Anyone here run a Huel-only diet? When did your butthole stop exploding? I'm dying in my bathroom 3 times a day.Supposedly after my gut bacteria adjusts to a balanced diet it'll stop but I don't know if that's just the Huel cult explaining it away.It's been wonderful to be liberated from groceries and dishes though. Tastes good too.
Why do you have the diet of a horse?
>>21039559goys are livestock
>>21039558so you fill the bottle with water and consume that instead of the ingredients?
Fuck off shill. This is the penultimate definition of goyslop. You're passing for bottom grade whey protein and cheap multivitamins blended together.
>>21039558Huel is unironically great for bulking or cutting.
>>21039558I was on a soylent-only diet for 6 months with no problems at all. Tried switching to Huel and I always felt like shit and regularly had diarrhea so I stopped.But that whole experiment was retarded and now I just cook decent meals instead of guzzling slop.
>>21039558This shit isn't meant to be a complete replacement. That's not how your GI tract is builtBut cutting one or two dinners with a bottle instead of forcing myself to cook when I'm feeling completely terrible is godsend thoughI would be dead if I didn't have shit like Huel and Ensure/Glucerna in those rock bottom moments
>>21039559You ever seen a horse buddy? Seen a stallion waggin those grapefruits around? A pony carrying a grown ass man?? Where you think we got the term HORSE POWER from??? Gotta eat big to get big. 2 SCOOPS C'MON!
>>21039558Mmmm, the diet of a farm raised pig. Delicious! Oink oink!
>>21039896I can't be around horses, I become too aroused
>>21039559Ever hear the phrase "healthy as a horse"?
>>21039558What's the difference between this and Soylent?
>>21041432Different formula
>>21041214Okay Vaush
You're soaking your legumes, seeds and nuts before consuming them right?
>>21041242That's not what it means...
It's pronounced Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwllllllllllllllllll
the fact they are pretending seed oil is "sunflower seeds" makes me despise them.