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File: crumpets.jpg (86 KB, 1200x1500)
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A crumpet is just an English Muffin. Hence "English" in its name.
Common misconception, but wrong. Muffins and crumpets both come from England but are subtly different. Both are made with rings, but muffins are traditionally made with a soft dough and baked in the oven, while crumpets are made from batter and cooked on a griddle. Muffins are split open before being toasted, while crumpets don't need to be split due to the way they are initially cooked.

In the past, muffins were mostly made by professional bakers and sold by street hawkers, while crumpets were mostly made at home. As a result, with changing times and the demise of street merchants, muffins have faded into relative obscurity in their home country, leading the the false impression that that "English muffins" are an American imitation of crumpets.
Thanks chatgdp
Chatgpt would have fewer typos than I made.
You can't fool me, robot!
He is right though, I can't remember the last time I had a muffin but I do eat crumpets at least once a week, mostly with butter but sometimes it's butter with a little Marmite.
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your MOM's a piece of english muffin
>sometimes it's butter with a little Marmite.
patricians choice
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Need to put some ham and egg and Hollandaise sauce in between there
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at least cook the egg. I just hate that runnie shit

actually I don't think I will anon
That is cooked, Anon. That's an over easy egg. And that runny yolk is great if you dip bread in it. Though admittedly, if you're going to put it on a sandwich, it's better to cook it to over medium so you'll get less mess in your beard.
If you served me a muffin when I wanted a crumpet I would violently fuck you in the mouth
>dumb frogposter
don't care what you think anyway
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No one who has ever eaten both a crumpet and english muffin would confuse the two. I suspect this is either AI or some weird third world dipshit pulling things out of his ass.
A crumpet is batter, muffin is basically dough. I see the cooklets are out in force
Crumpets use milk, English muffin = no no. Try harder
as someone who has made both. this is correct. same thing slightly different cooking method.
Exactly! It's like bread and pizza basically
They're the same
>They're the same, if you discredit everything that makes them completely different things

Kind of like how you and a piece of shit are basically the same.
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Looks good. For me it’s bacon, scrambled egg, and melted cheese

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