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Is rice good for you?
It is.

I used to eat a lot of rice because I lift, but for the moment I changed it for pasta, because pasta is quicker to cook than rice.
It's just carbs. Potatoes and beans are superior.
So-so. In the context of carbs it is high-fibre with pretty good mineral content. Compared to white pasta it is good, compared to liver it is ass.
As always is about moderation. If your rice contains has chicken and/or eggs mixed throughout, with some veggies, then yes, eat to your hearts content. Only sumo wrestlers can eat enough rice protein and veg to hit a significant surplus
Eating too much rice is bad for you.
Eating too much quicksand is also bad for you.
is quicksand good for you in small amounts?
where's the oegago pic that goes with the inane question?
Candy is dandy, but quicksand is quicker.
rice is made of arsenic

is arsenic good for you?
quicksand has insane micros thoughever
a gorillion asians can't be wrong

just think of the calculations they've made
If you need carbs, it's great.
If you need pretty much anything else, no. Brown rice is a bit better but still not enough. Don't eat just rice.
must be, i do eat tons of brown rice, have so fo years
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White rice is one of the worst filler carbs you can eat.
only if the heat from it can cook the egg
I crumble up a multivitamin into my rice cooker water before I turn it on
Arsenic in rice is a thing mostly in rice grown in the South East USA. They are grown in fields that used to be for cotton plantations many years ago. Rice grown elsewhere are relatively better
Why would you do this? Heat destroys most vitamins. If you want a multivitamin just eat one.
Probably the worst food source out there
Devoid of fiber and nutrients, uses a ton of water, cheaper than bread but not cheaper than flour.

I have seven kinds of rice on hand, I eat rice, but wouldn't actually recommend it
no grain is
asian here, literally eating rice rn (tamago gohan)
>In the context of carbs it is high-fibre
It has lower fiber than most other grains or potatoes
>asian here

You're an American of Chinese/Filipino descent. You will never be Japanese.
No, he's larping. His name is Kyle Ham and lives in his stepdad's basement in Midwest Rural Murica
never left asia before but ok, not claiming to be japanese either but you do you
This thread is a great reminder that you must always keep in mind this is a burger website first and foremost. Unmilled "brown" rice is a good source of fiber and b12. If you sprout it, it becomes even a better source for dietary nutrition. Burgers only know "white" rice, which has been milled to remove the germ to improve shelf life. They then reinforce it with random vitamins so that you don't die if you only eat it for a week.
>Burgers only know "white" rice
What percentage of the rice consumed in the world do you think is brown rice?
When a Chinese person talks about rice, do you think they're talking about brown rice?
In first world countries we mostly eat "brown" rice, which I am sure you think is some kind of exotic breed that is grown on mountains in Nepal. That is how rice normally looks. The kind you eat in burgerstan has been processed to remove the germ, sheath, and oils which the plant seed normally would use to grow. Here, it is quite common to sprout the rice in jars to improve the flavor and texture, and to take advantage of the nutrients which the rice plant would use to grow. You cannot do so with burger rice because it is nothing but dead starch coated with random vitamins. There is a reason that in burgerland cults use your rice as a starvation died for new members. Essentially if we think of a seed as an egg what you buy from shart mart is the egg without a yolk. You are eating cheap chow for nafris in danger of war and you happily slurp it down. What is ironic is that, on your Indian reservations, there is grown something that you flag wavers call "wild" rice (LMAO) which is considered quite a delicacy even if it is not even the same plant. But you won't eat it because your palate is formed by kraft macaroni and cheese.
No first world country eats more brown rice than white rice
Most Asian and African countries are not first world. Do you even know that your state of Louisiana is a primary producer of golem slop rice?
No first world country eats more brown rice than white rice
Is anything really good for you? What even are you? A pile of weird ass cells and bacteria and yeast and shit? It’s weird, man. Think about it.
In most first world countries rice is not a dietary staple but when we do use it we prefer to use real rice and not burgerland's best cocoa blasted brown baby chow. Have fun repeating yourself again after I have thoroughly owned you, sure the arkansonians will appreciate the struggle.
No first world country eats more brown rice than white rice
>retarded, ignorant, and proud of it by gum
O say can you see....
I think you are confusing brown rice with coco-krispies, foreign weirdo.
Your yiddish overlords developed milled and "fortified" white rice as the cheapest possible food so that they could say they have given millions of tons in humanitarian aid to Africa, for the absolute lowest price possible. It is not even a hundred years old. Because you were raised by Disney Mulan you think rice is naturally white and that it is what human beings in countries with real cultures eat. You've been scammed into eating literally nothing and you are proud of it.
Man I don’t even eat that chink shit, we got bread and potatoes over here. Fuck Uncle Ben.
American sugar cake
Copyright Monsanto i.c. with Marvel no doubt

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