What gluten free bread have my celiac nibbas been cramming? I've been stuffing that Canyon Bakehouse. I only use it for egg sandwiches, that shits too pricy to eat casually. Once Target had their freezers die, and I was able to pick up 7 loaves for a dollar each. That was breddy cash money, had bread for like two months. I wish stores wouldn't keep it out on the shelves, it goes moldy and it's hard to tell from outside the bag.
>>20985072They's actually a GF bakery near me. If I made better money I'd pick up a loaf from there every week, but it's crazy expensive and only open from 10am to 2pm 3 days a week. So I save it for the occasional confection
>>20985089That looks pretty good but similarly I hate paying the gluten free premium.
Whole Foods 365 gluten free bread is good, and I'm not even a stomachlet.