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What would be the cheapest possible way to eat while still getting all essential nutrients? I was thinking about making gruel with flour, soy meal, salt, and tap water. Then taking pills for micronutrients.
>anime image
>absolutely unhinged and stupid thread/idea

Do you take any drugs/smoke/drink alcohol?
No, I only really spend my neetbux on food and entertainment. I want to have more money so I can buy a new PC.
>eat the most boring food in the universe and take a multivitamin so you don't go blind or get scurvy or something
My dude, LIVE.
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>Do you take any drugs/smoke/drink alcohol?
who can even afford drugs and alcohol any more?
back when i was a kid i could spend $10 and get a nic bag of weed, 4 pack of tall boy steelies and a xanax bar
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Not in this economy!
If you're really desperate, look into local food banks / co-ops. Also stick to shopping at grocery chains that offer "price match guarantees" (i.e. Walmart) so you know you're more likely to not be overpaying.
i dont want to hear this from a 4channer
Primate lab blocks.
Offal, liver and eggs
milk and potato diet has everything you need to survive including micro nutrients
>I’n a loser so everyone is
That’s actually not true
I love how you pretend to not have money for basic food yet want to pay a gorillion bucks a month for FUCKING PILLS
go to the rich part of town and dumpster dive
I think he's talking about generic mineral or vitamin supplements
How do you cook gruel? Like how many grams of flour per millilitre, and how long in the microwave?
raw eggs and lemon water.
Good idea, but to be honest, if he's not capable of getting a job, and just remains a neet, he probably couldn't work up the courage to demand walmart match prices of a competitor.
Well, never take drugs or drink excessively or smoke and you'll probably get more money than you need in the future.

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