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Would you eat Balut?
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>a fetus?
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yes and it's delicious
I'm a white, upper class American.
No I would not eat Balut.
>Come on. Come on. Come on, little one. Come on. Come on, little one. Come on. Come on, then. Come on, then. Very good. Push. Push. Push. Come on. Come on. Come on, then. There you are. There you are.
>Very good.
Some anon here said it doesn't taste like much that's why they douce it with vinegar and salt, it taste like a normal egg or whatever.
>doesn't even taste good just needlessly horrific looking and cruel
yep it's asian food
This shit comes from a time when you had to choose between eating the fetus or starving to death, the whole "delicacy" thing is just a massive cope
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yeah, basically. I asked him if it has a crunch from cartilage or bones and he said - the good vendors sell it early enough where it hasn't developed that and the bad places you can find a crunch here and there and maybe even a feathers
Well in that case post a WebM of you eating it
I've had it and it's breddy gud acktually.

It basically tastes like chicken soup, so you add the salt and lime or chili vinegar to season it. The baby duck doesn't have much texture, all the bones are still gelatin so, so it's mostly like very soft chicken wing meat.

Overall, it's more of the weird factor than it tasting bad. If you like simple chicken soups then there's nothing not to like.
I've had it. Tastes like roast duck. Mine had feathers. It's fucking gross ans weird. But not that weird I mean you eat an adult duck. Right?

But deep down I just can't get over it - it's weird foreign muck, unwelcome to my Aryan pallette.
Thank you for putting into words my feelings regarding eastern foods like this. Like, I get that it's just food like any other but part of my brain can't help but think "you could have had an egg or meat from a duck, but you chose the fucked up phase in the middle."
Yes, in fact I've been frustrated because I have nowhere to get it where I live
No but I'd cram.
are you able to purchase a male and female duck?
Alreight, the virgin boy piss egg thing i dont really understand tho. nobody was starving there. And so what if it took a thousand years to figure that one out

can i buy twins?
"Its a cultural thing"
>tortures animals needlessly
>Nobody was starving there
All of Chinese history is just these people surviving famine after famine after famine. Their language's version of "how are you?" translates to "have you eaten yet?", that's how ingrained starvation is in these people's culture, their language is based around starving to death. You get a lot of weird foods when your whole society's history has been people starving to death. And after a Wikipedia search, I'm right, the origin of virgin boy eggs is ching chongs starving and doing literally anything to preserve their food, including curing them in piss. I mean, it's the same food culture that buries eggs in lye.

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