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How come no other fast food chain has attempted to make their own version of the baconator?
burger king definitely tried it at some point and I think it's still on the menu
yeah the Bacon King, only difference is the sesame seed bun
Pretty sure Hardee's has one and it's super bland and sucks.
Back in the days of their Thickburgers, Hardees used to be the best widely available fast food burger. Like toward the end of the in the mid and late 2000s.
bacon king is pretty damn good
Ah yes, the "king" menu, I always day the king thing as an answer to the big mac and other thousand island sauce burgers.
But wendys seems to have a edge on the bacon thing.
How can you eat while that eerie face is looking at you?
fast food vs schizophrenia
my entire dad makes this burger patty with mottz and bacon where he puts two uncooked patties together with the stuff in the middle and it makes the baconater look like a shameful bastard
its so good
That's called a juicy Lucy you moron.
>my entire dad
As opposed to part of your dad?
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Wendy's got me craving

1. Cost of ingredients and marketing. Literally the only thing the suits care about, with any chain, ever. They don't give a fuck about the food and they sure as hell don't eat there themselves, it's all a numbers game to them.
2. Because the Baconator is to Wendy's what the Big Mac is to McDonalds and the Stacker to Burger King. They already have their own big-seller/memetic items and it's always going to cost less in the long run to come up with something unique to the chain rather than just trying to piggyback off of another chain's success with something that might not even work.
3. It's a fucking bacon cheeseburger, it's not even that novel of a concept. The only thing that really makes it stand out is that Wendy's actually used so much bacon while everyone else skimps out to cut costs.
4. Who the fuck would want to imitate Wendy's? Wendy's is ass.
like how sone people have step dads or half dads
hes my real dead, my whole dad
no. juicy lucy has beef marrow injected into it, larkburger in vail colorado makes them, they are amazing

NTA but - what? No. A Juicy Lucy is a cheeseburger with the cheese on the inside of the patty. Where are you getting "it has to have bone marrow" from???
Do you retards really think that there's only one thing in the world called a Juicy Lucy?

When you're talking about cheeseburgers? Yes. It is understood that the name refers to a specific kind of burger as it was made by one of two places in Minneapolis.

You can't just say "it's gotta have bone marrow injected into it" and then hide behind "words don't mean anything" you fucking knuckledragger.
That's a man
The Baconator isn't really that good. Their Junior Bacon Cheeseburger is better but it's smaller. They should make a full size JBC, it would mog the Baconater hard.
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Checkers/Rallys Baconzilla and BK Bacon King are the same "setup"

Double patty cheese, bacon, ketchup and mayo, the buns are all different but it's the same ingredient config
I'm not gonna lie the best regular fast food bacon burgers I've had were Checkers and White Castle. Primarily, because their bacon both seems pretty much like bacon you'd make at home, you can tell it was raw and they fried it.

Wendys, McD, and BK bacon is all "fine" but its all that overcooked bacon chip shit, that I'm not sure about but seems like it probably comes in pre crooked, overcooked to be safe, and frozen because it's always uniform and flat.
I tried to custom make the baconator at lots of fast food places and the worst was mcdonalds, the best was A&W
I worked for wendy and we were constantly making fresh bacon in the oven
Jack in the box has the ultimate bacon burger or some shit like that, I've never had any of them so idk who reigns supreme
you can't get bacon, ketchup, mayo, mustard and onion on a double cheeseburger anywhere else?
Thats what the Monster Thickburger was
sounds pretty gay
Men have compulsions to put meat into their mouths, and get genuinely upset at those who dont eat meat at all.
>food is gay sex
nah that's just you
Nobody mentioned gay sex
Well, you can, but as a marketing tool and regular menu item. Wendys has made a sort of brand out of it.

I also find if you custom make a burger at like McDonald's it costs more.

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