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plant them
make sure to cut them real fine with a razor so they liquify in the pan with just a little oil
that's a garlic slug. throw them out.
That means it's infected. Throw the whole bulb out.
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Should be fine if it's like that, any greener and chuck it
it's too late, anon. if you can see it, then the disease has already infected you. make peace and clean up any loose ends asap. it
The green inside the center of a garlic clove is a rare form of cordyceps fungus that infects humans and will literally eat holes into your brain. It actually evolved to target us specifically which is really interesting, the moment you cut into the green thing you release the spores into the air and you 100% inhaled them.
You can remove the green core as it's supposed to be slightly bitter, although I doubt if most could tell the difference if cooked, certainly noone itt. Other than that it's safe and everyone itt is full of it.
Wait what the fuck? I've been eating garlic that looks like that forever...
I'm convinced that since everyone needs to eat that /ck/ has the lowest average IQ of any board.
u can get worms from green spots in garlic
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low IQ means high CQ (comedy quotient)
You've been eating baby garloids in the chrysalis stage, which are poisonous
What do they grow into?
I hope God throws you away.
you could also just slam some minced pieces with the side of your knife and they'll turn into a paste
Very rude, anon
I cooked something once and left them in, way worse than OP's pic though. They gave the food a sort of "bad" garlic flavor that I can't describe any better. Personally I love garlic and can't get enough of it so the flavor was definitely wrong. All I do now is slice any old sprouting cloves lengthwise and peel that piece out, then chop them up like I would have otherwise.
That’s a very good system

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