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Y'all got any cool knives?
I've had the same chef knife for 20 years. It's an old victoriox from the mid 90's I believe. Nothing fancy but I like it. Your knives look uncomfortable.
Good for you
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My first year of college i didn't bring any silverware or cooking utensils with me but I did bring my samurai sword. I used it to for everything from cutting meats to dicing veggies. I wouldn't recommend it though
Just Dexter brand knives because they are based in my home state.
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My chef knives. I have lots of cool knives, but mostly folders.
they’re cringe in mine
kek I hope it wasn’t a real jap one
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wow, need that
I want to get a nice one, but the market is fucking awful. On one side it’s mystery meat damascus shit, on the other it’s redditors going on about the gayest minutiae of steel types. It’s not like they take any stress. So I’ll be content with my Chef Emeril knife until there’s an undisputed best knife, priced according to material cost, so like $30.
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I've always wondered how you're meant to sharpen a serrated knife.
You use a circular sharpening rod and sharpen each serration, in other words you repeat the process which they used to initially cut the serrated pattern in when they made the knife.

Probably takes a long time
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This knife wanking ha gone too far
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Aww gee shucks I'm not sure
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this is my go-to. I use it for almost everything.

3 years in, it's getting pretty rough. bought a cheap-o to see if it worked for me. I am casually shopping for an upgrade. open to reccomendations.
the fuck? is that one of those andorian fighting knives from enterprise?
I might as well ask here, what is a good, easy way to sharpen a knife? I sharpen my knives with whetstones and that's all good but my 66 year old dad still uses those pull-trough sharpeners and they're just horrible. All knives in his kitchen are dull as shit. I've tried to get him on whetstones but it's just not going to happen, he can't be bothered. So i need an easy, foolproof way to actually make the knives sharp
if you can spend a bit of money on it then look at the electric options, i can't remember so i can't give specifics but iirc i've seen options that give good results (relative to the effort, still not as good as whetstones of course). probably have to weed through the glorified pull through options to find whatever i'm thinking of so ignore those of course
gay knives
you're just an autist, the knives are perfectly sharp and your father loathes your presence
not just the father, trust me
The knives are dull as shit, he complains about it all the time
knives are tools, not showpieces.
And what about cars? Clothes? Computers you use to shitpost on?
Well you're wrong, even other species of the animal kingdom use physical objects as purely decoration, I'm sorry you can't appreciate art.
take your art and shove it up your ass
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>this image literally makes him shit and piss himself in blind rage

How DARE people create art?
Two things can be true at the same time, smoothbrain pleb
You are a fucking loser it's unreal.
Go permanently ban yourself from viewing any painting, sculpture, listening to any music is no longer permissable either, lets just remove your sense of taste, touch, why even bother to feel anything.
>Knife thread on a cooking board

Whats the problem exactly?
You, retard
What culinary use does a kukri have?
You don't even know who I am so how could you be mad at me?
Not him but I could see it being handy to break down big squashes
it's a boomerang, the Australian's only natural defense
Who needs this many bread knives?
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having 'cool', 'fancy', or 'artisanal' knives is homosexual behavior. case in point, renowned butt plunderer max miller
he has a ring on, is he married to a gay man?
yes...? what kind of gay ass question is that? he lives in california, he could marry a dog if he wanted to.
No, he's married to a straight man
Well, being married to a woman doesn't stop a lot of homos, so I think it's a fair question.
Breathing is also something gays do, maybe you should stop doing that.
Or else you're gay
But y tho
I actually am gay though, that’s why I know about the homosexual knives
The bottom of ceramic mugs makes for a great surface for sharpening. of course the motion has to be correct but tell ur old man he should know that by now. if you make the bevel too shallow on purpose its much more forgiving and creates a natural serration when the metal gets too thin. hope that helps, dull knives are a pain in the ass
Fellas, is it gay to enjoy things?
i don't understand. pull-through sharpeners make a knife plenty sharp, they just kind of fuck up the blade in the longer term and don't stay nice and sharp. but there's no reason that a knife recently gone through one shouldn't be plenty sharp.
>bottom of ceramic mug
This dude fucks
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This one makes heads spin at the Chinese restaurant, I smirk and am like "yep, heh"
I agree, it's like with audiophiles. These guys don't even like music, they just like buying equipment. Same for people who give a shit how "cool" their cookware is, they don't care about cooking, they just want to consoome.
I bought a $2 pull through sharpener and it makes my shitty knives sharp enough to do that retarded "trick" where you cut a thin tomato slice without holding the tomato. Maybe your dad just doesn't do enough pulls. Or you're a retarded snob gear queer faggot who is full of shit. I'm kind of leaning towards the latter but i will give you the benefit of the doubt.

>b-but it destroys the blade!
Cry about it, knives are tools and they're disposable. My shitty knife sharpened with a shitty sharpener is still fine after many years, as I said before.

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