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was recently in the hospital and this is the grape juice they had, and it was heavenly. I hadn't had grape juice in many years because it's expensive sugar water, but ever since my hospital visit, I can't get it out of my mind. I was also severely dehydrated and was just grateful to be able to drink anything and keep it down at the time, so that may be why it seemed so delicious. it seems this particular one they only sell in bulk for places like hospitals and schools. has anyone else had this and know of a similar tasting brand I can buy in the store?
just slit your wrists again and hope you get sent back to the same psych ward
my reason for going was even gayer, I was essentially just severely dehydrated from being a degenerate alcoholic and couldn't eat or drink for almost 3 days and my kidneys were starting to shut down. this grape juice was divine after days of not even being able to drink water
you pathetic degenerate fuck. hope you die next time
just drink yourself into a coma and hope when you wake up grape juice tastes good again
It does not matter the brand. Welch's concord grape will be just fine to buy. I think publix brand is excellent too.

My favorite juice this time of year, is going to be a 100% honeycrisp apple cider.
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>getting this mad because anon was in the hospital
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so comfy
>having a reaction folder
ok nerd
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>I was also severely dehydrated and was just grateful to be able to drink anything and keep it down at the time, so that may be why it seemed so delicious


To quote an old proverb- "Hunger is the best sauce."
>reaction folder
>having an old proverb folder
what a fag
If nothing else you could try contacting the distributor sales rep for your state and see if they have a customer that you could buy from.

Someone with their head so far up their own ass should try to keep their mouth shut.
that folder is my brain

I am not one who has innate knowledge but one who, loving antiquity, is diligent in seeking it therein.
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subtle attempt to get him to post more to fill your own coffers, take this and consider your search madly successful.
Welp, since the hospital charges, literally, $20 for a regular Tylenol, I wonder what the bill is, for this?
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>he doesnt have an old proverb folder
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OP I'm an EMT and every hospital in my state carries that brand of juice
I raid the EMS fridge every call
For me it's the apple one
I cannot find a name brand that good
Sorry to inform you but you need to go back to the ER to score more
Find a hospital hosting a blood drive, I guarantee they will be out for the donors
Based fellow EMT, I also live off of the apple juices.
This is an 18+ site, alphag.
My favorite treat at the hospital was the uncrustables. They are so good…
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>baby's first attempt to fill a reaction folder.
I'll help. It's all yours my friend
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