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popped while I was opening a tin of beans
The life of the average bong must be so sad.
put it back together
it's over op
You got a hammer and flathead? Go for it
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u should had bought a schweiter SAK
He probably doesn't have a knife licence.
No, but do you know what he does have? A licence to kill. And you know he's going straight for your heart (got a licence to kill)
sign from god to stop eating beans
Oh snap is that you Pythagoras?
Go to a farmer's market and buy a used one, from about fifty years ago - they're all over and they'll last, roughly speaking, forever.
that looks like a can opener to me. what are you doing with tin? making a roof?
yeah, they don't make em like they used to unless yo spend $100
Where'd you buy that? At the ww2 surplus store? I feel bad for you now. There are poors that really live like this. Sad.
I buy shit all the time for hundreds of dollars that breaks in a week. They don't make em like they used to, at all, for any price.
tiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnn roof, rusted
You need a tin opener to open a can of coke? Must be all the corn syrup getting to you.
That’s fine because cans haven’t been made of tin for like 70 years.
Looks like the secondary is still good.
britisher angloids are a whimsical and non-serious peoples. they use words like tin, telly and have a king.
Well, they should remedy that, as life is a serious matter that requires serious diction.
56 percent and dropping
why do americans need everything lathered in colour microplastics?
Dont you have an actual Indian in charge right now Nigel?
3.4/10, felt desperate to throw microplastics out there.

>auwh, me tinsy snipsycrank's gone conkers, lads, widdly-spinwheel's popped right off 'andle!
>now there'll be no beans for brekkie!
>Just 'ave to 'ave the toast!
>I'm 'avin' a right old time of it today, me!

For real though, where the fuck does anyone get a can opener like that? I've seen them everywhere, all throughout my life, but nobody ever knew where they came from.
I have the same one. the metal parts on mine are still ok but the shitty plastic bushing broke so the key just flops around. I bought a different one but I don't like it as much because it doesn't have the pointy part to punch holes in cans that only have liquid.
I hope you get a loicense before you purchase a new tin opener!
>Dont you have an actual Indian in charge right now Nigel?
No but America does.
You'll never experience the emotional highs of obtaining a new tin opener. For you, it's just another box from Amazon.
It is :c
I for one thought this was kekworthy and bestow upon you one silver-grade (You)
how many cans of beans do you people eat that you go through can openers
Back to your church potluck Karen
P-38 my friend
I bet you just dump it on the plate and eat it with no additional preparation
I'm not scared of my pastor or the other soccer moms like you are
These guys get it. Manual can openers without all the moving parts are your best bet.
I eat it straight out the tin.
Should've made it fron a sturdier metal like brass or steel. Tin is soft and brittle.
rest in peace
came to post something similar
these are the best because they never break
mine is like 20 years old. still going strong to this day

Sounds like someone's not had their morning beansy-toasties!
I bet you use your hands too
Christ how posh do you think I am? It gets poured straight down the gob.
mate, life is just a right big tinna beans coming straight for your gob
their can openers are made to break after short period of time to keep can opener factories open and producing. it's basically communism
The life of an average American isn’t much better.
>that one anon who spends thousands of dollars a year on canopeners that don't work
Maybe a flathead screwdriver and a rock would be more your style

>calling a chippywhackytinsycracky a "screwdriver and a rock"

Fucking yanks, it's like they've got no language at all.
Hey, my grandpappy didn't take a minie ball in the leg charging up Bunker Hill just so some nonce king could force me to buy a license for my smibbley bibbley
greetings, fellow englishmen! flibberty flobberty to all! goo goo ga ga! God save the flibblybibs!
ha ha, they really do be like that
But do you have a loicense for the tinny
>not knowing the glory that is the USA made EZ-Duz-It (formerly known as Swing-A-Way
Why did most can opener manufacturers replace the spike with that stupid wheel?
Because proper built can openers with geared cutting wheels (like the inventor of it, the Swing-A-Way) cuts with a fraction of the effort.
Everyone else copied it poorly because of patents, or because of being cheap.
Now its a problem of chinks selling chink garbage
I'll buy that specific brand later today then. Spiked openers always work but tend to last a year and a half and the one time I bought a wheel one it slid off too often and only lasted a year.

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