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Is a proper roasting pan worth the $100-200 price tag?

These aluminium things work alright, but they're getting expensive these days and I worry that I look like white trash when I bring out a big holiday roast on a shitty $5 aluminium tray.

Anyone have a "real" roaster and are they worth it? I make roasts at least 10 times a year so I'm probably spending $30-40/year or more on these stupid disposable ones.

If I order one now I can get it before thanksgiving, and obviously, it'll also be useful for Christmas, new years, easter, etc.
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>These aluminium things
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>I worry that I look like white trash when I bring out a big holiday roast on a shitty $5 aluminium tray
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I personally only use the disposable ones when I'm taking my roast to a friend's or family member's house.

When at home I have one that looks like the OP one but with a non-stick interior. The biggest downside to the disposable ones is they tend to buckle in the middle with larger turkeys. (pic related)
If it's quality gear and not some gimmicky "as seen on TV" unitasker, it's well worth the investment.
When u have Ikea in your cint you can buy a pan and a rost for cheap money
I swear zoomers buying fucking everything and they wonder why they can't afford a house
Yeah the roaster is why they can't buy homes, not the housing market being bought up by mega corps and used to artificially increase rent and housing prices in entire regions. Or the lack of wages increasing despite inflation and the cost of housing going up.
I made a standing rib roast with a nice roasting pan some years ago and the family still talks about it. the beef was from the best butcher in town and probably cost about $250 and the wine wasn't cheap either, so the pan wasn't really that big of an impact on the overall cost
oh and I own my place so neener neener neener (I cooked at my grandma's place though), now if you'll excuse me I need to go get an avocado toast and an oat milk latte :-)
It's because you can't stop spending money you retard. Holy shit you low iq mongerals "Duuuur my roasting pan is why i no buy home?????" Have they stopped teaching critical thinking in schools?
No you don't

lmao even

better stop buying my twice-daily avocado toasts as well i guess
Yeah. Keep making excuses instead of actually trying to buy a house. You'll enjoy having 0 equity when you're 50.
This anon is right we should be like the boomers and eat nothing but zogchow to save a few bucks then have generational obesity, retardation and health problems, after all that’s how they afforded a home on a cashier’s salary
>$100-200 price tag?
the fuck? im seeing stainless steel pans and racks for as low as $38 on amazon. not sure why you would spend more than that. is it worth it? thats up to you
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I generally prefer not buying the cheapest shit, most of my cookware is triple-ply stainless.
Unless you plan to use it more than a couple times a year around the holidays don't bother.
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I have one high quality roasting pan, one decent one and one cheap-ass, smaller one. I've had them all for almost 15 years. Still in tip top condition and have all been used countless times. A roasting pan isn't going to break the bank and is a purchase that can literally last decades.
It's not why people cannot afford a house.
>Unless you plan to use it more than a couple times a year around the holidays don't bother.
>I make roasts at least 10 times a year so I'm probably spending $30-40/year or more on these stupid disposable ones.
What an intensely Jewish post
>I generally prefer not buying the cheapest shit
while this is good for appliances or things with moving parts, i really dont see where all that extra money is going. stainless steel is stainless steel, barring manufacturing defects the cheap one will work just as good as the nice one. you do you, if you really roast 10 times a year i think you should get it.
So was your OP pic the actual one you intend to buy? Including the teflon rack? Most people around here who tout high-end gear tend to eschew nonstick, although that might just be contrarianism.
And lets tally up all the other bullshit you buy and pay for every week.
Jesus christ you zoomers are so clueless it's insane.
I wouldn't spend that much money for a shitty grate with a tray just collecting the drippings. Rather buy a thick enameled pot for braising or a large roaster for big birds like geese or ducks.
I'm not a zoomer. As I said I've owned my roasting pans for like 15 years. Did you assume I bought them when I was 9?
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>large roaster for big birds like geese or ducks.
I'm thinking of getting this one at the higher end, it's the only one I've found that's rated for 25lbs turkeys.

Ideally i'd like to avoid a non-stick rack, I think cuisinart has one that would be similar to that all-clad but with a stainless rack instead of non-stick.
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Just buy the IKEA one you bourgeoisie faggot
that rack definitely isnt high enough for a 25 lb bird... but you shouldnt be roasting birds that big anyway, everyone knows smaller ones are better. best turkey i ever had was a 10 lber before cooking.
>that rack definitely isnt high enough for a 25 lb bird
What is that supposed to mean?

The rack just needs to lift it above the juices.
i mean it looks to me like a 25 pounder would fill that up and the juices would touch the bottom, especially if you add stuff to the pan. idk though ive never cooked one that big
Holy shit why is your autistic ass fixated on roasting pans when I've made it clear that it's your cumulative frivolous spending that's cucking you from home ownership.
I regularly cook 20-25lbs turkos.

and while i haven't done a goose or duck, I can't imagine they wouldn't fit.
Quick google search says you want an 18" (or larger) roaster for a goose, which this one is >>20981910
>uhmm ackthyully
yeah technically the bank owns some of it and "property ownership" is a convenient fiction since the government can swoop in at any time and take it but you're moving the goalposts now because you blew all your money on what is it, it's some doll that "soy betas" like, remind me of what it's called? you would know, I'm sure.
i was referring to the height of the rack, not the overall length of the pan...
again, i don't see how the height really matters that much... what exactly do you think goes under the rack that would need so much room?
youre fucking with me at this point, right?
Not at all, just throw some diced potatoes down there and unless you're covering your roast with 3lbs of butter, I don't see how you could possibly be concerned with drippings overflow.
funko pops
Yes now fuck off
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Why do you think I don't own a home? The same reason you think purchasing roasting pans is what is preventing zoomers from home ownership?
bare minimum after cooking in a tray, is to carve out the drum & thighs and transfer the bird onto a new tray.
you probably should be doing this anyway so you can drain the juices to make a gravy.
also, what the fuck is that weird looking button thing stuck in the breast?
Just get stainless steel that isn't the chinkest of chinkshit. Use wooden tools (eg, a wooden spatula for scraping fond). There's probably a kitchen supply store nearby if you live in a big city.
Aluminium would be fine except it can react with acidic ingredients.
nonstick is perfect for so many dishes. sausage and cabbage stuffed spring rolls dont stick. chicken doesnt stick. many other things. dont listen to the fud.
Fuck no. I use old ceramic ones that I find at swap meets and they're great. Expensive ones are just a scam.
>I use old ceramic ones
I have both ceramic and enamelled cast iron baking dishes but they max out at around ~9x13" which is too small for a large roast.
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>These aluminium things
they're very dangerous, actually, they are too thin and can instantly collapse and cause burns and a ruined roast.
>Anyone have a "real" roaster
I have pictured, and having no cover, meaning you need foil that you remove and recover over and over, is like the chore of covering a pastry crust. You get burned, and it's not perfect.
I prefer my dark roaster from graniteware, and a larger version without the ceramic coating, I have that is more capacity but stainless steel. Open, baste, close. Juicy roasts every time, and the darker one actually has richer browning and gravies.
Get a nice carving board then.
Dude, they're bad at enforcing poverty on themselves when young so they can relax when they're old. Literally monkey want fucking candy.
Bullshit, your parents could work a low skilled manufacturing job without a college degree and bring home $50k/year by 1990 with a house that's already paid off, or close to it, and bought in the 1970's or 80s for $120,000 that costs $550,000 today. Probably got a pension too. And if you parents DID go to college they could pay for a year's tuition at a good school just by working a minimum wage job for 10-12 weeks in the summer. Something that would require a summer job paying $80-100/hr+ to afford right now.

To pretend the young people of today are just undisciplined with their spending just makes you look retarded to anyone who has actually done any sort of study on the topic.

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