Is it my imagination or do Pringles just taste like shit now? Specifically the Sour Cream and Onion and Pizza ones which used to be the best ones but now they taste terribleI bought some Pizza ones with the freshness seal still attached and they tasted stale.
>>21074663>nowyeah, it's just you thinking some memory in your past was better than it really was
>>21074663>do Pringles just taste like shit now?they outsourced the manufacturing to Malaysia of all places. thats why they're $5 a can, smaller, taste worse and have less seasoning. you can tell they're downsizing too. changing their logo to a simpler design to save money on ink and there's only like 3 flavors now.
>>21074663Pringles have always sucked ass, no exception, someh, no matter what flavor they always taste so fucking sweet.
>>21074740No no! See >>21074670 Nothing has gotten worse stop noticing things!
Halal production only in Malaysia?
>>21074764Pringles started sucking when Procter and Gamble (a company that aggressively markets all of its products as best-in-class) sold the brand to Kellogg's (a brand that makes it money pretending that it's products aren't 1 step away from industrial waste)
>>21074663THE worst "chip" , HORRIBLE, VILE assault on the sense of taste, a MOCKERY of Gods perfect crop, the potatoThis DREADFUL MOCKERY of God's perfection and GIFT to humanity is a perfect example of SATANIC DESTRUCTION OF FOOD and DEMORALIZATION campaign in effectPotatoes should be sliced and fried to form a chip, not RENT by horrid threshing machinery thereby losing it's HOLY FORMthe "pringle"(demorlization name, psychic leeching ability) lives stacked neatly in a cramped can, an analogy for the plans of the DEVIL WORSHIPPING CANNIBALISTIC "human" ELITES, they want you MUTATED from your GOD GIVEN form into a food slurry, then pressed into wafers and freeze dried so that they can survive the coming end timesEVERY time you eat a pringle you are MARKED psychically for SPIRITUAL destruction
>>21074663>Sour Cream and Onion and Pizza ones which used to be the bestUnderage detectedBest ones are objectively ketchup
>>21074663Yep. They're ass. No seasoning whatsoever, but you still feel sick after eating more than a dozen
>>21074852Never had Ketchup.
>>21075519Don't. That shit is like cocaine
>>21074663When they banned transfats a lot of foods reformulated into shitty simulacra of what they once were.
>>21075709wish they'd ban trans
>>21074766I can literally remember when Pringles cans were big enough that people used to keep tennis balls or spaghetti in them. Now you cant even fit your hand to get the chips out, so you have to slide them out onto a plate or something
The chips barley have any seasoning on them
>>21075710trains is hard job...
>>21075922lol I just imagined cooked spaghetti and sauce in a pringles tube
>>21074663the loaded baked potato pringles used to be an indicaton that one had a more refined palette than the common riffraff
>>21074773Agreed, it’ll be interesting to see if Mars returns the products back to better quality
>>21074663they were amazing in the late 90s.
Does Pringles have McDonald's style perfect uniformity across all countries and regions, or is the op bitching about his personal circumstances?
>>21074663They changed the recipe and/or manufacturing process sometime in the past decade. They mold them into shape from a liquid slush now. That's why the texture feels so off.
>>21074663when I eat pringles I feel like I'm eating something extremely transgenic and toxic
for me, it's LAY'S® STAX® Original Potato Crisps
>>21074663Pringles, like every other potato chip on the market, do indeed taste like pure hot dogshit compared to even just 10-15 years ago. Frito-Lay is another offender, their flaming hot Cheetos are actually just 100% inedible now. To say they’re disgusting would be an understatement, every aspect of Hot Cheetos and even Doritos, are astronomically worse than ever before, they aren’t even worth eating for free now. I sincerely think what they’re doing to the quality of snacks now should be illegal.
>>21074766>even if they are hallucinating i will tell people things are worse because thats what we do on 4chan
>BBQ>Memphis BBQwhat difference
when they got rid of the loaded baked potato flavor i stopped getting them on the regular. next time i did they seemed very different.
>>21074663You're not wrong. Their sour cream and onion is dogshit now. I've ate those since middle school and the flavor is very off.They taste no better than the knockoff crisp brands dollar stores carry
>>21077613it's been pressed sludge since forever. they also use corn and rice sludge in various proportions according to produce prices to reduce production costs.
>>21074663yeah i stopped buying them right around the pandemic cause they became very not good
>>21081230>Potato chips contain potato, oil, flour, saltthe west has fallen
>>21081230>it's been pressed sludge since forever.The texture/taste and manufacturing process changed. This is not a debate.
They're about half the size and thickness now compared to when I was a kid too...
Tastes the same to me but they're now way overpriced so I never buy it.
>>21081571it's possible they've got worse and changed things, I don't buy them because they're expensive and pretty naff so I couldn't say. they're definitely a pressed and shaped potato product though.other brands that do this style of chip can be better. we get pic related in germany and I remember them being being more strongly flavored than the 'ngles paprika equivalent.
>>21074663They stopped making the screaming dill flavor