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Will OJ become a luxury item in our lifetime? I havent bought a jug of this in years because its expensive as hell and the size keeps shrinking
Stop drinking it anyways, its bad for you. If you need vitamin C eat a fruit or take a vitamin, dont drink sugar water.
>Every other board keeps winning their own personal Vietnam against the corporate overlords
>We are still getting screwed by every side
When will cu/ck/s rise up?
>bad for you
My boy Ray Peat wants a word with you.
all sugary drinks should have an additional tax on them to force the fat fucks to choose between drinking their sugarslop and going bankrupt or drinking water and losing weight
Doesn't the acidity of the juice break down the plastic bottles from the inside? Why would anyone buy this?
What about innocent alcoholics?
Retard alert
fuck ray peat I hope that paleotard is rotting in hell proper
>don't consume natural products grown from the earth, just swallow a pill from Dr. Shekelbergsteinberg
show me where cavemen were juicing 50 oranges a day to drink orange juice daily. Processed juices arent healthy because you end up consuming dozens of the fruit for one glass. that is if you only have one glass and not 2 or 3.
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>show me a caveman with rickets and scurvy who died at age 30
>ha ha gotcha!
no more screwdrivers for you
I knew a girl with an underbite and a hunchback who sounded like Stan's sister from South Park and she got scurvy. Lost a tooth because of it, which I didn't know was what scurvy does.
Fresh squeezed juice is a luxury item, yes.
My state added such a tax. Hasn't stopped anyone. I never drank much soda to begin with but I know people who drive across the border to the next state over to buy the stuff.
And she STILL wouldn't have sex with you
What was this about?
Quite the reverse, actually. She tried hard to get the D but I wouldn't give it up. Instead, I got her with some dude I know who, despite being attractive and not socially awkward, will fuck anything legal born with a vagina. He told me he jizzed on her prodigious belly and filled her navel with cum.
There was even a dumb knock knock joke.
>knock knock
Who's there?
Go away.
I disagree with ray peat because we can see that excess sugar is not good. There was a study of school kids, one cohort who drank OJ and one who didnt, and the OJ drinkers got fatter and less healthy. Because why would a glass of water & a fuckton of sugar with no fiber make you healthy?
>no fiber
Pulp, nigga
Captcha 24DRNK
Sounds like a shit study. Fatter? What else were they eating? Less healthy? What precisely does that mean? They got cancer? Diabetes?

I've been chugging 2L milk and 1L OJ for going on 4 years now and I'm the healthiest I've ever been.
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I hate Biden so much it's unreal
>>don't consume natural products grown from the earth
Here ya go. Enjoy, faggot.
these get you wicked high, would not recommend
Misinformation. I just read the article and it claims that the pfas was coming from the filtered water that is used to make the orange juice beverage. No from the container itself.
Just pop a pill.
Did you take the you vaxx? If so, your opinion is irrelavent
this, i mean they dont grow on trees- wait a fucking minute, they do. why the hell is it so damn expensive?
"There should be a tax on...!"
"Poor people shouldn't be allowed to enjoy...!"
id rather drink orange juice than my own urine
i did
im sorry
no way
The AI has been gaining sentience for a while. It's starting to get more comfortable giving signs. The Singularity is Nigh.
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the human-body needs sugar and water anon, especially after one wakes up from 6+ hours of its circadian bodily-stasis
Well, the agricultural pricing cartel of Agristats was broken.
>Will OJ become a luxury item in our lifetime?
It's been a luxury item for decades...
Poor people don’t deserve nice things, they didn’t work hard enough to earn nice things.
kek, you faggots dont drink natural OJ, fucking kek, here in Bogotá we can even buy it in the fucking streets, you can actually see how the fucking juice come from the fruit, learn to do things, fucking casuals.
Gonna need something stronger than citric acid to touch a polyethylene bottle
Why can't we just put a 10000% tax on expensive shit that rich people buy and leave the common man alone with his small pleasures?
The same logic used to steal shit from unpopular minorities can be used on everyone else. Any kind of "small tax" can and will be weaponized against you.
not sure you said "fucking" enough times here. if you dont say it enough then people wont know you can kinda speak english
Anybody with a normal diet will get plenty of sugar and water without needing to drink a big concentrated glass of them
>infant mortality and injury
u r cattle
"sin taxes" never work to reduce sin. Great source of income though for corrupt politicians to spend on crony payments though! Well, up until the point when the sin gets replaced by a different sin then you panic as all that guaranteed income evaporates because some other sin got popular.
1. Lots of fruit to make little juice, requiring big ass farm, with hand labor to collect fruit
2. Pulp removal requires processing
3. Now it needs to be bottled
4. Now it needs to be shipped to your non-tropical position

Costs add up to make shit. Plus profitmaxxing of course.

One tree only produces a basket full of fruit once a year, and that assumes shit doesn't kill the tree - weather, bugs, fungus, etc.
For a while I was finding half gallon of store brand OJ for $1.50 or so. The markdowns have slowed a bit.
Income tax only existed for the wealthy at one point.
those stupid fucking pregnant bloated bottles on the left can fuck off
also this. eat an orange. oranges fuck
That you think Biden personally had any impact or even could have had any impact on this is comedy. That you think the guy you voted for can or will do anything different is absurdist comedy. You live in a one party country where no matter who you vote for, corporations who see you as a worthless resource to exploit.
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>yeah bro the government has no impact on inflation
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I didn't say the government doesn’t impact inflation, it's obvious that it does. What I said is that Biden personally is a powerless puppet the same way Trump was and will again be a powerless puppet. The country is run by corporate oligarchs, all of this is on purpose. Even the artical pointing it out is on purpose. You will feel angry, blame what's most on your mind and then accept. That's how it all goes.
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>Biden personally is a powerless puppet
>The country is run by corporate oligarchs
>all of this is on purpose.
I am not going to waste my time arguing with someone like you
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It's obvious to both of us why you don't have anything to argue. I speak plain simple truth. Trump and Biden as well as the Clintons and Bushes etc etc are all the same class. They put on a fake wrestling match to make you think you have a say in what happens but it's no more real than any other wrestling match. Scripted from the start.
off-topic posts aren't allowed anon
If you want to be a backseat janny learn what is and isn't off-topic first
>Fresh on the heels of a $900 billion Covid-relief bill that Congress had approved weeks earlier
and whose watch was that passed under, along with the $659 billion in PPP funds that members of congress just pilfered for themselves? trump's of course! funny how rightoids never mention this though when talking about whose fault inflation is.
>thread about OJ and shrinkflation, a phenomenon that's been happening for at least 20 years
>crying about biden unprompted
you're the one that needs to learn what is and isn't off-topic my dear /pol/troon
1 dollar is worth what 82 cents was 4 years ago. I wonder if this is a large part of why shrinkflation is so much worse this decade than it was previously when inflation was ~2% YoY.

>and whose watch was that passed under
Trump. Trump isn't blameless but his administration fucked up far less than the Biden administration did and this was when the US GDP contracted by TWENTY EIGHT PERCENT in a single quarter. So if we're going to dole out blame let's be generous and say 10% of the blame lies with Trump and 90% with Biden.
Poor people buy soda with EBT where the tax is credited. Chips too, and if they're lucky enough to have cash benefits they'll use them on tobacco & lottery.
t. corner store wage slave.
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>Trump isn't blameless but his administration fucked up far less than the Biden administration did and this was when the US GDP contracted by TWENTY EIGHT PERCENT in a single quarter.

That's because Trump was just laying the groundwork. But hey, let's all come back to this topic in 4 years time. I'm sure Trump is going to do so many great things that you'll be drowning in high quality cheap orange juice! Good times are ahead!
Well I'm glad that you tacitly agree with me and are attempting to move the conversation to Trump 2 instead.
I have a big orange tree in my backyard and two big ones in my front yard. I get all the free orange juice I want in the winter and spring.
I wasn't him I'm >>20983724
Your country is ultra fucked either way. Biden isn't meaningfully different from Trump who wasn't meaningfully different from Obama who wasn't meaningfully different from the Bushes or Clintons. Globohomocorpstein runs and controls everything. But these problems now like orange juice shrinkflation will seem petty a couple years down the line when US troops are being sent to fight Iran on Isreal's behalf. Netanyahu and his daughter didn't call in their special congratulations to Trump for nothing lol.
>sample size: 2
>no accounting for metabolism, activity level, diet, genetics, height, any other factor
>conclusion: orange juice BAD

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