Post your bachelor chow here. Rate it, discuss it, lampoon it, ignore it, whatever. By bachelor chow, I mean your meals that you make with whatever that's made by yourself and for yourself only.Pic related was chankonabe I made a while ago with a few odd additions for extra nutrients and protein.
>>20985293Nice, looks hearty and healthy
>>20985293I don't get it, so men eat better when eating by themselves, but with others, they stop being themselves? Men aren't like women, where without the other sex there, life falls apart like they are some barn animal.
>>20985293Looks edible, but the sour cream/yogurt doesn't look like it belongs there at all. How was it?
>>20985346The greek yogurt was an addon for extra nutritional value, and it was still delicious. Vinegar and Greek Yogurt are a tad redundant but they aren't bad (both add a tang to the dish). You can omit soy sauce if you add greek yogurt