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Do you ever make chili dogs at home? I never see anyone bringing out the chili when it's barbecue time. Is this just for restaurants?
Chilli dogs are messy. At a barbeque you still need to hold up appearances and have conversations with people. Nobody wants a mess of chilli all over their shirt. Just stick with ketchup and mustard.
>Just stick with ketchup and mustard.
Now that the kids have ordered, what do the adults want?
Sounds like a skill issue. Your coordination should improve as you get older, little fella
In addition, you can get a hot dog piping hot off the grill. Who is keeping the chilli and cheese warm?
Chili dogs are one of those foods that - as a non-American - I've never even tried, but I know for a FACT they are delicious. I can't provide any of the info that OP is looking for, but I just felt the need to say what I said. I would shove a chili dog straight up my ass, no rubber
Skill issue. Worst case scenario you need a paper towel but eat it over a plate and you're fine
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>Who is keeping the chilli and cheese warm?
Do you know what a hotpot is?
Haha are you the guy who got chili cheese all over his shirt at Kevin’s 4th of July party?
Yeah but I do dog > shredded cheese > chili since the cheese helps hold the chili together.
Ya. What you get at the Korean place. Thats a crockpot.
Who'd bring chili to a BBQ? The whole point is to make some cue. And bringing canned chili would just be an insult.
people bring canned baked beans to the cue
I will look like a pig if I want to
I know, I hate it when I'm wearing my tux with spats and the top hat to the neighborhood barbecue and my monocle slips and I spill chilli all over my cummerbund
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I make homemade Skyline Coneys. With mustard and onions of course. I just use full sized dogs and buns though, easier than finding the smaller ones.
>I never see anyone bringing out the chili when it's barbecue time
In my experience, it's because barbequed hotdogs are good enough to be enjoyed without any chili.
Ive found that I will never add chili to things like burgers or dogs at home. Ill make chili and it is just that, chili. Cornbread or chili mac yea but dunno why I dont make it and use it in that way unless Im out at someone elses. Maybe if I used canned stuff but I dont, I make my own.
Beans are different and a good side, chili is its own creature
I know you have some leftover when you make chili, just whip up some dogs and potater tots the next day and dump your chili on it
This is kinda how I view it. I'll make chilli as its own dish, but will obviously have some leftovers. Thats when I make chilli mac or chillidogs. With what I have lying around. At an actual cook out I'm not gonna waste time making chilli on the stove when I'm manning the grill.
Chili with beans is eaten by itself.
Chili dogs are made with beanless chili.
If I'm making a chili dog, I'm making chili - not using dogshit in a can.
Quit bragging about dogshit in a pot. You’re making what’s in the can, dipshit, just pretending it’s better quality. Honestly, this board needs to drop the quality meme.
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>Chili dogs are made with beanless chili.
au contraire
That “cheese” sucks even for fake cheese
We make chili dogs on a regular basis because it's quick and easy. Just make a pot of chili and put it on simmer, then put dogs on the grill. Within an hour you have a quick lunch or dinner.
>quick and easy
>hour later
Ok Sonic
>Oh look I put beans on a chili dog so it's okay now
bitchnigger you're not fooling anyone
>hormel chili no beans
>tall slim jim
>habanero pepper from publix
>slice both and simmer all together for five minutes
yup, it's turkey dog time. i haven't seen the hormel turkey no beans in a while though i used to use it. the slim jim grease needs to be thoroughly stirred before topping your dog
I make chili dogs at home. Wolf Brand Chili, Tostito's nacho cheese, and pickled jalapeños is the best way.
Chili dogs are synonymous with autistic Sonic the Hedgehog fans so if you eat these I assume you also jerk to furry porn and piss on yourself in your fursuit. Hasn't been wrong yet.
why get angry over something you don't care about but you think you care about because it's been repeated forever. like a bot.
>Do you ever make chili dogs at home?
You almost forget how many Americans are bootlickers until you read one of these threads
Microwave everything then it's quick and easy.
>ketchup on a hotdog
5/10 made me reply
Sometimes if I'm making quite a few hot dogs.
Alternatively if I have leftover chili, though it's not the same as finely minced can slop.
If I'm going to go through the trouble I'd rather cook up some meat and do the NYS way.
Whiter than you Mohammed
>bro just DIY your chili and cheese sauce it’s soooo easy

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