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Is there any scientific evidence for seed oils being bad? People on Twitter keep saying seed oils are ok.
>experts say
Into the trash it goes. The schizos have become more reliable sources of information.

Guess my favorite herb, btw.
We already have 3 seedoil threads up; and they're all well shy of bump limit.
Hijacking this thread cause I can start my own.

I just threw up and there were wide strips of plastic in my puke.
WTF, I don't remember eating anything that could contain that kind of plastic wrapping, and there was a lot, most of my puke was entangled in it.
What do I do?
Should I go to the doctor?
>Is there any scientific evidence for seed oils being bad?
Yes, but I won't share it with you
Yes, even the wiki article on it explains why it's bad while just calling it misinformation. Remember, these "experts" were the ones who did the whole "fat bad, sugar good" shit back in the 80s and FUCKED the whole country over.

Does it matter? Nope, they just make you a lard ass if you don't eat them in moderation.
Worms maybe. Take the turp.
Nah, they were too big to be worms.
I threw in the shower and couldn't even push them through the drain.
These are the people you are considering trusting over medical professionals.
I don't think we know, just keep everything in moderation to be safe. Anti Seed oil crowd are usually conspiracy theorists, I'm not saying it's 100% safe but their sources shouldn't be trusted.
No they're not.
People have been crushing seeds to make cooking oil before anyone could write. They're fine.
>The schizos have become more reliable
no you just like what they say more, now seethe
>drink turpentine
if you're dumb enough to do this I can only pray it kills you to cleanse the Gene pool a bit
christ do we need 10 seed oil promotion threads up at any given hour or what?
Its probably this weeks demoralization topic
who should i trust

carnivore diet keto bros who die of heart attacks at 60 years old who only eat butter and ghee

or, 100 year old Japanese seniors who eat seed oil in moderation
anyone touting extreme diets or really extreme anything should be ignored for ones own sanity
Canola oil literally didn't exist until after WW2, it's an acronym CANadian Oil Low Acid. They used the stuff as machine lubricant and once the war machine didn't need it they started selling it as cooking oil

Seed oils are high in linoleic Acid which damages the cell membranes leading to mitochondrial dysfunction
You would need to eat 1 kilo of sunflower seeds to get the same amount of linoleic Acid as a tablespoon of sunflower seed oil

The mitochondrial dysfunction is directly what causes obesity, diabetes, heart disease etc.
If your body can't synthesize energy effectively that's what causes you to put on weight, it can't convert the food into fuel so it gets stored as fat
And then you're always hungry because your foods not turning to energy, as well as lethargic for the same reason
you are on 4chan, please be less reasonable
>Seed oils are high in linoleic Acid which damages the cell membranes leading to mitochondrial dysfunction
>You would need to eat 1 kilo of sunflower seeds to get the same amount of linoleic Acid as a tablespoon of sunflower seed oil
>The mitochondrial dysfunction is directly what causes obesity, diabetes, heart disease etc.
>If your body can't synthesize energy effectively that's what causes you to put on weight, it can't convert the food into fuel so it gets stored as fat
>And then you're always hungry because your foods not turning to energy, as well as lethargic for the same reason
Literally just more meme diet fake news. This is along the same lines as people who think vegetables are indigestible, or meat causes cancer.
>It's the seed oils' fault I'm fat!
I'm allergic to this style of responsibility evasion.
>"fat bad, sugar good" shit back in the 80s
Nobody has ever claimed that sugar is good. Nobody. Ever. Making absurd claims like this instantly loses you credibility.
Then I can't help you if you don't think consuming toxins causes disruptions in how the body works

And as for the other repliers, I'm not sure what they have to gain by defending fake food
>consuming toxins
unironic brain damage
>Canola oil literally didn't exist until after WW2
Right but rapeseed oil, which canola is derived from, has existed for centuries.
Always remember that every poster on every board has a mental illness related to that board's topic. For /ck/ it's orthorexia nervosa.
The real problem is that in America it's in EVERYTHING processed. Cookies, granola bars, bread, crackers, chips, everything fried uses it...seed oils are used to increase shelf life instead of making fresher, more natural products.
refined sneed oils are not the healthiest food in the world, but still better than using a lot of highly saturated fats like butter, lard or tallow.
Yeah it was used to light torches, people knew not to eat it because it would damage your heart. I wouldnt recommend consuming kerosene either

It wasnt until 1976 they developed the low acid cultivar of rape plants and started using it as cooking oil
This new variety doesn't kill you instantly like the other stuff, just more slowly over time
Saturated fats are good for you
Your body evolved to eat them for thousands of generations, it's these novel polyunsaturated fats that gunk up the arteries because your body doesn't know what to do with them
So far, other than the fact that you can visually see the invention of seed oils causing Americans balloon in size starting at their introduction, it mostly comes down to there being only one study suggesting that saturated fats are bad and if you actually read the study you'll see it seems to say the results were actually inconclusive and everyone's just been exaggerating/fabricating that claim ever since. Then you look at studies like the Minnesota Cardiovascular Study which shows there are no discernable or measurable differences in how seed oils and saturated fats are processed by the body which seems to suggest that animal fats are just fine and there's no reason not to use them. Then you just have to think about how seed oils are more untrustworthy because we've had scandals like the one out of China where people were making seed oils out of sewage waste that was toxic for human consumption and no one found out for almost 10 years and the answer becomes clear: why wouldn't you want to use a trustworthy cooking ingredient like animal fat, especially when it tastes infinitely better, rather than some shitty oil that was invented to be engine lubricant, might cause inflammation, and that you can't trust to not be filled with poison from a shady manufacturer? If it actually were "healthier" for you it might be worth the risk but as it stands now you're just asking people to take a huge risk and make their food taste worse for no discernable reason.
They don't crush them, they put a lab grown bacteria on them that dissolves into an oil while consuming it.
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I'll trust 'his' claim before the 'experts'.
what the fuck are you talking about people ate that
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>Nobody has ever claimed that sugar is good. Nobody. Ever.
The SRF was heavily pushing refined sugar as a healthy source of carbohydrates in the 1950s and 60s. They've also been funding research to downplay the harmful effects of sugar as early as 1965 and as recently as 2015, with fat being the obvious scapegoat.
They've also been found guilty of bribing USDA officials to be more lax on sugar restrictions.

So yes, they did.
>it's these novel polyunsaturated fats
lmao, polyunsaturated fats are naturally found in most foods. No food only contains a single type of fat, it's usually a different mix of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Even butter and lard have a 5-10% of polyunsaturated fats in it.
>Why yes I'm the new health secretary of the US, how could you tell?
PUFAs are rare in nature but high in processed seed oils and other foods
high proportions of PUFAs cause inflammation, inflammation causes a host of other issues
>why won't fat people take any accountability and learn some fucking self control
>these artificial and refined processed food additives seem to be negatively impacting my health, I'm going to stop eating them
you're only allowed to reduce calories by reducing anything other than vegetable oil
otherwise you're being neurotic and need to stop listening to grifters
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were you that anon having a seizure at me calling half the anons here neurotic?
So you deliberately distrust experts now. You're fucking retarded.
the idea behind hating seed oil is fine, oil and fat in general are dense and processed, and fast foods use a lot of seed oil in frying an deep fried food since it is cheap (along with palm oil which is not a seed oil but doesn't get any mention) and we can all agree fast food and processed food is bad for you

it's just when ketolards and carnivore lards who watch alt-right grifters on tiktok with no medical degree think somehow butter or animal fats or saturated fats are fine but when it's proven that simply isn't true and if somehow Americans fry their Mcdonalds and doritos in butter or lard, they'll magically stop being fat and live as long as Meds who use olive oil or East Asians who use seed oils
Can't talk for other fields but in my field (electrical engineering) "the experts" are PhDs who haven't set foot outside their univ campus in years. If you listen to them, your simple 2 months projects will become 2 years and you'll have stimulated the entire universe a dozen times over. The final product will still be shit because the PhD think the world is perfect like their textbooks, mains will always be 240VAC, transients don't exist, leakage inductance doesn't exist and Chinese 40A rated FETs are actually 4A rated
Anyway, not to say good academicians with real world experience don't exist, the problem is that they need grant money to survive. They're not going to solve normal everyday problems, they're only interested on solving problems for megacorps who fund them
Your seed oils and colorings are getting banned no matter how much you cry
Who the fuck is going to ban cooking oil you dumbass schizo
>health experts provably lying and admitting it
Continuing to trust them because they have a degree is the definition of stupid.

You vill cook in ze tallow
>fuck (((((experts))))
>I do my own research!
>joe rogan and andrew tate agree with me!

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