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So, what's the best flavor?
1. sour cream & onion
2. original
3. BBQ

any other flavor is just a short-lived marketing gimmick, the Big Three are the only ones that count
haven't eaten pringles in 10-15 years plus. my fav was 1. sour cream & onion.
Redpill me on the original flavor, how does it taste? I saw some at the store but opted for sour cream and onions.
Original followed very distantly by cheddar
Sour Cream and Onion or Cheddar

Plain pringles are too bland and Lays does BBQ flavor better
God you are such a cucktarded faggot. Marketing gimmick my ass every one knows salt and vinegar is the BEST flavor.
salty and potatoey. sorta like plain chips or crisps. original is good.
Sounds bland and boring
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Original is like if mashed potatoes were made into chips (which is true, Pringles are made from paste afterall). It's kind of like Munchos but not nearly as salty, just a very nice potatoey starchy flavor without being oily and flaky. It's good stuff.

Salten vinegar is best served as a traditional chip, not as a Pringle anon
t. the rules of a Karen
I'm a collage student on a budget. Should I buy these or Pringles? These are around 60 cents cheaper, their taste is more intense and in your face but goes away fast unlike Pringles, and I kind of prefer the Pringles texture.
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anon, here's the skinny and the final skinny

1. sour cream & onion
2. original
3. BBQ
Cheddar Sour Creme or just Cheddar, because both exist.
My favourite are the Grilled Steak, though I confess I haven't indulged in these in years. Do they still make them?
I wish these weren't limited edition, out of the regular flavors I prefer cheddar or pizza.
Retard alert
Salt and vinegar
Sour cream and onion
Scorchin' Cheddar
Corn but it's been discontinued iinm.
Barring that, paprika.
Xtreme Pizza
These were the absolute God-tier. Fucking limited edition cuntery. Why is it limited edition stuff is always the best? I'm convinced the elites have access to all this kinda stuff 24/7 on their pedophile islands, and only let us plebes have a taste once in a while, just so they can laugh at us. If you never had these, you seriously missed out.
KYS minecraft cuckold
Where and when did you get those, and how can I buy them?
>the past
>you can't
Ah yeah I remember those cunts from about 6 years ago
What if I get some original pringles, make Peking duck paste with the sauce, mix all of those up then dip my chips into them?
what if I duck you with my peking and paste your body with my sauce?
Lmao that stupid fucking retard didn’t know that salt and vinegar is the worst pringles flavor! Everybody knows these objective facts about food.
Claw of the Conciliator
oh cool a gene wolf thread, i havent finished citadel because i dont want it to end i know urth is next but still
I can't wait to see what Kwinzaard does with The Belgobon, he'd better watch out for Chazniir though!
trump won
He doesn't even know what The Belgobon is, you gender challenged muppet
pic related is the GOAT
i forget the name but there's a wavy bbq one that is 2nd best. it'd be 1st but that one is only really good when you get a chip that is coated in the seasoning
>Original circa 2000
I don't know when they changed up the formula but the regular ones suck balls now.
The hot ones specialty flavors are good. Otherwise, no real reason to get them over lays stax, which are cheaper and better.
that chin ched will turn a boy into a man
Salt and vinegar is the best, sour cream and paprika are tied for second place imo
Pringles are so fucking easy to eat. It will take me a week or two to eat a regular bag of chips but I can pack away a can of Pringles in 30 minutes
Fuck urth, go directly to Long Sun and then you're ready to receive his manga orifice, the Short Sun trilogy.
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Regular Lays chips suck but these are straight up just Better Pringles
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You mean anyone gets anything other than Pizza?

Pizza is always the best when presented. Best Combos, best Pringles, best Goldfish.

I wrote a song, it goes

One small Pring, doesn't seem like a lot
One small Pring, work with the time you've got
Soon one small Pring becomes two, after two perhaps another few
Then one small Pringles not so small, one small Pring can be the biggest thing of all
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Thank you anon I thought so too
pizza is the best you can regularly get in america. did they bring the turkey ones back for this year? also I swear the ranch ones were better 20 years ago. the ones now are too vinegary.
Buffalo Ranch is fucking delicious, but I also remember a really good 4 cheese one from Japan
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>turkey ones
Yes but my store only got two cases and they sold out quickly.
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Pringle's gonna Pring
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>tfw australia pringles got swapped from american imports to shit tier tiny flavourless cardboard from the malaysian factory
That was a dark day my friends.
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wait when the fuck did this happen

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