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Do you find Breakfast to be overrated?
Another "things I hate" thread.
Have you tried stopping being miserable?
I wouldn't say it's overrated as much as it would say unnecessary. 9 out of 10 days I usually just drink coffee and vape for the first 2-6 hours of the day and my body doesn't even really want a breakfast.
I never said I hated it just find it very meh, french toast and bacon can be ok at times
Yeah mon
I dislike most of the usual breakfast foods yes
Don't like the feeling of having to shit early on the day so I avoid breakfast.
I really do, yeah. Worst general menu selection by far. Plus eating in the morning sucks
It's still a negative post, and focusing on negative vibes. That's not creative or fun. You're being a debbie downer. Go shit up some other board, debbie.
I don't eat in the morning at all anymore to lose weight, except taking some pills/supplements and water. Can't say I feel any worse without stuffing myself full of carbs and sugar first thing in the morning.
what do earth rockers eat for breakfast?
anyone with a face that should be immediately exiled from society
Who is this wasted and wounded foodie???
>french toast and bacon can be ok at times
They taste better as dinner
The concept of "Breakfast" food doesn't really exist. The reason it's called "breakfast" is because you're "Breaking your fast." The concept is that you sleep then eat. So "breakfast" food can be anything you want. Literally the first thing I ate today was ramen with an egg. That's not common for a lot of people. Eat cereal when you want. Go to iHop and get some pancakes at 6PM. Who cares.

Also I just realized who that is! Is that BAM? Damn dude it's been years sense I've seen that man.
Bam Margera. He was a big skater in the '90s and early 2ks but sorta fell off the radar for a bit, he seems to be still doing things but I've not kept up with him since I was a teen around 16 years ago. H was kicked out of like 3 towns cause of how retarded he had been in those towns and he and his family moved several times. Dude has a drinking problem but overall not a bad guy.
That's bam margera of bams world. He's a crazy wacky psychotic character but we still love him
there's a bam thread on /xs/ if you're interested in this wreckage of humanity
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Honestly, yeah kinda. At least for me. I admit a slow breakfast on a trip somewhere or something can be a nice experience but day-to-day I really don't care for eating anything at all. I'd much rather wind down in the evening with a nice meal.
That's true for a lot of things bro. Why are they "dinner rolls" when they can be consumed at any time? Why is it "luncheon meat" when you'd never serve it to guests at lunch? Why are tomatoes called vegetables when they are fruit?
yup, exactly
why are you called fruit
It does not matter what it's called, you can still be weird for eating ramen and eggs for breakfast.
I rarely eat it and when I do I often feel tired by midday which seems counter productive.
Sounds like a bad boy.
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>Wow, that fat canadian """chef""" retard sure lost a lot of w-
ait a minute
yeah your body usually wants to rest after a heavier meal. i like just having a bit of yogurt or fruit in the morning for some energy and hydration.
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For me it's "dinner mints".
These are AWESOME, I love that the Dollar has them
It's certainly tedious. The good shit is expensive and takes forever to make. Cereal is meh, but fast. Even donuts are expensive anymore. To wake up to a big stack of pancakes or waffles with syrup (real) and butter (real), sides of bacon and sausage, scrambled eggs (real) with cheese (real), danish, and orange juice every morning would be heavenly.
Dinner mints for breakfast?~!
"most important meal of the day" was just bullshit to stimulate the grains industry
you seem like a very valuable poster
It's Jam Margarine. Of cky2k, skateboarding, jackass, and an assortment of other MTV level TV show fame
didnt this dude die like 2.years ago from all the earth rocking
google says no
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no I find breakfast foods to be way too tasty to the point of being dangerous. I cannot make them lest I gorge myself like a fat woman upon her ice cream after a rough day at work.
I want to maintain my weight but even now I hear the siren song of my dark mistress biscuits and gravy.
oh no bam please no
He shall surpass Phil and Vito combined
I could eat breakfast every meal of the day every single day and I would be totally content.
also fat and retarded
breakfast is for normies
i'm very resolute in my dietary standards but i will go absolutely feral for good southern biscuits and gravy sometimes. love em with a splash of hot sauce and a butt ton of pepper.
Yes, it's why I skip it.
I think that was Vito
bam is an insufferable drug addict and a piece of trash.
Sad thing is pictures like this are the high points in Bam's life these days
All he has now is the hope that his kid will eventually start slapping him around on camera to get some fame back
>viva la ham
"hey lil' Donny, I just took a loose shit on some silica beads, I'm gona scarf it down now! bet you feel pretty fucking stupid scump, don't ya?"
back in the 90s and early 2ks he was cool. I dunno what happened...
That may be true but he also tried to turn calling his brother a home-owner into an insult by emphasizing the homo part so he's pretty cool actually
>S tier
Sunny side up eggs, hash browns, bacon, french toast, omelette, scone
>A tier
Greek yogurt with granola or fresh fruit, sausage, toast with avocado or poached egg, croissant with jam or cheese
>B tier
Bagels, scrambled eggs, toast with cream cheese and jam, donuts
>C tier
Last night's leftovers
>D tier
Hotcakes, cereal, oats with milk
Oats with water, meal replacement, smoothie, prepackaged cookies, frozen aisle products
He never accepted that he has to move on from Dunn's crash, just kept using it as an excuse to keep doing the hard drugs destroying all his other relationships
that's pretty funny but imagine having to deal with that fat drug addicted spastic
Honestly he's probably no more difficult to deal with now than he was when they made Viva la Bam and his family were fine with enabling it then
Breakfast is the most reddit meal
his family are fat stupid drug addict trash just like him
More like he was never cool but we thought he was because we were 14-15
Be careful you don’t ask too many questions or you’ll get a visit from the CIA (Culinary Institute of America)
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No, it's the most important meal of the day.
Why does mother wear oven mitts on her branches
shut the fuck up sapkek
Lol thank you for that Ron
Who lights a candle for breckfast? Or was he cooking something else?
Do you enjoy shitting in public or the sensation of holding it?
White claw is a light wake-up
Why do junkies and alkies always chug kombucha when they're patting themselves on the back for going twelve whole hours without shooting up or getting black out drunk?
To protect her branches from the cold, duh.
> The concept of "Breakfast" food doesn't really exist.
Everything you said after this was correct, but this is not.
Ho do you get “kicked out of towns”? Like exiled lmao?
This was during a time in which if you only knew about Tony Hawk and Jackass the movie you thought he was a cool guys cause he did all the stupid shit us teens (At the time) wanted to do.
I'm saying that what people consider "breakfast" isn't" meant for any time of the day. Food is food.
Ham Burgera

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