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your ancestors suffered so you could indulge yourself in all the culinary pleasures you could imagine. don't hold back now.
You'll get fat, your wife will leave you for Chad, and you will have no descendants, thereby wasting all your ancestors' efforts.
>You'll get fat
You can eat a lot of things without getting fat.
how I interpret it
>eat as many different types of expensive food as you can and try all the things you want
how >>21063796 interprets it
>don't eat the icky veggies. pizza and hamborger every day. ice cream for breakfast, yay. yummy soda
>thereby wasting all your ancestors' efforts
I used to fall for this meme but the reality is that life isn't a video game, there is no high score for having 12 children, you die and everything fades out and that's it. Have kids because raising them is a joy, not because you got memed on
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>kill/exile the turks
>keep the good recipes but make them with pork as added insult
Why do so many cultures refuse to eat pig? They're missing out like crazy, pork is delicious and it's dirt cheap.
because those cultures are sticklers for tradition without pondering the reasons said traditions existed in the first place, pork being considered unclean being one of those
pork was called unclean because it was a scavenger and ate everything therefore if you weren't good at keeping an eye on the pigs you were raising you have a higher risk of contracting parasites and illness from eating them, so the cultural leaders ingrained it into the population that pig is bad down to a spiritual level to dissuade them from pig rearing

that's how it was done for a lot of things
Minutes since /pol/ cried about minorities:0
Pork is so easy to raise it gave peasants to much ability to resist. So got banned in some strains of wheat storage cultures.
they asked, I answered
>your ancestors suffered so you could indulge yourself in all the culinary pleasures you could imagine.
No, they suffered because they were too retarded to learn how to cook properly, like me. They had all sorts of shit back then, but no knowledge to use it proper.

>thereby wasting all your ancestors' efforts.
Nah, I'm part of a big family, a few dead limbs won't mean shit. Family name is already passed on to little ones in other branches. And you never know, my dick isn't limp yet, so I could always impregnate some ladies at a later date, but highly unlikely. Just depends on how bad things get.
But I get full really fast.

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