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do you know what i could do with half a gallon of mcrib sauce?
Cram it up my ass.
Cook a real rack of ribs with it and be the talk of the neighborhood 4th of July BBQ?
warning signs of a coming recession
What's it like behind that digital Iron Curtain? Would they try to ban you if you posted a 4chan screenshot?
Nothing from base reality is allowed on The New Liberal Twitter, so yes.
no i do it all the time for free likes and reskeets
You don't have to speculate much, you can go and look at the main page without an account (which is just another extremely gay change that Ol' Musky made that I hate; I could never stand Twitter long enough to make an account since the day it began but it's also where a lot of newsworthy videos are posted these days but I can't watch them because of Elon's greed).
Anyway it's mostly just whiny liberal celebrities preening their own feathers and seemingly celebrating getting themselves btfo and relegating themselves to a complete echo chamber. I see a lot of George Takai and other people whose names I don't recognize talking about Andrew Tate trying to join recently as though anyone gives a fuck.
I don't suspect it'll last long only because the entire population of the site is preeeeeeeeetty boring in general. Same thing is going to happen to Twitter; it'll end up as a shittier version of 4chan where instead of getting whined at by 12 year old tradcath LARPers for free, you'll actually pay someone for the opportunity lmaoooo.
i think it’ll last, that is if other social media companies do not steal the decentralized algorithm. it’s worthless if you can’t monetize it, but people will stick around because they can choose what they want to see, and aren’t forced to interact with engagement trolls who feed off abusing the algorithm
If this is actually the same sauce that they use in the stores you'll need to add about 2 tablespoons of sweetener per cup of sauce, as crazy as that sounds. Molasses is good, dark Karo works, brown sugar in a pinch.
Perhaps, although that's definitely a twitter problem moreso than other social media sites (that, or other sites are much more subtle about it) because I know Elon has juiced the algorithm and I'm certain the previous administration did as well. I say that it's a twitter problem only because although I reckon there's manipulation, the content fed to me on places like Youtube and Insta does indeed reflect what I consume and search for. That's not good for getting external perspectives, but at the very least you're not getting force-fed shit that's meant to upset you for the purposes of engagement (I would see this a lot on Facebook after 2019 before I just kinda stopped using it); even if you see through that and never participate, it's still a huge waste of time.
>Digital Iron Curtain
You can view the entirety of bluesky without an account. Twitter still randomly locks you into a sign in screen after a few seconds of scrolling and won't show arbitrary posts (even from hyperlinks) for no reason.
Even misskey lets you view posts, (although R18 marked images need an account, which is JP locked)
The only one I have is a misskey from last years' trip but trying to take a stance on the two faggiest sites on the internet literally designed by and for attention whores is pretty gay, anon. What next, you gonna compare reddit and digg? Maybe take a break to slob a knob?
twitters algorithm was going down the shitter like 2 years before elon even bought (when the search bar stopped working). instagram/snapchat/facebook/threads share the same garbage algorithm that feeds off engagement, and the only type of engagement it pushes is arguing.(if you bother to read comments sections, otherwise just unlike everything). youtube only pushes continuous watch time, and it quickly found out that a bunch of retards like watching the same shit over and over again, so it’s algo tries pushing videos you might’ve already watched like 2-3 months ago again. algorithms have some use however their commercialization is just straight up fucking evil, and should be taken down imo
>George Takai
I thought he died. Who the fuck am I thinking of?
You could add 1/2 gallon of distilled water and some champagne yeast and ferment that on top of your fridge for awhile. I sure wouldn't put it on food, though.
Stan Lee, probably
can we please talk about cooking you insufferable faggots

get in there bud
Oh mama

Does anyone have any recommendations for boneless rib patties like the McRib? You can not get a boneless rib sandwich anywhere in my city so I would like to make them at home
The McRib has always debuted in November. I don't know what's happening but I'm scared.
Charge the URL to say xcancel and it will bypass the log in
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