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What's this recent trend of calling simple heavy dishes wifeslop? I'm single and do a ton of my cooking in a crockpot because it's nice to come home to a meal. I make a bunch of chilli and stews abs the like. Also post your favorite crockpot recipes.
No one has ever used this term on ck until you
I meant on places other than this board
Nobody uses any of these terms, you fucking idiot. It's just slop.
Only the far right one could be considered slop
wifeslop and guychow are great. Props to OP for this explainer.
"Guychow" examples are way too nice. My "chili" is just whatever meat I can find plus whatever legumes I can find, spiced a little, and mixed with the last bowl of "chili". Maybe that's more of a "guyslop".
>other places
Who the fuck cares
>spiced meat, tomato and beans
That's all chili is though really. Add some chopped onion and Jalapeño or pablano peppers.
Is this /slop/ thread?
SAVE US Big Poppa Sloppa. This board NEEDS you, and your proppa sloppa....
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I make this kind of thing all the time, basically everything mixed in one bowl. I call it bachelor chow
>pickles and fruit loops
That is just some insane shit right there. Holy shit.
>non skill intense classic comfort foods
you wouldn’t call a literal sloppy joe slop?
Looks good and nutritionally complete to me. What did you use besides chicken, rice and peas?
It's just a far cry from the "gucci" chili that you see at restaurants and in cookbooks.
lasagna is piss easy to make and can last you a whole week
looks very tasty and balanced enough
why would you call it "slop" if it's good
>why are redditors mentally ill?
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I generally use some combination of:
rice/pasta with pesto or cream sauce/mac and cheese

Or whatever I happen to have. Dump them in a bowl together and top with hot sauce if appropriate.
I do something like this but canned corn and beans instead of peas + a packet of taco seasoning.
"Wifeslop" is a lot of times guy chow. We learn hearty meals from our moms who need stuff to stick to our ribs and keep us going as men so we know whats simple, gives us leftovers that keep and we can fall back on after a long day. Not like women actually cook shit or care about feeding their men anymore.
That would be great. I dated a woman who was a chef and she never cooked.. barely ever at home at always wanted to just order food when i wasnt cooking. Safe to say I gve her the boot, lazy hoe
I would use some colorful veggie mix to make a bit more appealing. Otherwise it's pretty nice.
i lived for years on this meal. liked garbonzo beans in mine.
He's got wifeslop but no husbandslop to match. That should get your incel bells ringing.
no one has said any of this shit, on /ck/ or irl
foidslop looks pretty good actually, and wifeslop looks nice too, why do girls get all the good stuff while males suffer and are punished for it

t. homosexual male (sissy hypno gooner)
Males have to slave away for shekelburg to afford their 0.5 room goypod while the foid sits at home selling pictures of her asshole for 1.5 million a month
no wonder society is freaking out now that moids can opt out and just become the cute girl
I've never seen it on /ck/, but from my research the the term dates back to at least 2023 https://x.com/shitbiscuit/status/1702955534523985927
>become the cute girl
it doesn’t work in most cases
>comparing the average male to top 1% female
cute girls don't have five o clock shadows, brow ridges, receding hairlines and don't look like frankenstein tried on a miniskirt
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Same here, I will aso be calling it all bachelor chow from now on.
>colorful veggie mix to make a bit more appealing
I've always found those to be soul destroying, even if all the parts of them are fine on their own.
Where's Wifechow?
What happened to calling it 'Sloppa'?
That's basically jambalaya
>What's this recent trend of calling simple heavy dishes wifeslop?

You don't get to make something up on the spot and call it a "recent trend," faggot.
same brother. leftovers for days, and if you underseason the original batch then you can season each serving in different ways for more variety
Are you retards really posting this on redscarepod lol
russian shills and poltards.
lol you guys love putting everything in cute little categories. You’re just like the “x”-core aesthetic girlies on tiktok
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Shut it, tranny
>hey guys, what do you think of my meme?
>If you don't like the retards on xitter you're a tranny
Ok then
'Guyslop' as presented doesn't exist.
That is just "muh heckin schizoid ryan gosling taxi driving jokerpilled" meme shit.
'Guyslop' is probably more like eating several servings of a low quality frozen or prepared side dish as an entree. Eating a pound of grocery store potato salad or frozen mozzarella sticks for dinner with the minimum of preparation, if any.
only got my incel balls tingling
You're explicitly the tranny if you're linking to twitter, man
If you cooked for your wife or gf is it possible they become reliant on you for food?
If you live in an undeveloped nation where food is scarce and groomed your wife/gf from birth to not be able to acquire their own food, maybe
the only person who has ever said "wifeslop" is the person who made this image which also happens to be (You)
I've heard of zogslop,zogchow,zogfeed,goyslop,goychow,and goyfeed as well as slippage. That was on pol
poltards took over with goyslop and eroded ck sloppa culture
how come the slop of sh*t word filter was never removed
As a single man who lives alone I rotate through all 4 of these in some kind of hellish cycle.

Usually a long period of guyslop changes to foidslop because theyre the same except foidslop is healthier choices, however still not warm. I eventually break and crave a hot meal and I start to make wifeslop meals, but then in my hubris, i end up with leftovers because I am making huge complete meals for families as a single male. Then the leftovers are cold, so I only heat up the meat/protein because reheated vegetables are gross and I am not going to dirty pots and pans just for side veg, so I enter the era of guychow where im just eating protein. This fucks up my desire to eat and soon I am just trying to empty my cupboards from whatever shit ive been buying and I am back in guyslop territory, just to repeat the cycle.

Basically I need a woman to start a family so I have a reason to make wifeslop.
Because it is what it is. Women can't cook and what they can cook is homely wifeslop.
That looks like some tasty sloppa
>Big Poppa Sloppa
The good news is that anyone who makes sloppa is BIG POPPA SLOPPA
because people wouldn't stop saying it in every fucking thread
they stopped now. nobody even says slop of sh*t anymore, and it would make a nice change from HUR GOYSLOP
I just ate a whole lasagna. A little over a kilogram.
That word should be filtered to something like duck a l'orange
every person who has posted on or viewed /pol/ even once should be fucking killed
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>tfw I'm going to get executed if they ever find out about the bait thread I made on /pol/ to make /pol/ seethe
'girl dinner'
screencap thread posts
Broslop: poorly made chicken and rice, doesn't know seasonings exist, could easily 10x with salsa but too stupid
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It was 100% jambalaya, good eye
I do this in a crock..when it gets low you whatever ya got. Perpetual bachelor pot
not a crockpot, but anyone /biryani/?
Never tried it, looks good though. Got a recipe?
like any standard dish there are many different ways to prepare biryani. here's my everyday recipe

300g diced chicken thigh/lamb
200g beans/peas/veg of choice
1 onion thickly sliced
2-3tbsp biryani paste
3tbsp ginger garlic paste
3tbsp plain yogurt
2 cups biryani rice

Marinate the meat in the ginger garlic paste, yogurt and biryani paste.
Parboil the rice and set aside.
Lightly brown the onion and set aside.
Add chicken and marinade to hot pan, cook until chicken browns and releases juice. Add a 1.5 cups of water and cook uncovered until gravy reduces to about a cup.
Layer half the gravy and meat at the bottom of a saucepan, then half the rice, then half the onions. Repeat layering then cover and cook on low until steamed through and rice is fully cooked
forgot to add using ghee makes a richer tasting, less oily biryani
Bottom 1% female still gets endless gibs from tax payers and preferential hiring at every single job where they make twice what a man does and only sends a few emails a day
Pot roast is the top tier wifeslop. I love a roast with some onion and carrots over rice.
you were a retard for dating anyone in the restaurant business, their hours and lifestyle are incompatible with classic 9-5 people, it's always doomed to fail.
ive spent so long making delicious single guy bulk slop that i dont know if i can go back to cooking with presentation in mind
You'll make a wonderful wife one day.
I've been cooking and preparing delicious single guy slop almost every day for 4 and a half years and I still keep presentation in mind every time. You eat with your eyes before your mouth.
interestingly in my cunt, diversity hires and women diversity hires are beginning to get bullied out of many industries, with the blessing of management with the blessing of shareholders. it's quite beautiful to witness and fills me with national pride
Stop using these words nobody uses, dumb retard. It's a fucking pot roast.
My new york city-born stepmom loved the crock pot, and bakes. Her most notorious meal was tater tot casserole. Now, I was a very quiet, polite young man. But we ate it so damn much that at one point I actually refused to eat it anymore. I hate tater tots to this day.

One girlfriend I had for 8 years loved bakes, it was her default method of cooking until we learned how to cook real meals together. If left to her own devices, she would literally a recipe, ignored all the directions, put all the food in a baking dish, and put it in the oven.

For myself as a male person, I love bowl food and avoid plate food. I absolutely do love chili, though I don't make that very often - more of a special occasion meal. Curry, soup, rice&thing, etc. I never got into pasta that much, even though it's so easy. Tortillas and food inside tortillas are kinda my default meal.

laughed at this. We all do this sometimes.
Piss easy to make shit lasagna maybe
>I'm single and do a ton of my cooking in a crockpot because it's nice to come home to a meal.
you sound like you're trying to be a slopwife hmu
Where does spaghetti fall in this? My mom made it a lot but I do too because it's cheap, fast, tasty and gives leftovers
I've never heard of any of this before you posted this trash here.

kill yourself.
Because this website has quite legitimately damaged peoples brains, to the point they are unable to interact with the world without it being in meme format.
why did you all call being intelligent, creative, well researched "autism" you fucking retard
it wouldn't have turned out like this if you had just given me the pills when I asked instead of forcing me to get on a 10 year waitlist because there's a 2% chance I might change my mind later
Where have you been going where anyone talks like this and why the fuck are you reposting it here?
you've inspired me, anon. i'm gonna get back on that wagon.
What would the following fall under?
Meal A:
>some piece of pork or chicken, sauteed or baked with minimal preparation beyond salt and pepper or a store bought seasoning mix, slightly overcooked
>Microwaved frozen/canned vegetable on the side
>Some Hawaiian rolls or Pillsbury biscuits, possibly Riceroni

Meal B:
>Burgers/hot dogs made on the grill, no toppings besides ketchup and mustard
>microwave mashed potatoes or mac and cheese
>can of baked beans
"Slop" doesn't always mean bad or inedible, it's more like it's so low effort that you'd be ashamed to admit that you liked it even if you did actually enjoy it. People call pigfeed slop because despite being nutritious and possibly even tasty, it is nothing more than a hideous soup of scraps that you would never admit to actually enjoying. But pig farmer do regularly eat their pigs' slop, they just won't admit it. Even me just saying it out loud will prompt an army of pig fuckers to come out and deny me, but they're not fooling anyone. Not even the pigs.

So, yeah, you're gay.
That's a lot of words to defend the retard meme language you're trying to spread.
>what's with this recent trend I literally fabricated in my head for this thread
>look at these other retarded buzzwords for food btw
I'm a guy and I think plenty of "guychow" could easily be considered slop. But in a good way of course.
100x this
Steamed or stir fried frozen veggie bags never come out right and often ruin your timetested bachelor chow. It's not about looks it's about efficiency

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