Assemble this sandwich in the correct order.
>>21069364Can I have a less burnt burger?
>>21069457no queerbo
>>21069364Is this a question on the new Trump approved immigration form?
>>21069458Alright, well, fuck you then. You get the onionwich.
>>21069492I'd eat that and then fudk your dad in the ass right in front of you just to see you cry.
>>21069364items removed not because I like them or don't like them, but because this is how I like a burger.
>>21069472the only way you could seem more like a toddler would be to take out the mustard
Bottom bunPattyLettuceCheeseOnionTomatoKetchupMustardPicklesTop bun
>>21069451Damn so close to a fpbp. Shoulda tossed the pickles and kept the tomato, idiot.
>>21069364KetchupBottom bunLettuce Onion CheeseTop bunBeefBaconTomato MustardPickle
>>21069492Corrrr, blimey! Proper scran, that!
>>21070068Low T post
>>21069364The left build is what I think makes a great burger. The shit on the right is useless most of the time.
>>21069364sesame seed bunonionspickles cheese lettuce special sauce pattypatty
>>21070077Thumbnail looks kinda like a duck
>>21069364Not a sandwich
>>21069982>Shoulda tossed the pickles
>>21069364Red onion on burger instead of white onion? wut?
>>21069511naturally the autist cannot even conceptualize a hypothetical that would break his typical routine
>>21070162Maybe it does on planet gay
>>21069451>>21069472>>21070013>>21070068>>21070072>patty on the bottommm yes delicious sweaty bottom bunfucking retards.
>>21070256the irony is that you are doing that which you accuse others of. one guy gives his preference and he's autistic? hardly. people like what they like.why aren't you eating a bug burger anon? are you autistic? well we know the answer.yes, yes you are.
this is how you make this burger you degnerates
This is how I make all of my own burgers. You might not, but I do.
Top bunKetchup and mustardBaconOnions (if cooked)CheeseBorgerOnions (if raw)LettucePicklesBottom bunTrash the tomatoes.
>>21069492I would eat that, enjoy it, then run to the toilet the next morning.
>>21070072I like this aesthetic
>>21069364Top bunKetchupMustardOnionsBaconCheesePattyLettuceTomatoBottom bun
>>21070279if you aren't cooking your patty well done on a grill you're the retard
>>21070595this but swap onions and tomatoes
>>21070377this but tomato between salad and pickles
>>21070622I agree that's better
>>21069364Top bunKetchup MayoOnionsTomatoburgerbaconcheeseburgerbaconcheeseburgerbaconcheeseBottom Bun
>>21069364Draw lines to each ingrediant to make a perfect sandwich without any lines crossing
>>21069364Bottom bunCheeseBacon BurgerMustardBottom bunKeptchupBurgerCheeseBaconLettuce Tomato PicklesTop bun
This is the way.
>>21069364Onions go on the outside and bun in the middle.
>american yellow mustard>american yellow dairy based squarePeople actually ruin their food with that shit?I bet the tomato is a tasteless one grown 2x as fast as normal and picked green so it could ripen on the truck too>americans make food with patently disgusting ingredients and then ask why everyone is picky
>>21070770mad lad
>>21069364onion lettuce tomatoe picklesthe others go in the trash
>>21069364>bottom bun>patty>cheese>top bunWA LA
>>210705671/8 onion too spicy fo dis whyde boi
Mustard should never be in direct contact with ketchup, you need a barrier
>>21070602The direct heat will cause it, not just the grease. Cheese chould always go between the meat and bread.
>>21069364the bread implies its a burger and not a sandwich
>>21069364Raw onion is disgusting
>>21070279Bun should be toasted anyways, and also the thing you have mentioned is insane and not an actual problem any living person has ever had please see yourself to the nearest asylum
>>21069364That's a burger, not a sandwich
the most important thing for structural integrity is wrapping tightly and letting set for a few minutes.
>>21069451>trasha high quality tomato is almost the best part of any high quality burger
>>21069364is this a datamining thread? you do this every year man.
>>21076387What company has use in "How random anonymous users on the internet would construct a burger"?Maybe I can sell them "WHat I put in my pasta salad" next and if they pay extra the secret how after pooing I wipe my bum.
>>21069498I would suck the coom out of my fathers asshole, spit it into the air, catch it in my asshole and get prengan with his butt babby just to burn you on an ethiopian yak grooming forum, nerd.
>>21069451The older i get the more i like variety in my food. Used to hate anything veg inna sandwich then when i was 26 i had a burger that was perfectly balanced between all the ingredients. I still dont like raw tomato by itself, but on a burger or inna sub i dont mind.
where do you guys buy the little pucks of mustard and ketchup from?
>did you just hecking say you don't like RAW onion/tomato!!!???>GROW UP BABY!!! don't you know that in 1862 tomatos were...tomatos go into the trash. onions are caramelized to perfection.
>>21069969You did it upside down retardThe top ingredient goes first
From top to bottomTop bunTomatoPicklesBaconCheeseSaucesMeatOnionsLettuceBottom bun
>>21076419nice deflection kike. data mining doesn't exclusively exist for the sole benefit of restaurant R&D.
>>21070377Is it supposed to be off center?
>>21070377checked i might put the onions under the burger but thats about right pickles optional because you already have a lot going on but the most important is burger>cheese>bacon>tomato to activate the flavors
Bun KetchupMayoBurgerCheeseLettuceTomatoesOnionsBaconTop BunThe hell with mustard and pickles
>>21069364There is no correct order, there are only incorrect orders and acceptable orders
>>21077975This guy gets it
>>21069364Top breadlight ketchup/mustardtomatoonioncheesebaconburger pattylight ketchup/mustardbottom breadpickles and lettuce tossed over the porch for garbage eating birds
>>21069451Tomatoes are a litmus test for a person's palate. Anyone who dislikes them is borderline fucking retard and should be chemically castrated to prevent reproduction.
Top bunKetchupPicklesTomatoOnionBurgerLettuceMustardBottom bun