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What is your best grilled cheese sandwich recipes?
Cheese and butter smeared lovingly around a large dog's asshole.
Cook low until cheese is melted and bread is nicely toasted.
Shhh, don't tell anyone.
I like recipes that add meat because I don't want to eat just bread and cheese.
Slice of ham is my personal preference
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>place 6 rashers of streaky bacon into a large cold skillet, apply medium-low heat
>while they begin to cook, place two (2) slices of American or other processed cheese slices onto a slice of plain white bread
>place another slice of plain white bread on top, being careful to align the crusts properly
>fry bacon until well-cooked, near-crispie
>leaving the stove on medium-low heat, carefully place the cold bread and cheese sandwich into the hot bacon grease
>fry slowly until golden, about 6mins
>flip and fry the other side at least 5mins

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and a little herby hollandaise on the side
Ah yeah, this is such a delicacy, it should be revered
has anyone tried reverse-searing a grilled cheese? now THAT would be pretty great
is that like where you set it on fire then pit out the fire?
no you sous vide it at 54ºC for 25 minutes and then scorch it quickly on a hot griddle
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We weren't allowed to use the stove as latchkey kids so me and my sister invented Nuked Cheese
>make toast
>butter toast
>put 1 slice of american cheese on each piece of toast
>sandwich them together
>microwave for 20 seconds
it works! frankly toasted bread tastes better than pangriddled bread anyway

and because it'll be dryer and fluffier it goes better with tomada soup
Cheez-wiz and a flat sandwich press so it semi-steams and stays soft.
For me it's Gordon Ramsays recipe
>Spread Spaghetti sauce inside both slices of bread
>Layer Shredded Mexican Cheese on one side
>Add chili oil on first layer
>Add more cheese
>Sprinkle with taco seasoning before finishing
>(Optional) Add diced steak or tunafish in-between cheese for melts
>Add butter to pan and fry each side for 3 minutes until golden brown

Fucking chef's kiss right there.
cheese, butter, bread, toasted.
for me, it's a little bit of yellow mustard
i just draw a thin "x" on it
Nature's Own® Butter Bread
Country Crock® Original Spread
2 Kraft® Singles (yellow flavor)
Garlic butter and least two types of cheese, simple as. Grilled cheeses have a pretty low ceiling
never thought of this, thanks anon
he's like a god
>never thought of this, thanks anon

Just use Lard and a mild cheddar, us Brits have done this for millennia.
Mirical whip, American cheese(4 slices) rye bread, frying pan, half a stick of salted butter, fry till crispy. Tomato soup as a side.
Toast the insides of the bread slices, then lightly spread spicy mayo on one, sweet chili sauce on the other. Build the sammy, stacking american and cheddar cheese in between slices. Spread garlic butter on the outsides. Toast on pan. Use a weight to get it flat.
Then repeat a second time.
Get a bunch of pastrami and lettuce. Build a sammy: grilled cheese, lettuce, pastrami, grilled cheese.
Eat, and ignore the pain from your heart clogging up.
I patty out hamburger meat and switch out sandwich bread with a bread bun to liven things up.
Me mum used to make it for us with buttered bread, Swiss cheese, and sugar sprinkled on top. It was incredible.
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what's the best cheese for grilled cheese
Kraft singles
whoever says anything else is a homosexual with no exception
Mozzarella and Gouda combined.. wait, there is something in my ass...

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