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This thread is for discussing teas, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.

info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea

previous thread: >>20984539
Verdant Tea Black Friday deals
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"Tisanes" you say??

Fucking faggot. We can always depend on this retarded thread. Just like the weekly 'What the Heck is Svengoolie' thread every Sat on /tv/. Could set my clock by you predictable shitbags.
Kingteamall has -10% on everything too
Any recommendations for a liu bao from KTM?
Grab a basket
Yinchen Studio 20%
Viet Sun 20% black tea, 15% everything else
tried this one already, was thinking of getting something higher grade this time. I'm fine with modern productions.
another one filtered by old musty liu bao
>handleless cup for hot beverage
are asians stupid?
they also eat rice using 2 sticks
The coldness of the cup cools the water.
best of luck to you, it will be a journey
green tea is cool enough to where it's never really a problem and even for black teas if the cup is small enough then it'll cool down enough to be handleable quite fast
>good deals everywhere
>feel no excitement
>no cakes look particularly interesting
I guess I'm burned-out lads. It has been fun.
I already blew my load before the sales just doing restocks of what I like. I'd say branch out, but I'm not feeling that either unless it's yancha.
Found a Chinese medicine shop in my town where I could get a small teacake of puer for fifty cents per cake
Going to try it today. If it’s a good cup I’ll post the store. I live in a big tourist city so other anons might benefit from that
>Any recommendations for a liu bao from KTM?
Not the cheapest but if you want that real ass root cellar tasting liubao
Also this
That covers some nice modern well factory aged productions from the two biggest and most relevant producers
A full size cake?
Reminder if it hasn't spent at least 4 years in a hot ass warehouse in Guangxi or Malaysia It's not really liubao.
Whoops you said small.
Replying to myself
Both those teas have 7+ years of aging in their respective factory warehouses before they were packaged witch is about as good as it gets outside of super duper special limited $$$ releases. They should be pretty nice examples of what these factories consider the good stuff.
Yes, it’s more like enough for one batch. They’re round, the size of a gum ball.
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Speaking of balls, I brewed up a dangerfield mini last night. Sweet sweet sweet. Almost cloying at times. Very tasty change of pace.
The balls are usually better than mini tuos (little nests or bowls)
I'm also not super enthusiastic right now, but I know I should stock up anyway. Could use some aged raws and white tea. Probably KTM, maaaybe White2tea but more so for white teas. Young raw maybe less so, but I gotta use up dat cspuerh coupon at some point...
Nice, I got one of those too. It was actually rather enjoyable when I haven't been too impressed with the couple w2t raws I had before, pleasant surprise.
How are their puers?
You guys don't drink freshly made pu-erhs, right?
Ya'll getting stomach cancer, I'm calling it.
I'm thirsty. What's it going to be?
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How's that Earth? I presume you like it seeing as you have a tong.
shui xian
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I liked the 2021, this one is fermented a little longer and the reviews seem solid, the 2021 was great.

Let's do it, I love this shit.
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Strong minerality like spring water under the very potent smell of cocoa nib. Very coffee-like roasted notes but no oil to the body. It's tea but I don't think you'd immediately peg it as tea, I'm steeping it pretty hard but it's only very mildly astringent. Essentially no real bitterness. I want to say it had an even stronger roast profile when I had it a year ago, but I guess it's a year older. Very different from the more common yancha presentation, it's not fragrant or green at all.
Interesting how these things come out. I'm dirinking one atm that's got room-filling stanky florality.
You're really selling me these eot teas lately.
what ripes should i get today for black friday? give me all your recs, can be from farmerleaf, w2t, yunnan sourcing, the essence of tea or fullchea unless theres something im really missing out on by limiting to these sites.
im looking to try new shit and recklessly buy ripes but if you want to base your recs based on what i already like anyways--my favorite ripe is the naka from farmerleaf.
I'd probably go for one of the other ripes that just got added to farmerleaf. Should be good odds that you'll like it too.
I feel like Lumber Slut is the standout from white2tea, it's no surprise that they release it every year.

From fullchea I'd get the usual factory stuff, your Haiwans and Dayis

If I wanted a ripe centric order right now I'd probably go with yeeon though, I want more musty aged stuff.
Doesn't really matter which reseller. Just make sure you're buying the freshest available ripe to truly understand the 堆味 aspect. Orientate yourself towards the total lymph drainage for maximum chi benefits.
can you post your hands
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Before I knew how to pronounce tisanes and had only read the word, I thought it was tis-anus.
>be me
>read about tisanes
>go to local tea house
>ask tea girl what kind of tis-anus she has
>she turns bright red says h-here and hands me a menu
>wonder why she's blushing
>oh fuck I just asked her what kind of anus she has
>I turn bright red say t-thanks hand the menu back and speed virgin shuffle the fuck out of there
I figured out my mispronouncination mistake when I told the story to a friend and I never returned to that tea shop out of shame
how do i get into tea, loose leave tea, only ever really had irish breakfast tea in a bag

want to leave coffee behind
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>how do i get into tea
then once you are used to that and want more just start picking shit from here
i wouldnt recommend this site normally but you are kind of limiting yourself by only choosing loose leaf, there is a bigger world with compressed tea but that is more complicated and i guess you should probably start with this. this tea offers good tea but at the cost of being overpriced for the sake of having a reliable brand--something you can avoid later.
you will need a teapot: DONT get a glass one or one with a strainer basket like pic rel. just get the cheapest one you can find that is porcelain and has no basket. if you dont have a kettle then go to walmart and pick the cheapest (electric) one it absolutely doesnt matter if you are just getting one for black tea in a teapot.

if you get the first link i sent and you dont like it then its time to get into shou.
thanks for this, going to use it as a start. maybe limited myself to black is too much, ill buy a like sample of other teas that are loose
my issue wasnt really with you limiting yourself to black, it was that you limited yourself to loose tea, since there is a third kind of tea outside of bags and loose which is compressed tea, which is much better than both imo (really with loose leaf and compressed tea it is just preference, unlike bagged tea which is objectively worse and more astringent due to the small size of the particles) however compressed tea (basically) requires the shit that we use in this thread that will be more complicated and autistic and probably not how you want to introduce someone to a hobby; so i would start with this but keep an open mind as you search for more stuff you like after trying alwazah ceylon and if youre obsessed enough youll want to get the autistic shit we use.
Tea/caffeine withdrawal stages
>I need it to make the headache go away
>phew, got through the worst part, feeling nice and calm, but a cup sure would taste REALLY nice right now.
>honestly, it's just not as fun without it
>man, I'm depressed
>??? (can't get to this stage)
the worst part is that it actually hits better after suffering the withdrawals.

I'm trying to reduce usage because the anxiety following the high is probably the root cause of my otherwise unexplainable health issues and 4-5 cups of Japanese green tea per day is a bit ridiculous anyway.
>the worst part is that it actually hits better after suffering the withdrawals.
That's true of any substance, stupid. If you replaced the tea references with just about any other substance your post would still ring true.
Just taper off to a more modest consumption. Reduce the amount of leaf used, then reduce frequency. Tea should be chill and comfy, not a troublesome habit that you have to juggle. That said, if it's tough, consider supplementing additional L-theanine during and in between sessions. That may help with the anxiety.
are you european
Fucking junkies I swear.
Never really understood people taking so much caffeine.
One of the reasons I drink tea instead of coffee is that strong coffee makes me buzzing/jittery to the point where yeah I have a lot of energy but I can't focus for shit and once the crash comes after few hours l, it's absolutely awful.
Does Farmer Leaf no longer allow guest checkout via PayPal?
I was under the impression that farmer leaf always required an account to checkout, at least for the last several years. But maybe i am wrong and you used to not need one.
Can I make tea out of fraser fir? It smells good.
mildly toxic , causes butt and gut problems if ingested
Dods anyone know how long the free shipping promo on white2tea will last? When does it end?
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I finally had a chance to brew some of the balls. They smell incredible, a little musty but not in a bad way. I am a newfag when it comes to tea, I don’t even know what kind this is because it’s in Chinese, but it smells like sweetgrass around a lake. A little hint of a seaweed scent. Once brewed, it gained the smell of toasted wood too.
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I overbrewed the second batch a bit, but this is the first batch. It has a natural sweetness to it. Still present in the second batch, but more bitter.

If anyone is interested, I can share where I got it, but it’s a physical shop with no website from my understanding.
Nice. Thanks for the writeup. How did you brew it?
Post a clear pic of the wrapper text and I'm sure someone can provide a little more insight.
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Using my Chinese tea set, you add water to one cup, strain out the leaves and serve. First cup is a wash, second is an actual brew. Brewed it for one minute first, then flew too close to the sun and tried two minutes.
Here’s it flattened to the best of my ability
>China National Native Produce & Animal By-Products Import & Export Corporation, Yunnan Tea Branch
Please Chairman Xi, liberate America and institute state-run tea fields.
Stop drinking tea for a week and my vision and taste is coming neck. My skin is clearing up and my mind is clearer. People say I look like I am more joyful and relaxed.
No, why? I'm proud to be an American.
I noticed my erect penis length had gotten shorter since I started drinking tea. I stopped for a few months and it eventually went back to normal. Be careful out there guys.
Americans sure do love getting blacked and browned huh.
Yeah we do. So?
Your just a racist who has never taste food Indian or African food.
Stop stealing our material, you fucking thief. It's our job to shoehorn BBC and gay interracial sex into every discussion, not yours. You're not American so stop that. You be lucky we even let you use our websites.
i wish i was having bbc gay interracial sex right now, preferably with at least one tranny.
What did you anons buy during Black Friday sales this year? I got some Snoozefests and a few small things from W2T for fun, but I didn't get anything else. I kind of wanted to get some good JP tea sales (since yen is weak atm), liu bao, or a cup since my nice one broke, but I didn't see anything that caught my attention.
American past time #1
>Black Friday sales
Americans sure do love BLACKS huh
got the lao man e gushu cake on FL
very excited
Lao man e tea is very memorable. The taste.
Still torn between KTM, white2tea and cspuerh
I haven't had a bad puer from them. My least favorite of the ones I tried was average-at-worst.

Here are some ones that myself and other /tea/ posters liked:

No, you needed their account, not PayPal account.
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Other assorted Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals:

>Crimson Lotus
15% off everything, free White Christmas cake for orders $150 or more
>Seven Cups
20% Off All Green & Puer Teas
Up to 40% off + random lucky draw
>Bana Tea
Save 15% on your order over $50 with code Holidays2024
up to 30% off sale

25% off every order
25% off assorted items
>Sazen Tea
20% OFF ON TEAWARES Coupon code: SazenBF-20
Do you know if the prices include tax?
I've never had Vietnamese tea, this looks tempting.
Tax is on your side, if your country taxes it. Most shipments to the US go untaxed. Europe, especially Germany, is pretty fucked with import VAT right now.

Border teas are usually as good as all but the best Chinese tea, at a much lower price. The varietals and processing are a little different and there's less incentive to lie about what it is and what mountain comes from, because no one cares. Raw puer roulette still applies. It's hard to equivocate, but I'd say you're getting something comparable to a random Yunnan tea that costs 15-30% more.
You are in for a treat my man. It doesn't get better than that.
Good looking out!
Most stores don't include tax, but they do lower package value so in many countries you'll barely pay anything. Last package I got I paid 2$ of VAT.
>Last package I got I paid 2$ of VAT.
Lucky for you. When my local taxman wants their cut, they demand to see the real value I payed AND they still calculate it wrong AND they want 6 euro charge for handling the process.
Unless my chinkshit sneaks in somehow (some vendors are better at it than others) I'm getting fucked.
Yeah the taxmen are lax where I'm at, never had any problems receiving undervalued packages
>Moonlight Waffles

Help me choose a white tea, anons! I really enjoyed the sample of Moon Waffles (aside from the chunks not opening fully) and the other one I have not tried but it's cheaper now than in its previous productions and reviews sound very enticing.
I'd just buy 200g of wayward white instead. 2021 moonwaffles does slap though.
Why the wayward white in particular?
What are your favorite flavors to drink cold?
Looks delicious.
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bought the moonlight waffles in the end + some stuff from KTM
Hell yeah. Orange box GANG. Also that shou mei I shill frequently. Awesome deal.
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Where are the liu bao deals this year? What about greens from Japanese sitesto take advantage of a weak yen? Maybe I missed all the good sales.
How is /tea/ going to cope when Pmurts tariffs ruin tea imports?
I've been thinking a lot about that. I'm stocked up for myself, but I've also been steadily building an inventory to start a little side business selling the stuff. I don't think people would be willing to pay such massive markups given a tariff. That said, if by the grace of God income tax is abolished at the same time, things might even out so long as wages rise. That would only really happen if deportations were done in earnest, which I'm hopeful for. That's all pretty optimistic, so as you said it's probably just cope. Either way, I have tea for years as this all unfolds.
I'll get over it
>I don't think people would be willing to pay such massive markups given a tariff.
I'm pretty sure puer addicts will pay a premium for their loamy fish brew. Cigarettes are $15-20 per pack in a lot of states and smokers in those states still buy a pack a day. Puer is a lot more addictive than cigarettes.
Anons who buy from KTM, are their shipping prices honestly understandable somehow, or do they bake a lot of their costs into shipping? I messed around adding some cozy tins of liu bao (well under 2kg), but the shipping alone is not much less than the total item cost.
It's about $8 + $1/100g. At least for me. I got worse rate from superbuy.
I'm inclined to believe it's just what it costs and other vendors put it into the product prices, awazon has a similar rate.
>It's about $8 + $1/100g. At least for me.
Costs significantly more for me, and I'm not sure why. I thought it may have been tiered pricing, so I tried a 3.2kg cart, and the shipping cost is $106 with SAL (their cheapest option). I tried a 2kg cart, and shipping is $61, and then a 1.2kg cart is $43. It's just hard to believe it costs that much to ship a few boxes of leaves, but maybe I am naive to think so. I know many storefronts bake shipping prices into the item costs, but it still stings.
maybe the tins add more to the package cost?
That is pretty gnarly. 3.2kg comes out to $47 here.
They do do a little bit of price tiers, it increases faster above 1.5kg
Yep I bought the thread favorites + another Happy tuo. That one was good.
Possible. I tested it with 1kg and 200g portions of this liu bao:
Still ridiculous if it's just for little metal tins. It sucks since I can't find many decent heicha deals on other sites. I guess I'll just have to never buy from KTM and give my money to the Japanese instead.
or you could buy one that's not in tins
Fair enough. I imagine/intend my target audience to be those who haven't had a lot of tea before, certainly not puerh. Addicts like myself will always be hunting and willing to pay premiums. It's the new consumers I doubt will.
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Anon made this earlier this year.
Shipping is always brutal. 20% give or take of an entire order is typical. Shipping from rural China is expensive.
As shown in my post, I picked liu bao that was not in tins. Same issue.
24$ for 1.2 kg sounds pretty standard to me
>Shipping from rural China is expensive.
Anon, I don't think any of these stores' warehouses are in rural locations.
I have to toss my Sheng puerh because it upsets my stomach every time I drink from it.

It didn't do that when I got it. Any idea why this might happen?
All of Yunnan is rural
Arr you eating beforehand?
yes, always.
Any changes to the aroma, taste, or appearance that seem 'off' in any way? How are you making it? Try any combination of:
>Shorter infusions
>Lower temperature water
>Less leaf (if already in excess)
As for why it is different now, maybe your digestive health is different now compared to then. That is, you may be more sensitive to it, or infusing it in a way that is less tolerable for you now otherwise.
Of course now that I was ready to toss it I just had a tea and it didn't upset my stomach. Guess I'll just ignore the last 5 times and keep it.
No, all it seems is more dry. It's in a cupboard above a toaster over that is used multiple times daily that's probably why. I'll probably move my teas elsewhere.

as I said >>21010808 I was giving it a final chance and it passed the test so who knows what happened to it. The only thing affecting it is the drying from the toaster over under it.
>toaster over
toaster oven*
Don't toss it, keep it around as an aging project. It should mellow out in a decade.
>It's in a cupboard above a toaster over that is used multiple times daily that's probably why. I'll probably move my teas elsewhere.
Yeah, I would strongly recommend moving all of your teas away from anything to do with your food or strong odors. I have a small stash I keep in well-sealed containers in my bedroom, but otherwise, everything is in a dry closet space away from any bathrooms, kitchens, or bedrooms.
Nah I like it because it's cheap as shit for what you get. I don't think making staples a luxury is sound, it's a little too close to indians spending a third of their income on tea.
I just tried lipton green tea after months of drinking loose leaf tea and I feel like throwing up.
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The 2023 Fa Zhan He cake I bought this time last year is almost gone and I need something to replace it for 2025, give me a rec.
Thank you for the chart
No way
You could just buy a 2024 Fa Zhan He. Drinking it right now, I think it has the same character. This year's version seems sharper and more aromatic to me, last year's was maybe softer and sweeter or maybe I just remember the version that was already aged for a year.
Anyway FarmerLeaf has a sale on right now. The only other 2024 tea I caked from them was the Tang Fang Liang Zi, a really nice soft fruity cake. I think the Mohei could be worth a try too though, they just added that.
From White2Tea Veldt had some of that tart citrus thing.
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2024 beyond the clouds roasted red is even better than the sun dried version. Brings out a little more malt and body and has lot more going on. Great daily drinker and doesn't take much to make a decently strong cup.
My sample of this arrived

The wet leaves are very fragrant. Light but lovely smell of fruit.
The soup is light as well.
The taste remains me of the liquid you get when you open a can of peaches.
If you pour out the liquid, cut it with water then it's very close(minus the sugar of course).
It's nice. And the lovely smell stays in your cup so even it's empty something is still happening.
500 grams is a good sample size
I've only 30g tho. Found on taobao.
I want to give oolong tea a first try.

Is king of duck shit on YS worth the money it costs?

Note that dancong is often considered the most finnicky oolong to brew
I think that one seems well-liked as far as YS oolong goes (I hear their selection can be hit or miss)

I assume you're making an order of other teas at YS and just want to throw some oolong in? If you just want to explore oolong, you'll probably get best value at specialist vendors
i do not like dancong/duck shit, i find it very bitter and sour. i'd suggest
Osmanthus Flower Tie Guan Yin Oolong Tea
Anxi "Hairy Crab" Mao Xie Fujian Oolong Tea
Da Hong Pao "Big Red Robe" Wu Yi Shan Rock Oolong Tea
My uni is decommissioning some incubators and they're up for cheap. I've been thinking about building my own incubator for controlled puerh aging so I've been toying with this idea.
If you have the space and don't mind the electric bill, you could do a very slow build of a YT channel about it. One that won't make money because tea, but I'd listen to a fellow retard sperg about artificial hot storage and get all parasocial on Patreon.
lol yeah I could b(v)log about it but I doubt hardly anyone cares about this topic. Most people just do boveda in mylar bags or at most turn a mini fridge into a pumidor.
This guy blogs about some of his heated storage experiments and does comparisons sometimes, maybe you'll find it useful
Yeah I've seen his blog and it's one of the inspiration for thinking about it
>dancong/duck shit, i find it very bitter and sour
That's an issue with your brewing parameters

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