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Claussens suck dick now, quality control in the gutter. Who makes the best store brand pickles? I live in America.
Why? What did they do?
ive been having these organic mini pickles, theyre so good, i've never enjoyed pickles before!
>Claussens suck dick now
Literally bought 2 one-gallon buckets of the fuckers the other day and they're as delicious as they always are.
If you're having a problem with Claussen, though, Ba Tempte is almost as good. The taste isn't 1:1 so don't go into it thinking they'll be identical. They're not. They taste good but with they're very much their own thing. The tomato pickles are best, imo, because I'm not constantly comparing them to Claussen even though they scratch the same itch
Those are disgusting and will rightly be banned by rfkjr
Vlasic sucks they aren't kept refrigerated and have been sitting on thr shelf for at least year or 2 after canning
I usually buy claussen spears and they're decent. I have tried the whalburger pickles and they were a lot different. The taste was very crisp and sharp with very different seasoning. They also have grillos but I never tried them.
Are you a demon? Did Clive Barker write you?
I live in the North East and we have Grillo's pickles that are pretty good. I've even put my own home grown cucumbers into the brine from an empty vessel and those came out great too.
The best non-refrigerated pickles i've had are the famous daves classic dill. The spicy ones are good too, but prefer the classic.
Subhuman thread
Kroger makes the best pickles. Meijer pickles are also pretty good
The Jewish one.
Yeah, this.
i used to like wickles the most but after trying grillos for the first time i can never go back to jarred pickles
Dunno, but yeah, the quality has definitely gone way down. They're not even as good as plain old vlasics.
grillos are "peak", to use the parlance of the youth.
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>kosher pickles
very, VERY good goyim
I've been eating the grillo ones but it's like $8 a container. what store pickles taste like the ones at firehouse subs?
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>Plastic containers
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>actually fucking decimates every store brand
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Why do American brands have Kosher all over them?

In the UK we call them gherkins and they are pickled, same as Germany I think.
They are very popular in central/eastern europe but I think they normally eat the ones fermented in brine.
Correct me if I am wrong.
because their pozzed country is a den of jews
everything this anon says is true
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>>>20981451 >>20981479 >>20981647 >>20981883

One thing I've noticed since 2020 is pickles increasingly are bruised with un-yummy dark/soft spots. I mean EVERY jar. At first they said it was the weather and supply chain issues but post-Covid it's just worse. I also see a decline in quality in most bagged produce with rotting items in almost every bag--potatoes, onions, tomatoes...

I've noticed this in several states.
Anyone know what is going on? May explain the quality issue, OP.
When I was young my parents used to buy a huge sack of potatoes and they would last for weeks.
Now, after a few days they start to sprout.

I don't know about the USA but much of the food in Europe goes to the Netherlands, were it's kept in warehouse pumped with gas to artificially ripen them.

It's so supermarkets have a higher turnover and greater profits.
One gallon? wtf. Never seen those in my life
Grillos aren’t bad but they were mogged out the gate if you want that particular kind of pickle. Clausen just does it better
80oz, sorry.
The buckets are 5 gallons.

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