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Thoughts on pre-made bacon grease?
Sounds like you're depriving yourself of bacon
Why not just cook some bacon and save the grease in a jar? Then you have bacon and the grease for cooking stuff later.. I dont understand this..
They add preservatives. Better off buying bacon
If you want to fry stuff in something to make it taste more like bacon it's there for you.
Anon I...
Anon you...
It's retarded. Use lard if you want to cook in pork fat. Who knows what the hell they're putting in it to make it "bacon grease". I'm pretty the company isn't frying bacon in industrial quantities to harvest the grease. If you're making a dish that calls for bacon grease, just fry some bacon. Stroke zombie carnivore diet Ja/ck/ loves this Bacon Up shit which screams at me AVOID.
buddy, wait till you find out how they make bacon
>I'm pretty the company isn't frying bacon in industrial quantities
wow, so you are just going to assume that the thing that says
>rendered bacon fat
on the front of the package, is not rendered bacon fat?
you are a very special type of retard
An entire pallet of that shit spilled out somehow on our overnight freight truck, those goobers drove a forklift through it and all over the dock. It's been a month or more and it still smells like bacon grease.
Legally it only needs to contain 5% bacon fat
My problem with cooking with bacon grease is that if I want something to taste like bacon then I'll just cook some bacon. I always end up saving a full jar of bacon grease, then it just sits in my fridge for a year before I throw it out. I've tried using it for roasting potatoes, but it always gives a lackluster crunch compared to other fats in my experience. Plus it has the unfortunate effect of making you want bacon when there is none.
Are they producing their own bacon only to render it and lose all the money and time it took to produce the bacon in the first place or are they buying bacon from a producer? Either way it seems like the company would lose money from wasting a ton of bacon just to get the fat. Are they selling the bacon they rendered or discarding it?
BaconUp is pure bacon fat, go check the company's website. My guess is, they use tons of bacon for other stuff and they just decided one day to market the grease as well.
I eat all their bacon
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You do realize that pre-cooked bacon bits are a widely available product, right?
Cheched the site. They say they use real bacon but beyond that there isn't much information on where the bacon comes from or what they do with the rendered bacon afterwards.
Obviously it's used in various pre-cooked bacon products. I don't get why you think there's some conspiracy going on to cover up where they put the bacon.
they feed it to pigs
We've had it for a month now and haven't sold a single one. Nobody is paying $50+ for 30lbs of bacon grease.
I think the preservative in question is the BHA specifically added to the rendered bacon fat. Read the fine print on the OP image.
I use it in my food hacks trole. Twu
you fucking idiot, they just buy the grease from precooked bacon companies and sell it
check the about us section, it's all explained.
>Bacon Up is authentic bacon grease, captured as our supplier makes bacon bits and pre-cooked bacon for their other customers
This is just scaremongering, those nitrites kill botulism, which kills you WAY fucking faster than cancer could. You'd have to shotgun straight nitrite salts to die, and it wouldn't be from cancer. Also, zero proof for the mechanism with which nitrates to cause cancer.
I don't want to cook ten pounds of shitty bacon and keep slimy lard drippings in a folger's can in my kitchen.
Nitrites also rapidly react with the proteins in meat to convert to nitrate which is much less of a concern. Heat also increases the rate of conversion, so the amount of nitrite actually consumed from something like bacon is essentially null.
nitrates are as dangerous as table salt is. The problem aren't nitrites and nitrates it's the compounds they create when bound to proteins and exposed to high heat, those compounds are called nitrosamines.
Sounds like you are just a bad cook, there are a thousand uses for bacon grease. Honestly if you can't even cook potatoes you should probably let the man of the house do the cooking.
ya, I'd rather have Ramirez cook 1000 lbs of hogs well past their marketable life down into sludge, have chemicals added to it then buy it in a 10 gallon bucket at the local fart and shart food mart for 55 real american greenback buckaroonies
Too bad for you that isn't what is happening I guess.
>Ingredients. Rendered Bacon Fat (Bacon Cured with Water, May Contain Salt, Sea Salt, Potassium Chloride, Sugar, Brown Sugar, Smoke Flavor, Sodium Diacetate, Sodium Phosphates, Sodium Ascorbate, Sodium Erythorbate, Dextrose, Sodium Nitrite), BHA.

ok bud

Is this where all the grease from pork rinds goes? Bacon Up seems kind of shady, like they're buying industrial pork fat byproduct and flavoring it.
so it's just belly lard?
How long does this shit last? Same as regular bacon fat? I saved some bacon grease when I fried some up for breakfast and it went rancid after a few weeks and completely wrecked my frying pan.
Did you refrigerate it?
No wtf I never put oil in the fridge
Oh my god, water and brown sugar
ok what? the only thing you're proving here is how fucking dumb you are.
isn't that just lard with smoke?
I can't even imagine how giga obese you have to be to go through 10 kilos of bacon grease before it goes rancid
>Thoughts on pre-made bacon grease?
you can't pre do something
>I'm pretty the company isn't frying bacon in industrial quantities to harvest the grease.
see this is the statement where you reveal yourself to be retarded.

where do you think all the grease goes from the already cooked bacon they sell? hmmm?
>They add preservatives. Better off buying bacon
bacon is made with tons of preservatives. that's the whole point of why bacon was cured.
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so cook 4 pounds, and keep the grease in a grease container. also there is no slime in bacon grease.
>it went rancid after a few weeks
bullshit, I regularly make bacon fat, and keep it in my stove in a can, and it has lasted at least 4 months without going rancid.

I say at least 4 months because that's when it ran out.
I can't believe how retarded you are that you don't know that is for restaurants, or people who use it to deep fry.
>what are restaurants
>what are large family gatherings
damn, must suck to be this stupid...
It says right on the labial that it's for deep frrying.
americans enjoy the privilege of purchasing a 5 gallon bucket of quality bacon grease and all the faggots in this thread can do is bitch and moan. boggles the mind
wtf is sodium diacetate sodium ascorbate and sodium erythorbate
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Sodium nitrate used for meat processing is actually the second most popular suicide method on sanctioned suicide
>sodium diacetate
acetic acid salt or concentrated vinegar salt
>sodium ascorbate
ascorbic acid salt aka vitamin c
>sodium erythorbate
erythorbic acid
converts nitrates into harmless nitric oxide
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Wow, so uh yeah...
>kill botulism
>kill a broken leg
>kill a gunshot wound
>kill diabetes
>kill being retarded
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Get lard. Bacon has a ton of additives and shit.
I looked up their nutrition facts. At least they don't have any trans fat, which makes them better than fucking trash Tenderflake lard.
Here is what their website says:
>Although Bacon Up contains only two ingredients – bacon fat and BHA – we also list on our ingredient statement the list of ingredients that the bacon MAY have been cured in. Because our supplier prepares bacon with different cures for different bacon products, we list them ALL, just to be on the safe side.
>Many people notice – and wonder why! – the Ingredient Statement says the bacon itself may have been cured with sea salt or brown sugar, for instance, and yet our FDA-approved Nutrition Facts panel indicates Bacon Up has Zero mg of Sodium and Zero g of Carbohydrates per serving. Note that only trace amounts of sodium, carbs, etc. cook out of the bacon and end up in the grease. In a one-tablespoon serving, it is less than the amount required to be reported.
>Rendered Bacon Fat (Bacon cured with water; may contain Salt, Sea Salt, Potassium Chloride, Sugar, Brown Sugar, Smoke Flavor Sodium Diacetate, Sodium Phosphates, Sodium Ascorbate, Dextrose, Sodium Nitrate), BHA added

Personally, I would suggest grabbing fresh lard from a local Mexican shop that sells it (many such places will actually render and sell the lard fresh themselves because Mexicans use it a lot in their cuisine).
Right and if you drink too much water you die. What's your point?
Bacteria in the gut can convert the nitrates into nitrites. It's generally not a problem unless you're an infant or a cow though. Nitrates and stuff occur in high quantities in vegetables.

How do you cure bacon with water?
Read that as:
>cured with water and some mystery amounts of the following
The fat is made from bacon cured in an assorted number of ways.
haha, LARGE family gatherings? because of mega FATNESS?? hahahahahaha... AHAHAHA lollll
I like spreading it on bread and crackers
>nitrates are as dangerous as table salt is.
except table salt is not dangerous.
can I get a quick top 10 rundown please kind frogposter?
(I would use an exit bag personally but your phrasing is hilarious, you have me curious now)
that's exactly my point.
Just put it through a mesh and put it in a jar dumbass.
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it's that good
you're supposed to get all the bits out of it
I would need several pigs worth of bacon to make 21 pounds of bacon fat.
and BHA
>why not ju-ACK!
It's obviously a fucking industrial kitchen supply store, idiot.
>this scary sounding thing is being added to a bunch of food!!!
>well, no one bans it despite it being under review for the last 50 years
>b-b-but this one study from 1988 says it might be bad!
>some rats got cancer after some chinese college injected 5x their body weight hourly! this PROVES it causes cancer!!!
You don't get it amerilard. In first world countries our bacon is mostly meat. Cooking a single strip doesn't yield the gallons of factory pig grease yours does. Buying a product similar (yet vastly superior to) the corn lard in the OP is more economical.
>My country is such a third-world shithole that even the pigs can't put on any weight

What the fuck are you talking about? Post bacon, thirdie.
>on cue the amerigoblin rushes to defend his fluoridated 70% fat bacon he paid $30 for
Laughing out loud. Laughing my ass off, even.
sounds like cope
Did you know that even a hundred percent free range wild auroch steak butchered by the light of the full moon according to slavic pagan law contains chemicals
it clears acne better than any bullshit chemicals you can buy
supposedly rendered animal fats can make pemmican last decades but will go rancid in the fridge after a few weeks

someones lying
It that pic OC?2282x
I'm not sure what that means...

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