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What is that cum looking sauce that I see get squirted all over everything these days?
stop eating pizza
Catupiry cheese, it's a kind of cream cheese.
This is why 3rd worlders are so unproductive. Their food has such low nutritional density that they have to spend most of their day eating and shitting just to meet the bare minimum level of sustenance.
fucking Brazilians man
Europeans are unproductive because they aren't grovelling to their paymasters licking boots like they're ice cream. Get back to work.
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The absolute state of European "cooking". You've become the wyppo food meme.
Don't let your boss find out what you're doing!
That’s why you guys drool and we rule. Enjoy our cultural exports while they dominate your world ;)
Haha, a proud bootlicker. Of which there are 10s of millions, ecstatic to make their company more money with no trickle down for themselves
I ate an entire pizza for dinner and now I feel really sleepy.
You've earned your rest.
It's a Brazilian video made by a nutritionist, and we all know nutritionists can't cook, speacially women and specially in Anno Domini MMXXIV.
>weirdest pepperonis I've ever seen
>cum mixed with that weird yellow thing
Nigga wtf is this shit?
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last one i made
I'm American and I discovered this stuff a few years ago and it's awesome. Idk why we don't have something like that, I mean we have stuff like squirt cheese or cheez whiz but those are things that only boomers or poors eat here. Catupiry is also was better quality than any of that garbage.
Throw sandwich ham on top to make it more filling.
made focaccia for the first time with some home grown Everglades tomatoes, pepperoni and chucks of mozzarella
came out pretty good for only a 2 hour rise
surprisingly crispy outside and light fluffy open crumb
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Figuring out how to make great pizza with only my convection oven room a bit, but now I'm an expert at it
but wheres cheese
those white blobs are chopped mozzarella stick, they browned pretty bad but tasted great
Considering splurging for a Ooni Volt
looks good, nice blistering on the roni really activates the flavor
No, pizza tastes good.
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>we all know nutritionists can't cook
I'll say. That rice doesn't even look like its been cooked, at all.
what happened to frozen pizza makers including a carboard?
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nice za bro no cap fr

go for a thinner crust bro no cap fr.. Hi I'm AI Brayden, how can I help you?
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>in some redneck town for work today
>for lunch should i have pizza or some bbq next to a gas station run by a nog?
>get the bbq
>was really good
>got a fist bump when left 50 cents tip on the way out
>come home after 3 hours drive
>mom made calzones for dinner
The papper plate does it
I like your backsplash, Anon.
that is a ceramic plate. you got eyes, son?
die painfully
There's no fucking way that is accurate
I'm so fucking hard looking at that goddamn
it is
Pizza time
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love me some brazilian pizza
>we all know nutritionists can't cook
It's not that they can't cook, it's that flavor is the natural enemy of nutrition
Basically everything that is tasty is also bad for you in some way or another
So if you're going to have a lifestyle that is focused centrally on being healthy, you're going to eat like shit
It's the same reason vegan dishes are all terrible
That's not a pizza, it's a fucking hate crime against Italians
That's literally a lethal amount of vitamin A.
>So if you're going to have a lifestyle that is focused centrally on being healthy, you're going to eat like shit

For a while and then you get used to it. It's like coming off of a drug, at first you go through withdrawals but then you get used to it. I got real fat during covid and then just switched to healthy food—no specific recipes, I just bought frozen vegetables, frozen fish/chicken, and once a day I'd steam them and then eat them. After a while just the relief from being hungry is good enough. I literally can't have any sweets or too much salt on it now because it's overpowering.

I don't even know what I'm doing on this board.
>So if you're going to have a lifestyle that is focused centrally on being healthy, you're going to eat like shit
That's only true if you can't cook and have to rely on copious amounts of butter, cheese and bacon to cover up your lack of skills.

Nevertheless, I eat clean from Sunday to Friday, and Saturday is my pig day so I'll eat anything I want. The thing is, though, when you get used to eating clean, your urges for fatty foods greatly diminish and when you do eat it, digestion is very slow.
That's just deep dish pizza without the sauce
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best in thread IMO
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Unless that thing on the left is made out of bacon grease and flour, there's no way its 1600kcal.
>adding raw mushrooms to pizza
>not even sautéing it in butter and garlic
I hate you dumb fucking apes so much
They soak up the cheese and salami grease you absolute pizzlet.
I never had coffee beans as a side in my lunch plate

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