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how about they just fucking close already
so fucking done with seeing this shit open
That's unfortunate. They're the best big chain.
Half the chain restaurant and car wash clustersfucks could be razed and it would make zero diference.
>all those people put out of work?
>never met 'em, so they don't exist
Shouldn't have spent all of that money on Danny Devito.
This one is the exception.
this. any local sub shop will be 10x better than this shit hole. it's sad that people support this garbage
>any local sub shop
Hasn't existed since the 00's. Subway drove them all out of business.
lol where do you live that doesn't have subs? i have at least 5 within a 5 mile radius
>tj's deli
>bobo's deli
>obrien's deli
>burke street pizza
>pizza greco
>hero house
>the olive tree
Not a major metropolitan area.
What’s it cost to open a restaurant in New York? 12 dollars? In the real world, it’s expensive. No one is selling cheap food ever again.
i'm in a city of with a population of 250k

i don't live in ny
guaranteed they're going to make them use woke sandwich fillings now
the nearest city to me has a population of 1750 and without a jersey mikes and a subway it wouldn't have any sandwich shops. jersey mikes and subway will never close because of locations like my area where all they have to do is buy an abandoned gas station and sell subs out of it.
god damnit
This is a common misconception. Without a Jersey Mike's or a Subway, it *would* have a good sandwich shop. This is why you shouldn't shop at Jersey Mike's or Subway.
It may or it may not. The important thing is investment and protection.
Now watch the quality get destroyed over the next few years.
inb4 woke redesign
>he thinks we should allow people to work worthless jobs
you are the exact reason we've been spinning our tires as a species for eons.
It would require some local in a very small town to be willing and able take the financial risk to open a sandwich shop. If you have a town of 1750 people how many of those do you think will go "yeah i'm gonna open a sandwich shop!"? I'm sure there are some places that would but not everywhere.
Nah, we got a local pizza and sub place still very much alive, and I am in the middle of nowhere next to a base. Though they recently changed how they were making them, which is disappointing. Pizza still on point though.
You aren't allowed to open anything in NY, especially NYC, it's all illegal. You just have to open up illegally, pay landlords some absurd rent amount, and hope you become a social staple that would get NYC officials killed to try to remove you.
Sandwiches are actually pretty easy to do right, but hyper tempting to cut costs on for profitmaxxing. That is why all cold cut based sandwiches should be made at home - you will have a better product than all the chains, guaranteed. Hot subs are the only ones worth getting from places due to the convenience of not having to griddle that shit yourself.

Really, sandwiches and delis are great combos - you have both the meat AND the sandwiches that use them right next to each other for people to get. Shove a griddle in the back and you can make hot sandwiches too. It's a shame most groceries just tap out and make gas station tier togo shit when they could do so much better.
Looks like I'll be putting rat poison in the food I deliver there.
Correction, they were.
Now the bugs in the sandwiches will be there on purpose.
I bet if someone argues with you, you're eventually gonna start advocating genocide.
I keep seeing hate towards private equity firms, but are there any restaurants Blackstone has killed off?
wait until you find out what workers at private equity firms do
I hate private equity firms so fucking much. So its gonna go the way of Red Lobster then huh? They're going to load the company up on debt while siphoning all the money they can out of it. When private equity firms bought Red Lobster, they sold all the real estate and then turned around and started renting the real estate back from who they just sold it to. Then they took the money and ran, and left Red Lobster to collapse under the weight of the sudden new rent debts. And then people blamed it on that one all you can eat shrimp thing, even though it was a long time coming.
>8 billion for a sandwich chain
Its already over $20 for a sandwich how are they going to drain the goys any further?
>He thinks worthless jobs are a new thing
Oh I am kekkin
Disappointing to hear, mostly cause all the sandwich shops by me fucking suck in comparison.
Imagine paying money for someone else to make you a sandwich lmao. It's a food of convenience, just make it yourself.
owari da
If the chain was making money, they would be bought only for that reason.
Blackstone is buying up tons of property in Sarasota, according to a realtor friend. All houses are turned into rentals, so I guess they are sitting on the investments or renting to known associates.
>buy company
>sell all their land (to you)
>force them to pay rent on your new land
>company now has double the overhead and half the profits
>goes bankrupt and closes half its stores
>mission accomplished
Private equity should be fucking destroyed I hate the Jews so fucking much
Jews are clearly the master race. We should bow down to them because they are our masters.
You should hate shareholders for agreeing to the buyout.
Believe it or not, the C suite isn't obligated to accept a hostile buyout, and it isn't actually written anywhere that their only job is to maximize shareholder returns.
I stopped NEETing and started working at a fast food fried chicken restaurant I think it is awesome I like serving people and I like the food, how is it worthless?
Nice work anon. I have more respect for you than a lot of other people with jobs. There are so much shittier things that you could be doing
crab bucket mentality, he's worthless so he wants everyone else to be as well
Yeah, but a lot of them think that instead of actually peeling back the history behind corporate governance and the facts of Dodge v. Ford and realizing Greenspan and Welch both repented from their greed. It's a completely unaccountable, decentralized Soviet bureaucracy of apparatchiks who think join the party, read Welch, consult the book, give stuff for free to your family, and don't think about the consequences of their actions.
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They are the reason you cant customize a sub at subway, and why their meat is so bad now.
You can buy a footlong cookie though you fat fuck
qrd about greenspan and welch?
What's the difference between Blackstone and Blackrock? Is 'stone just an offshoot of 'rock for shadier deals or something?

You must be poor. My time is infinitely more valuable than the Jersey Mike's wage slave. Ill gladly pay someone else to make my food, if it saves me even a minute of time.
>one of the 3 fast food places i like is going under
god fucking damn it

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