't be good. That alone means "restaurant quality" isn't really achievable with it. It would be okay, better than air fried or baked, but it won't be like what you'd get out of a set of real 35-50 pound gas vats.
If i want to fry food, I fry it in a pan. Why the fuck would I waste my counterspace and money with a shitty fryer?
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I bought this little guy for home use and its the shit. Can fry a decent amount, doesnt take a SHIT ton of oil so swapping it out for new oil isnt that big of a deal. easy to clean. You can also use it to steam, boil shit...make soups/stew with it. its pretty sweet.
That's pretty cool actually. I had one a long time ago and it wasn't that great but maybe newer better models are actually worth it.
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I had one for a year and it was so big of a pain in the cock to clean the oil and drain it and clean the fryer and the heating element. I just threw the fucker away. If I want to fry I'll do it in a pot.

Not to mention what the other guy says. Your entire house will smell like a deep fryer unless you're using it outside, and at that point you're better off frying on a propane burner.
I kinda want one but at the same time I would use it infrequently enough that I'd have to toss the oil after every use and honestly I really don't need to enable myself to have the ability to fry up mozzarella sticks whenever I want.
Also breading things is already a pain in the ass.
i had that exact same one, lasted for about 7 years before the heating element burned through the bottom
You don't need a standalone fryer to use lard though.
I bought mine for less than 30 eurobucks and it's still going strong after many years.
It takes a lot of oil (3 liters), but you can filter and reuse it a few times with no degradation.
everything apart from the electrical parts goes in the dishwasher, so it's not much more of an hassle to clean than a regular pot.
>>can use lard instead of seed oils
do you think lard explodes when put into a pan?
I don't need to fry for dozens of people
Best deep fryer for health and nutrient maxxing?
The oven.
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Cheaper, doesn't smell as much, easier to clean. Superior in every way.
I wanted a deep dryer for oil temperature control reasons. hate making native american fry bread on an electric stove with a dutch oven
fake and gay, the oil is not that much colder below the element.
I just use a wok with a spider strainer. You don't really need a specialized tool for deep frying, as long as you have oil and heat you could deep fry shit in a hubcap.
I don't meet the weight requirements.
>many models also have a "cool zone" feature that prevents the residues from burning.
Who gives a shit about that when frying from home?
That kind of thing only matters when you're frying all day every day.
still significantly colder than having the heating elements right underneath
cleaner oil that you can reuse a few times with less degradation
Or if you're doing more than a single batch of food.
I've found a really great middle-ground with these funky little frier pots. They're dishwasher safe, but they have a lot of the nice parts about a real frier like splash guards and a little thermometer. It doesn't have a basket though, but personally I've never minded having to use those wire fry-wand things
I forgot to attach the image but actually someone already posted one >>20977840
I dont want ti stink up my house or build a fry shack
I don't want you deciding my portion sizes
because spending all day cleaning up grease splatter from all over my kitchen isn't how I like to spend my days
The inside of my house will smell like the inside of your house. And I just don't eat fried foods like that. If I had it outside in a place where I can clean with a hose, maybe.
>vaporizes oil and makes your whole kitchen sticky
yeah im good
fry outside on your patio
>splatter everywhere, house becomes hazy and smells like oil
never again
I don't want to fry foods.
>>can use lard instead of seed oils
I question how one can be simultaneously concerned about healthy eating and interested in deep-frying food.

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