>2020 6€>2024 12€Come the fuck on man.I want to make flatbread, can I use a cheaper seed oil instead?
>>20984214stop being poor, incelalso, muh seedoils you will die :((((
>>20984255>just pay twice for stuff niqqa! ECKSDEE!XDDYou're a poorfag yourself
>>20984214Yes, you can. Only low-test faggots care about sneed oils
$2.49 up to $6.69 for me.
>>20984214Heard this year's harvest was good and that it will be cheaper coming 2025. Don't fret anon.
>wildfires in Spain and Greece absolute fuck the olive industry>price of olive oil goes upWhy are you surprised?
>>20984506Olive trees are not in the forest, they're in fields
>>20984518>fields are immune to fire
>>20984527It's not fires, it's mafias that want to raise prices
>>20984532Ah yes, that famous Spanish mafia.