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Never in my life have i woken up and thought that today would be a good day to have a pastry. Garbage tier food.
My teeth hurt just looking at some of this
I just wish that sometimes the type of gaylord op is could come up with something besides "slop". It lacks any analytical thought, no intellect required, devoid of any personality. It's a bot, even if it isn't literally.
>t. Resident of Bizarro World
>lemon tart
>apple danish
>chocolate eclair
>chocolate croissant
>raspberry strudel
>cinnamon swirl
>apple turnover

Idk OP, seems like you’re a fag.
There is literally not a single thing here I wouldn't eat. All delicious.
He is a miserable person. That's why the only threads he comes up with are "things I hate" threads.
Didn't ask numbnuts.
sweetshit will kill you
What the fuck is wrong with spring rolls and steak pies, though?
its literally a dessert, you are supposed to have half one with your wife every once in a while
I don't understand pastries at all. Especially savory ones
Like a meat pie or something
I'd rather just have the filling
What does baking it in bread do? Nothing its just extra work and time
You’re like a child that eats frozen waffles and makes ice cream soup in the microwave. I bet your freezer is full of Kid Cuisine.
None of that is true im probably one of the only posters here who exclusively cooks their own meals
Oh sweet another "I don't like food" thread.
You've never had an eclair covered in ganache filled with vanilla pastry cream burst in your mouth like the faggot you are...
And you have a disdain for food. Take a break maybe.
What on earth are you talking about man
Yuros will really cry americans eat "cake" for breakfast but then wake up and have this and 2 cigarettes for breakfast
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the best breakfast is always a hot coffee that is half milk, no sugar, and a handrolled menthol cigarette.
you don't eat choccy croisants? missing out brub
Oops, meant to say vegetables.
Its ok though because we have free health coverage. Americans will fall down their stairs and go to the physician and then owe £1 million to the ministry of health…fucking KEK
The thing nobody ever mentions is that Americans just don’t pay their medical bills.
True. I haven't actually paid anything on any medical debt since 2013. There's no point.
There are a few I wouldn't.
Literally all of Italy eats pastry for breakfast. So do Spain and France and Switzerland and Austria and Monaco and San Marino.
>half milk
My coffee is 66-75% milk, depending on whether I'm having simple melange or cappuccino. But coffee is roasted so dark and brewed so strong that it's still not very light looking even with all that dairy
Tastes good.
Why? Are they extra sensitive from a lifetime of over indulging in sweets?

Or, more likely, you’re a hyperbolic overdramatic bitch?
It’s not free and you know it’s not free. They pay for it in more ways than one and if you really need good care you come to america or get private insurance in your country.
If all your conversations revolve around what you don't like you come off as a condescending snobby asshole
Steak pie is not a pastry. It's too big, high calorie and has meat
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What desserts arent garbage then hmm? Enlighten us
>There are a few I wouldn't.
Which ones?
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Step aside, shit heads
Baklava, Belgian bun, apple danish, pain au chocolat, apricot danish and profiteroles.
Baklava and Belgian bun are 2sweet4me
I never like the chocolate in pain au chocolat.
Apple danishes are too messy and apricot use those tinned monstrosities most of the time.
I don't tend to like chantilly creme on its own so that automatically excludes non-Italian style profiteroles.
Everything else is fair game
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i may be lactose intolerant but i fucking love sweet breads and i will NOT stop eating sweet breads with cream just because i get some tummy pains after 6 hours
Simple as.
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In Argentina we tend to eat some of these for breakfast, maybe it's not the healthiest thing in the world, but I'll be damned if they're not tasty and cheerful to eat.
I must admit though I prefer cream rather than marmalade or chocolate for sweet breads.
rare antagonistic bait thread I actually agree with
>You have to do 2 hours of eliptic cardio to burn 400 calories.
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Australian here - not even kidding, if you dislike meat pies and sausage rolls you're a fucking retard. my ex was american and we went to a bakery and she only wanted to have the chicken pot pie because she was confused and that was similar to home, she started loving fucking frozen meat pies after

you're delusional if you think good meat and gravy between pastry is bad and I'll genuinely fight over it. you're likely a performative retard. I'm not even anglo descendent and I love this shit. faggot szukas

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