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Git yer asses in here my fellow Southerners!

Post good food!

Yes, TX git in here!
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fried ocra?
green tomatoes
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Man I looked all over for these when I visited Arkansas and couldn't find them. I did find them in Washington, D.C. at the most insufferably self-righteous bar I've ever been too called "Saloon." To be fair, the drinks were pretty good and the prices really not bad, but the vibe was ridiculous. They had a "no phones" rule (lol) and signs all over the damn place saying shit like "order your drink before you pull out your phone."
Okay, retard. And what am I supposed to do in the meantime between the one server helping the other customers and coming over to me to take my order? Sit and look at your stupid fucking signs and feel a false sense of superiority? Is the bouncer gonna stomp on my head because I accidentally looked at a notification on my phone? No, of course not. The server didn't care. No one cared. So why bother with those signs in the first place? Shitty peanuts too.
It was likely the owner.
How do you fuck up boiled peanuts? You leave them on the boil for like 12 hours
Orca don't really come into the Gulf of Mexico. Maybe they have fried orca in Virginia, that's as far north as the south goes.
OH I thought you meant boiled peanuts.
>How do you fuck up boiled peanuts?
idk ask the owner. motherfucker was probably on his phone and forgot to add the salt because I swear I thought they'd be saltier than they were. my gf is from the south and has had them before, but finds them too salty so she doesn't really like them and even she said they were underseasoned. Too bad man, that's like the whole reason I wanted to try them. I love salty ass peanuts.
always look for the dude on the side of the road LOL. The pic I posted at the start of the thread are rather salty and I always recommend pouring out the water and reboiling them in fresh water. there's enough salt on the nuts still to add back. They add WAY too much salt to theirs but still good.
Hehehe yeah man I've heard that they're best bought off the side of the road/outside farms and that they're fairly common in places like Georgia. I can't tell you with any certainty when the next time I'd get to go on a road trip through boiled peanut country, but I'll certainly keep an eye out for them. In the meantime, I asked my gf to try and find the very brand you posted because I heard they were the saltiest the next time she goes back to visit home. She says they're not all that common in Arkansas though which I also found to be true. Barring just ordering them from Amazon or something, I'll probably have to make them myself.
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I'm gonna say it.....

Boiled peanuts are just alright.
They're basically blackeyed peas with extra work.
Just eat the peas and quit pretending it's some delicacy.
does cajun count
Jesus what an astute observation from this fuckin genius over here:
>boiled legumes are similar to other boiled legumes when I discount everything else that goes into each respective recipe
>when I discount everything else that goes into each respective recipe
since you're such a genius, you should already know that you can ALSO boil blackeyed peas in overly salted water with cajun seasoning.
If you come to GA go to Pendergrass Flea Market (AKA La Vaquita Flea Market). Was White for a long time but as you see the name changed to a Hispanic name and it pisses off us white folks here. I don't mind Mexican stuff but god damn it, why do they gotta take over! I don't mind blacks so much it's the fuckin invasion of the fuckin beaners on everything.

But there's been a peanuts vendor there in the front at the food court for like 20 years. ALWAYS packed. They make bank. I used to work at the flear market with my dad.

Why must you hurt me like that?
Sure, I COULD know that. I could also know that no one does that and unless you want to boil me some right now like the bitchmade blackeyed peas enjoyer that you are, I'm instead going to purchase a can of boiled peanuts and eat them. You know what? Perhaps I'll look for a can of boiled blackeyed pe- oh well would you just look at that, turns out no one except for this retard has ever made such a thing. Sounds like a business opportunity for you, anon. I promise I'll buy the first can off you if you promise to kill yourself once you make it.
stroke victim

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