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Is Kids Cusine bros are we back?
We have leveled up and soul is back on the menu
Can you provide a better quality QR code? I want to know what it leads to
I want my fucking ocean adventure
Did you even try these? Give some feedback on the product
you must be 18 or older to post here
The fish sticks are fine, typical Gordon tier 4/10 slop. The fries suck like they always do in microwave meals, the fudge comes out too hot and congeals into a tarry sludge that breaks the cookies.
What can be done to improve the fries and fudge?
Fries are a lost cause for microwave meals. They always come out limper than a coyote in a bear trap. They should just stop trying altogether. The chocolate sauce could work if it were thinner as it is in this product it's just a notch down from a brownie. Overall it's a poorly planned experience. You can see the idea of something adjacent to fish and chips, but then you randomly have cookies and chocolate fudge. Better off with a third side imo, maybe mac & cheese.
What if they included thay metal crisper thing for the fries?
These are meant to be cheap lunches for latchkey and EBT kids, they can't get too fancy.
If you eat these as an adult you get your virginity back.
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That stuff in the OP is disgusting and soulless. I remember when Kid Cuisine had SOVL
Suck my balls legally
kids cuisine chicken nuggies were the bomb
the mac and cheese, i think we had chocolate pudding too.

it was good shit I would buy one again today
what happened to the little penguin guy? no penguin no buy.
Parents who feed their kids this stuff should be charged with child abuse. Just make a proper meal you lazy fucks.
If you eat these as an adult, you never lost it.
ok bro just let grow my own wheat and compress it into noodles or however its made and then go find a cow and milk it and curl the milk to make cheese or however its done and then go fly to south america and pick own cocoa taking jobs away from third world children or I could just buy everything combined and packaged and use a microwave for a couple minutes like a human being living in the 21st century
its called nostalgia faggot
fuk u
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>fuk u
Even buying big bags of frozen fish sticks and fries and cooking them in a proper oven would be way better than microwaving this trash.
big fock u
damn, what happens if i already(still) have my virginity and i eat one?
lunchlybros... we lost...
You know how women can smell a virgin? Well, you get that funk back on you when you eat these as an adult. How do think funko pops got their name?
wasn't it a penguin?
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Thank you.
mid moment...
How long
Frozen fried bone in microwaved chicken seems god awful, nuggets or strips I kind of undstand.
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No Penguin Puss? Who the hell is that shark?
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>compress the wheat
>curl the cheese
you're obviously too assmad about your shortcomings pointed out to be a full retard. But unlike you, actual downies that learn how to use 4chan are forgivable - praiseworthy, even. You are impudent contempt manifest. Also dumb as shit

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