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It was legit a top 2 sandwich during the height of the fast food chicken wars. Then they randomly got rid of it for an obviously subpar sandwich. Boggles the mind. Were they hard to make in store or some shit?
Show me any IRL burger king burger that looks remotely like that image
Not enough ch'ching with the ch'king
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that sandwich was good but it was no chik-fil-a
>Were they hard to make in store or some shit?
Don't take my word for it since I haven't darkened the doorway of a Burger King in at least a decade, but if I had to wager a guess, that's probably it. Fresh hand-breaded anything isn't their business model.
I never tried it when it was around, I was always a chickfila guy.
But recently I've been going to Burger King a lot since their app is one of the best in terms of discounts. You can get a double whopper, fries and onion rings for like $8.
I have tried their new fiery chicken sandwich and thought it was pretty solid. The spicy marinade goes really well with their royal sauce.
I'd put it a point or two above Wendy's, but not above Chick fil a.
I vomited in the drive thru last time I went to burger king
do you think they'd remember
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long chicken supremacy
the Ch'king literally looked like that.

wow, getting datacucked and you still pay 2x the price before covid? ... what great deal!
I bought a ch'king once. It really was exceptionally large.
McDonalds app crushes BK.
Right now i can get a 10 piece nuggets for $1 or a double cheeseburger with medium fries for $2.79
If im feeling extravagant, I'll up my game and get a filet of fish plus any side fries for $4.79
Also, all breakfast sandwiches are $2
This and more if you download the McDonald's app
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But you posted the wrong chicken sandwich and they still sell it.
Burger King has the lamest """deals""". They sit at their headquarters scratching their heads wondering why no one goes there while Wendy's and McDonalds blows them out of the water.
I don't go to Burger King often because they're so slow that all the food they serve is stale outside of the whopper.
McDonalds and Wendy's will usually have enough traffic that food is somewhat freshly made even during the slow times. But Burger King it tastes like I'm eating a chicken nugget that was cooked 5 hours ago.
I been gettin these coupons in the mail that let you get like 2 sandwiches 2 fries for $6, 8 piece chicken and fries for $4, that’s why I still patronize the establishment
I work at a BK, and did so while the hand breaded version was in stores, if I had to guess, they only kept it for a short while because it took way longer than the pre breaded stuff, and also it just introduced way more possible health hazards, since raw chicken is alot more risky than most of the stuff we handle, and when its a job with such a low barrier of entry, its usually best just to reduce any possible risks of contamination.
I have never used the BK app before working at one cause BK is shit, and the only reason I eat it now is cause its free. But I don't even see that many people using the app at my store, the vast majority just come in like normal, but a large meal for something with 2 whopper patties and cheese and bacon comes out to over 18 dollars, so a texas double or a bacon king etc. There are several food trucks near my work that sell giant burritos for 10-12 dollars, and people still routinely pay 30+ dollars for absolute slop at BK. To be fair, 90% of our customers are tweakers or old people, we see very few normal people. but they are almost always travelers
Personally I think they are mushy and gross, and I almost exclusively just eat the chicken and fish. Of the 3 chicken patties we have at the store, original chickens are easily the worst
I'd eat either of these if you put them in front of me.
The Ch'King actually looked like the ads desu. I ordered one when they first came out and I was genuinely surprised at the size of the chicken patty & how closely it resembled the pictures.
Was probably a roided out chicken breast though. I think I had the spicy one but it didn't really taste all that good. It was similar to a Popeye's styled chicken sandwich.
Do you guys still microwave your cheeseburgers? My dad would always order them "off the broiler" to ensure freshness. I think BK claimed they stopped microwaving but every time I will randomly get BK out of the blue, it tastes microwaved, unless I had a whopper or something.
Lol, I rarely ever take pics of my food but when I got the BK sandwich I couldn’t believe how big it was. Shit was legit when they had it. This pic is prob from mid 2020, still had the pic stashed on my old phone.
And this was the inside. She was thicc. Blew the puny sized chick fil a one out of the water
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>Burger King had one of the best chicken sandwiches in the game but got rid of it
>posts a chicken burger
What did anon mean by this?
Stop being a fag.
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I know this is a very underwhelming picture but this is the Spicy Jack™ from Hungry Jack's. It is the best fass food chicken sandwich I have ever had. After like a year it still haunts my memories, and they still sell them as a regular menu item. I should get it again soon.

Would this be in any way similar to the chicken initiatives in the OP?
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they still have it its called the royal
Did you just call a Hungry Jack's burger a 'chicken sandwich'!? LMAO you disingenuous little Western Australian faggot trying to fit in with Americans! Pathetic!

They were definitely selling them at a loss. Those things were gigantic
hey it worked!
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>free mousepads and ishygddt was 12 years ago
but I'm not from the WA
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Okay so it's not mutch to look at buttfuck it's a good burger/sando
HJ's is greasy shit, those fried chicken burgers are disgusting
how bout FUCK YOU how bout
u good b?
I'm okay :|
You're from fucking gay sycophant land. Loathsome, honestly.
You don't know where I'm from. Also I don't know what the hell you're talking about
>chicken breast
literally middle school cafeteria food.
They microwave every single beef burger, they didnt use to when I started, but our indian regional manager insisted we microwave every single one, especially ones with cheese on em, cause for whatever reason they insist the cheese is melted slop instead of like melting as you eat the burger. Also ordering them off the broiler doesn't ensure that the whole burger is gonna be hot or even taste that different, they come out of the broiler surprisingly lukewarm, and sitting in the cabinet does not seem to diminish their taste nearly as much as mickey ds burgers, which would dry the fuck out in the cabinet. The main problem with the beef though is that it always tastes like absolute shit, so I might not be the best judge of its taste over a long period of time, since I think they come out of the broiler tasting like dogshit
Jacks spicy chicken has a place in my heart since I was a kid
who the fuck are you even talking to?
not bad, good size
chicken is greasy and nasty, breading is always soggy
none of those things are true you dooƒus
time flys when your wasting your life on this hell hole.
The Tendercrisp was the best fastfood chicken sandwich then they replaced it with this slop and apparently replaced this with an even worse one now. I can only surmise they hate both their customers and life itself.
Not OP but
>be chik fil a
>name picked by retard who can't spell
>logo designed by same illiterate retard
>lame cafeteria chicken patty
>no sauce
>1 pickle slice
>that'll be $10
>closed half the weekend
>hate gays? Sounds based, right?
>we clearly hate all our customers equally as all above reasons show
Fuck chik fil a

BK ch.King
>fill out ANONYMOUS survey get infinite whopper meals for

Miss you big ass BK chicken sandwich. Nothing stacks up. Not worth getting stabbed at Popeyes or getting ecoli from KFC for a similar product

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