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I want to create a cocktail inspired by my favorite dog breed: pomeranians. Does anyone have some suggestions?

I'm thinking some of the ingredients might be good:
>Brandy. The orange brown color to represent one of the most popular pomeranian fur colors
>Something with just a little kick to it like black pepper or a very small amount of a capsaicin to represent this little bit of attitude that poms have. Ideally in liquid form.
>Maraschino cherry to represent the pomeranian's small size and sweetness
>Club soda to represent the pom's fluffiness. Poms have enormous amounts of fur. The neutral taste of the club soda could represent the fur, while the liquor represented the pom's actual body. They have a soft undercoat and a coarser outer coat. The bubbles could also represent the coarse outer coat.
>pomegranate because pom is in the name

Does anyone else have some ideas?
Are you deliberately trying to be as homosexual as possible?
I'd garnish with pomegranate seeds instead of cherries for the pun
Thank you. That's a good idea, anon.
what the fuck is gay about pomeranians?
nta but gushing over pomeranians does come off as pretty gay
The fruitiest possible cocktail you can make, for possibly the fruitiest OP /ck/ has ever produced.
Try using stuff from where they originate from.
You brought a dog bowling, man?
Maybe a bit of citrus zest? Candied orange peel? For the bit of kick mentioned, and the pomeranians zest for life
That's a difficult creation. I can't imagine a drink that would inspire such acute frustration and rage that I would immediately want to punt the vile thing across the street.
Owning a pom is alpha as fuck. Owning a pom shows you can handle yourself. Owning a big dog shows that you're a scared beta male and that your girlfriend will probably cheat on you with your dog.

I like this idea. Thank you, anon.
I agree, they're also a great honeypot for getting anal sex at a local park and they're quite patient when you're having your shitbox filled in
Average dognigger thread
It's not about big dogs vs small dogs. It's about poms being yippy, snippy little turds.
It's pretty obvious that you don't know SHIT about pomeranians.
tiny pomeranian paws typed this before running outside to bark at literally nothing for the 30th time today
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You've gone too far, anon. Prepare for battle.
Science has gone too far
Peak 2011 Facebook content
When I'm done kicking that pom to the moon, I'm kicking you next.
>man dresses his pom up as an animal from the Chainsaw Man manga
>The manga started in 2018
>anon thinks it's 2011 Facebook content
Anon is a BOZO

You're a bozo too
I'm willing to bet that the anti-= pom fag has never cooked in his life
no u
I'm willing to bet you've never gone more than a day in your life without a dick in your mouth.
>anon thinks it's 2011 Facebook content
I don't think you understood that insult
OP here, I will be making the pomeranian cocktail and posting pictures shortly.
I feel the pomegranate “Pom” thing but if that doesn’t work I propose building off a caramel or toffee syrup: will give you that tan color, have some smooth sweetness, should pair well with a little spicy kick, and you could garnish with some spun sugar or even whipped cream with a little cocoa powder for that floofy touch
Bailey's neat with 3 milk duds
Owning a pomeranian shows that you identify as a grandmother.
So unless you're trying to pick up GILFs at the bingo hall get outta here with your little yapdog.

Everyone knows Jack Russells are the superior little dog.
OK lads, my first attempt at the pomeranian cocktail is here! Also, for that guy in the cognac thread who complained I posted a stock image of Remy Martin 1738, here's a pic of bottle.

>Brandy (cognac) to represent one of the most popular pomeranian fur colors
>A cube of ice to represent the ideal breed standard of the pomeranian's body (excluding head) being roughly as long as it is tall
>Lemon zest to give it just a little bite to represent the little bit of attitude poms have and and represent the pomeranians' zest for life
>Pomegranate seeds to represent the pom's small size and because of the name
>Ginger ale because the color is similar to a popular pom color and the ginger gives it just a little nip and sweetness to represent the wonderful pomeranian personality
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>Everyone knows Jack Russells are the superior little dog.
Jack russell terriers are great if you want to go ratting (seriously, there are groups of people who take their jack russells out to catch rats), but if you want a fluffy little buddy pomeranians are the obvious choice.

As they say in French voilà (wah-lah)
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I like this idea. The whipped cream would be a cute and fluffy touch. White is also one of the accepted breed standard colors. White with two little chocolate syrup dabs to represent the pom's dark eyes might be cute.
Well what's the verdict?
It was pretty good. I'd give it an 8/10
Looks pretty good. I will make a pomeranian sometime.
What an abomination. Probably 75% of dog breeds shouldn't exist.
Makes me think of cocktails based on other dog breeds. How about a golden retriever or a bulldog?
What would a Siberian Husky cocktail be, for example?
pitbull, doberman and a few working breeds are the only dogs worth a shit
Disagree about pitbulls, they were bred for baiting. I wouldn't call them a working dog.
How was that not your first idea?
This nigga sweet as a sugarplum.
>golden retriever
Maybe Goldschlager or Jose Cuervo Gold as a base? I have no idea what to mix with Goldschlager though.

I feel like a bulldog cocktail has to have gin in it. Gin is a very British liquor and Old English Bulldogs originated in Britain.
>Siberian Husky
Maybe something warm? Huskies have fur that keeps them extremely warm, even during the coldest weather. The cocktail could help warm you just like the fur warms the dog.
Pitbull cocktail:

>3 pints of blood
>two bags of garbage

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