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I've made chicken and sausage gumbo tons of times and I thought for this thankgiving instead of feeling left out I made a small amount that is just vegan for one of my inlaws.

I looked up a few recipes but I didn't like them too much (including dice tomato or other things I wouldn't go for a cajun flavor).
So if you got any ideas that would be similar in mouthfeel or flavor to a chicken sausage gumbo I'd be down

My idea so far for about 1 gal
Typical roux and trinity (with garlic and jalapeno also added) I do for a gumbo with the usual beer to deglaze before adding the veggie stock
Some chickpeas and darkred kidney beans (15oz can of each)
Sliced mushrooms (may dice them and add them with the trinity to cook them down even more)
Babycorn and waterchestnuts (16oz cab of each)

I wanted to avoid peas and carrots to not just look like a stew
But am on the fence on cauliflower
This is why I hate vegan/vegetarian recipes
>"Check out my vegan gumbo!"
>It's just a vegetable soup
Not even dissing the recipe, just don't pretend it's something it's not.
stop ruining good recipes and stick to vegan recipes worth a shit you dumb faggot
But surely it should work
I mean until the chicken stock its an entirely vegan recipe to begin with.
Gumbo soup relies on meat for flavor, as does a true Gumbo Z'Herbes which is vegetable lenten version, but still focused but has smoked meat flavors.
Just skip the idea and make something actually seasonal for them to put on their dinner plate like every other person attending. Vegan casseroles or fake tofurky. If there is an actual soup course, then everyone should get a vegan roasted butternut soup, for instance. Put your imagination into that recipe. Crema drizzle, keeps the dairy optional.
Fuck off toddler
It's a once per year meal, and while legumes are acceptable, you can splurge on some plant-based chunks of chickun or some tasty plant sausages. Your inlaws will certainly appreciate it and you'll be making less effort by sticking to the original recipe with just those swaps.
I assumed fake meat would just fall apart when boiled for hours.
Would I have to sear the sliced pieces first?
>I'll make vegan gumbo for thanksgiving
>start off with typical roux
Here's some ideas:

Roast the veggies in the oven until brown to get extra flavor. Okra is a must.
Take your time and make a proper dark roux. This will add to the flavor.
Put in a bit of tomato paste to add umami you're missing from no meat or Worchestershire sauce.
Go hard on the spices, since they'll help carry the dish.
Get good rice, like Carolina Gold to add to the flavor.
You do know its just oil and flour, right?
I'm still hesistant on the idea of tomatoes or liquid smoke
I was planning to kinda fry the veggies in the hot roux but I may roast some beforehand. The inkaw is a vegitarian not full vegan so I probably oven road then them with a bit of butter and cajun seasoning
Roux is traditionally made with clarified butter, lard, or other animal fats. Making roux with oil like canola is an abomination.
Yey but I can get the oil at a higher temp so I can make the roux and fry the veggies in the roux even faster.
>but I can get the oil at a higher temp
Wtf are you talking about. Clarified butter or lard are perfectly capable of high temperature cooking. Any higher and you'll just burn the flour.
wait until you find out what those swamp frogs did to your pwecious mirepoix
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You need some type of smoked sausage for it to be gumbo. Get one of these plant-based meat products or look into making your own out of seitan, it's not difficult.
can't speak for chicken/pork alternatives, but plant-based sausages in my experience tend to be very firm in texture and would handle being seared and boiled.
I'll give it a try
I'll at least pansear it first just to be sure.
And I'll hold off on some of the canned veggies I aleady got to make sure it doesn't end up just looking like a crowded stew until I see hiw much space I still got.

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