>co-worker gets lunch Door Dash'd every single day, without failIt's amazing how many Millennials are completely incapable of even preparing the most basic forms of food like even a ham sandwich. He's paying over $20 a day not including tax and tip for some shitty fast food to be delivered.
I remember when it was commonly accepted that fast food delivery would never become a thing because of the cost involved, and that no one in their right mind would ever pay the exorbitant price for it. How quickly things can change.
I did this through most of covid and got fat as fuck. I wish I knew how easy it was to cook back then
>>21076145I learned to cook, and I still think it's laborious and a complete waste of my time.
>>21076150anything besides finding the most expedient way to kill ourselves is a waste of time. but here we are.
>>21076156here we are indeed
Whats really strange is the companies that make the apps aren't regularly making a profit. The drivers don't make more than like minimum wage at best, and somehow people are content paying 50% more to have fast food delivered. I don't get it. You wouldn't ask your neighbor to get your food in exchange for $15 because you can't be bothered to put pants on but don't mind when Jy'quandius or Shatesh patel do it.
>>21076135Show some respect for the job creators.
>>21076150true. all i eat is eggs because its the best source of protein that's impossible to screw up too badly. not runny == no disease == continue wagingif i had the money, i would not cook for a very long time. to be perfectly honest i don't even like food that much, i like this board's shitposts. they seem far more human than other boards and especially the more popular websites.
>>21076150Maybe you are not cooking the right kinds of meals? It can be a very relaxing, zen-like experience.
>>21076198The whole point of these apps is to never see your neighbor. You hate the prying eyes of others and don't even want to greet the wagie who went and drove in their nissan altima which is financed at a criminal rate to go pick it up and drop it off for you. You are paying to be alone.
>>21076198going to your neighbor is weird and personal current year. contracting a stranger through the magic phone machine showing you all the nearby menu options as conveniently as possible is easy, transactional, and requires little more effort than the what was required to obtain the money in the first place.coming from a college town, there are a lot of valid reasons for this to exist. more and more students are coming here escaping from broken homes with parents who never taught them to drive. when its 10pm, you're cramming, it's pissing rain outside and none of your friends have insurance or even a car, and your bike got jacked by a homeless dude last week, this kind of economy starts to look appealing.
>>21076219Sure, but I'd rather be relaxing in other ways, like masturbating
>>21076221>The whole point of these apps is to never see your neighbor.So going to my attached garage, getting in the car, opening the garage door, driving to taco bell for some shitty tacos, driving back into the garage, closing the door, and never seeing my neighbor isn't the move? I should be paying a stranger $15 to ensure my tacos are cold and broken?>>21076225>this kind of economy starts to look appealing.What fucking retard is going to college but doesn't have a driver's license? What fucking retard going to college without a car or license agrees to pay $10 extra for every meal thinking thats the financially prudent thing to do?
>>21076221Don't you know that your neighbor is peering through their blinds just to see that and when you ordered food? They know everything about you as it is. There is nowhere to hide.
>>21076225Buying a car is a much better financial decision than getting a degree for the majority of people, but there's a reason they push going into debt for an "education" on 18 year olds with little to no real life experience.
>>21076135>He's paying over $20 a dayLet me guess, that's a lot of money for you?
>>21076243I mean, yeah. That's the only reason I do it. I have enough to afford it now. Plus, I've always been lazy. I don't even know how I got here.
>>21076233often retards who were never taught time management or financial responsibility. retards from broken homes whose life lessons come from american academia. i'm not one of them, i dropped out in high school and have been collecting hospital bills since.>>21076239that's what i keep saying, but it's always too late, but i did convince my younger brother to look at trade school instead. i tried myself but found out how disabled i really was in the process. epilepsy's a bitch.
>>21076225In that case, the student should just go down to the college store or cafeteria and get a snack. Cheaper, faster, and gives them 0.1% of their daily exercise.
>>21076253>i dropped out in high school and have been collecting hospital bills since.What? why? And its not just retarded college kids without drivers licenses. Its factually people well into their 30s that will order shit from literally 2 miles away because they just don't want to get it themselves. Same morons complaining about the price of everything and how they'll never afford a house.
>>21076219> It can be a very relaxing, zen-like experience.I only feel this way when making sloppa (like chili or stirfry).I'm just dicing shit and throwing it all into one big pot. Very relaxing and no need to actually care about the dish.
>>21076230To me, that's very stressful. But you do you.
>>21076243That's an extra $400 pointlessly pissed away per month, at least.
>>21076291>how they'll never afford a house.This part is true though, if you're making under $100k/yr in current year dollars, you cannot afford a house no matter how much you limit your spending, under $50k and even an apartment is out of the question in most urban areas. Hating on your fellow poors for their spending habits is what the billionaires stealing from all of us want us to do, because then we will blame each other for their crimes.
>>21076307>Well since I'm too retarded to save money and buy a starter house, I can justify $5000 a year in delivery for fast foodDude, stop. You're so wrong and its laughable.
>>21076310Title or gtfo
>>21076307I'm getting under $19k a year and that doesn't even cover my rent. My current job has almost no opportunities for promotion, but it's still the best thing I've found at $20/hr. Unless there is another major housing crash like in 2008 I'll never even get to step foot inside a house again.
>>21076310It would take 20 years of saving $5k/yr to buy a "starter" home, even in the cheaper parts of the country. You're the retard if you think billionaires will reward you for protecting them, just look how that's working out for the chuds who voted Drumpf lol.
>>21076319>Drumpf>still thinking this is funny in 2025shiggy
>>21076322No, the funny part is the racists who voted for the Muskrat's geriatric puppet getting fired and replaced by jeets. That's gonna be hilarious for years to come.
>>21076319Nice bait, actually kinda funny.
>>21076135I used to work at a place that gave us catered lunch every day (this was only at a training facility while learning a new job) and even though that shit was good food and totally free, there was a guy who would use doordash for lunch every day and every single fucking time he would get like 40 chicken nuggets from mcdonalds. We were eating bbq ribs with mac and cheese and beans, lamb and couscous, all sorts of chinese shit, and fish curry for free, and every day this dumbass paid for a personal taxi for his fucking chicken nuggets. I couldn't believe it
>>21076422was he fat? I have a theory that their taste buds go defective
>>21076135That's so retarded. Paying a taxicab to bring you lunch. At least double the cost of the food. If it was hot it's now only warm. Fried foods steamed in containers until they get to you soft and limp. Why? Why would anyone do this ever? It's not like pizza which can feed several people and the delivery is provided by the business; it's paying a taxicab 3rd party to go and be the middleman and waste time and money. I "guess" people sort of had an excuse in 2020 if they couldn't leave home, but they could still drive through a drive-though themselves. This is fucking ridiculous and I can't believe it's just part of the scene permanently now. When will people wake up? They don't EVER get to bitch about the economy if this is how they manage their money.
>>21076442He was fat yes but I'm fatter lol
>>21076330They will still blame "libtards". They can't recognize any failure on their "team". Team being the 1% and all the millions of retards who for whatever reason think they're going to get a slice of the pie. We'll see how long our freedom of speech lasts under an egomaniac who wants to put journalists in jail for reporting on the things he's done. The "enemy within" is really anyone who criticizes him.
>>21076451>We'll see how long our freedom of speech lasts under an egomaniacThe same length of time it lasted last time he was president, i.e., we still have it dumbfuck
>>21076456>nothing has changed since last time
>>21076467It did, but only because B*den swooped in and fucked it all up again.
>>21076467>>21076496>>21076456>>21076451just kiss eachother and get over with it
>>21076135I won a shitload of DoorDash gift cards a while ago. Even if they could cover delivery fees, I would always order and pick-up my own food when I was already out or if the restaurant was down the street.
>>21076135Yep. There's a PA convenience-chain called Wawa. The stores now have two racks, next to the food counter, for uber eats/doordash pickups. Those racks are full, no matter what day or what time I go in there. Probably the same retards that complain about the higher cost of food, while there on a food app.
>>21076219I always have a show on in the background when cooking or washing dishes. It seems like many can't multitask.
>lunchmeh.. I can honestly fuck with this since it's a pain in the ass to cook a meal the day before and then take it to work in a container, which you then have to clean etc. I don't like it at all, I know it's mostly me, but I'd probably never routinely take my meals to work, I'd probably just skip lunch if there's no other option. Though of course getting something from any joint close by is best.Now doordash for dinner is peak retardo normie behavior.
>>21076135That's why he will never own a home and posts on r/Socialism.Financially illiterate.
>>21076135>MillennialsYou mean Gen Z. Most millennials are In their mid 30s now.
>>21076225Being a student doesn't prevent you from buying groceries and storing them at home. Even in the smallest room is some space for it.
>>21076142>implying fast food delivery (in its current form) hasn't been a thing since the 1970s at leastI bet you also think normalfags never used the internet before smartphones were invented? Fucking revisionist zoomers.
>>21078986No fast food places delivered you dipshit. The only places that delivered were pizza and chinese food.
>>21078986You fucking idiot. What he said >>21079004You fucking idiot
>>21079004>implying pizza isn't fast food>implying chinese can't be fast food (esp. the kind you get delivered)You're just moving the goalposts because you can't admit you were wrong.>>21079016>namecallingKek, you're really on the ropes.
>>21078986>>implying fast food delivery (in its current form) hasn't been a thing since the 1970s at leastthat's obviously not true, what the fuck are you trying to do here exactly?
>>21079027You are now learning that chinese food and pizza are not fast food. Congratulations.
>>21076310You'd have a point if house prices didn't increase faster than most people can possibly save
>>21079027You're the one moving the goalposts, dipshit.
>>21079598>You'd have a point if house prices didn't increase faster than most people can possibly saveOH MY GOD DURING HIGH INFLATION, 0% APR, BUYING PANICS, AND FREE MONEY TO EVERYONE BUT WHITEY HOUSES JUMPED!Alright, what are the prices doing today? Oh slowly falling. You have been saving the last 5 years haven't you? You should have enough cash for the down payment at least. My house (paid off, I got mine fuck you) only went up $100k the last 5 years. GF just bought her $220k house. Are you telling me over 5 years you simply couldn't save $20-60k? What are you even doing with your life? Ordering doordash daily?Listen man, stop repeating the doomer lies and hyperbole. Just get laser focused on the goal of buying a house. If you just can't reach that goal you're doing something wrong.
>>21079635I'm not the other anon, I have a house, calm down.Just pointing out it's not necessarily as simple as the stupid "hurr just save" boomer lies
>>21076135>OP outs herself as a seething pooryikes!
>>21079648If you have a house you'd know the "just save" isn't a boomer lie. Yeah for a few years houses did spike in price because people were paying $100k over asking price just to buy a house thus driving up prices for everything else. You're a moron if you think anyone in their 20's today simply will never buy a house because they'll always go up faster than you can save. This thread is proof of that because we all know the retards spending $100 on delivery food daily with a new car complaining they can't just buy a house or even save enough for a down payment. Well no shit, you're setting all your spare cash on fire. 2 tears from me not owning a house because of it.
>>21079664This may come as a shock to you but the housing market and house prices/income disparity isn't the same everywhere.>inb4 just move 3000 miles away from everything in your life just to buy a shack
>>21076319this zoomer mentality allows me to own 6 houses and rent them out for way too much money. I'm 30 years old and essentially retired. keep it up.
>>21076135I just got a code for 50% of three orders. Of course it's delivery only.
>>21079668Doesn't have to be 3000 miles away, and I understand you have to be somewhat close to where you work, but all I'm hearing are excuses not to leave your comfort zone of complaining.
>>21076135He probably has dashpass and pays a monthly fee. Still spends like $16 getting mcdoanalds though.
>>21079719>I have 6 people who dream of murdering meWhat could go wrong?
>>21079635>Are you telling me over 5 years you simply couldn't save $20-60k? What are you even doing with your life? Ordering doordash daily?No one is buying a house these days, not when every job only hires for part time. I know a guy working three part time jobs and still rents. I can't even get $20k in a full year because they won't give me enough hours.
>>21079635>down paymentWhy do you think it would be a good idea to take a loan for something you can't afford, for the next 40 or so years? Are you sure you will have a job for every month for 40 years? Life happens.I've got to run down the 4chan's timer, so lets do some math.As a programmer I earn around 11 400$/year (that's amount after tax, that is what I get "to hand") from Poland, it's a cozy job with good people, but lets not pretend I could afford a house like this, ever.I spend ~2/3 of it to live, so lets say I save 3700$ every year. The cheapest house I could find right now by just searching "houses"("domy"), clicking the first link and looking through half a page without checking for quality or anything is around 100k$.(and was surrounded by goddamn villas unless I sorted by lowest price)If you'd want to settle for absolutely anything, which I wouldn't, then with my income you could buy a house (in Poznan, which just happened to be the city of the first link I clicked) in 27 years.Which means basically at the dawn of my life I would get to enjoy an absolute whatever tier house if I never spend any extra than survival given my pay wouldn't increase, which it will.(it's just my 7th month here)220k$ house is out of my lifetime unless I more than double my salary very quickly.I consider this job temporary, as I'm trying to either develop something, get big on youtube or become a hit artist, all at the same time.(out of passion, but these three just happen to maybe let me be rich some day too)
>>21081381You're already paying rent, so figure that into your mortgage instead of just your savings. Yes paying interest sucks, but you're putting money toward something you'll actually own instead of basically wasting it on rent. Plus if you have a spare room and can stand having a roommate, they can help subsidize your payment. I'd wait until your raise to start seriously looking, but you can do the ground work of figuring out what you can afford in the meantime.
seems like rightwingers are basically just communists these days. poor people can live in the street & eat mud as far as i'm concerned. they're getting replaced by robots soon. goodbye cletus
>>21080876If you murder your landlord it doesn't give you the house
>>21081381>Are you sure you will have a job for every month for 40 years? Life happens.30 years is standard, and most people have savings for at least 6months of unplanned unemployment. At a certain age of your life, you should have 2 years of savings, or more liquidity too. At age 30, 40, 50, you should be halfway able to retire soon.A 100k house is not the going price in a good neighborhood that will appreciate well. Your pick to invest should reflect your own affordability, true, but "the cheapest thing you can find" is not going to be best. Know a single person should make the salary of 2 professionals before you'd realize that dream of making it. Married people get bigger tax breaks too. A single person instead, needs a roommate.A house payment along with interest on a mortgage of a decent percent, is universally considered good debt, because appreciation over time outweighs the amount you'd get from any other investment. My 5 properties are used as seasonal tenant rentals only, and for me the rest of the year, but also they have appreciated like crazy in the past 10 years. Parking the same money in a bank would have actually cost more money.
>>21076135>Millennials have moved on from $10 avocado toast to $20 fast food burgers
>>21076243That’s $5000/year which could be spent in a million better waysIf you’ve got less than 6 figures sitting in your bank account/invested in the market you should be frugal until you do
>>21081381>As a programmer I earn around 11 400$/yearCrazy, but also irrelevant as you're in poland.
>>21076135>Yet another gen x fag whining about millennials threadGet a life
>>21081701If you’re too stupid to budget, you’re not allowed to whine about not being able to own a home
>>21081733Get Tumblr if you want to whine about made up groups of people all day
>>21076135I gave up on delivery food after I realised that they use shit ingredients and I can do better myself. They all load up everything with cheap oil and salt.
>>21078986what does a pocket touch screen supercomputer have to do with people's inability to assemble ham and bread
>>21081738>millennials are a made up group of peopleI wish.
>>21079613>N-NO U!>>21079581>I-It doesn't fit into MY arbitrary definition therefore I'm not wrong!You're both acting like a children. Thank you for conceding.
>>21081738tumblr's been dead for over 6 years grandpa. get with the times.
>>21081494>anybody who isn't slavish bootlicker is communistName me one reason why should have human rights and human status.
>>21076150Well if you want to eat and you don't want to rack up debt, cooking is the way to go. Maybe try different recipes or methods to make it more fun. Because DoorDash is a fucking ripoff and only suckers use it
>>21081810You're just seething because they're correct. Prior to DoorDash and other food delivery services, most places did not deliver outside of pizza places and Chinese places. There were SOME restaurants that did their own delivery but until DoorDash and other shitty middlemen services came along, most didn't bother. If you don't know what you're talking about, shut the fuck up. Maybe wait till your balls drop until you post next time.
>>21081810Fast food is a separate category from pizza and Chinese. They don't have drive thrus, and if you show up without ordering in advance you'll have to wait for your food. The only exception is Little Caesars, but that's just a very limited selection and you're not guaranteed to just walk out with a pizza.
>>21076316I live in Eastern PA and I can't trip without falling into 25 an hour and I dropped out of high school. I also bought my house for under 100k. I don't have the best job or the best house, but I have both and it wasn't very hard in my area.
>>21081485I like that your response is actually reasonable.I agree, I would feel more comfortable if I could save at least half of my paycheck month to month, so I'll wait for now with any decisions.Owning(through bank, but still) a place in the first half of my life sounds like a good idea, no matter how much I earn, I would not want to only spend elderly years in it.>>21081506I'm 24 so I don't really know what's expected in terms of savings, especially when my family was either living month to month or severely loaned from several parties. Not a lot to learn about finances from them, except getting a deep fear of loans.It's good to see some rough realistic pointers from somebody who knows how to deal with finances.I don't intend to get married or even date and I want to live alone, so I would have to make those 2 peoples salaries, and that's not entirely out of the table in the next few years given what kinda job I'm doing.There is still a possibility that anything I do in my off-time works out but I doubt that.I'll keep your words in mind. I will consider taking a loan for a living place.
>>21081506meanwhile, in reality and not fantasy la la land, most people have like $400 cash on hand in all their bank accounts at any time lol
>>21076316>under $19k>$20/hrYou're not working full time.
>>21082622Remember when that reddit moderator of anti-work went on fox news complaining about not having enough money and capitalism is a failure, only to admit he works 5 hours a week dog walking while living with his parents?The guy you're replying to works 20 hours a week. These are the posters complaining they'll never afford a house and they're right.
>>21076135>It's amazing how many Millennials are completely incapableThis is overwhelmingly a fucking zoomer phenomenon. It's not even close. Millennials will at least pick up to-go orders themselves but the whole Uber eats shit is entirely a broccoli-head thing. I've seen zoomers doordash McDonald's despite living literally 3 min away. It's beyond retarded.
>>21076150Sounds like you haven't learned to cook. Learning as a home cook means figuring out what YOU like to both cook and eat. It does not mean making picture perfect dishes to post them on 4chan and then never cook again because they're a pain in the ass
>>21082631I'm pro antiwork shit but that fucker set the movement back so hard. It should be about getting paid decent wages and not getting absolutely fucked at every turn by super rich CEOs and board members that just cut at every opportunity to increase shareholder value.Instead that bitch was like "uh I wanna go play on a farm." Ok.
>>21082688>I'm pro antiwork shitWhy?
>>21082631Yes that's 50% of the population and increasing. Enjoy your inevitable murder though.
>>21082021What job do you have that pays $25/hr? Honestly curious.
>>21082622>>21082631I don't know what I work. I just started. Right now I'm doing 9 hour days, 5-6 days a week. I'm told that will taper off. Yes, it is part time, so I estimated what that would be over a year. Truthfully, the hours will vary so much I have no idea. The first three days I made $500, and that's as far as I've been paid so far.
>>21076135Man, if I had money to do that every day and not be broke, I would be so happy
>>21081810I love these stubborn contrarians who just keep claiming victory and doubling down no matter how many times they are shamed and debunked.
>>21083079But you'd be happier banking that money instead of just barely not being broke because you spend $40 a day on lunch that's not fresh when the cabby finally delivers it.Think more, dumbass.
>>21083086No I mean I'd be so happy if I made so much money I did not care at all about spending $20-$40 on food delivery, like it was just change for meAlso aware that if you make that kind of money not to care, you probably have a nice place with a well equipped kitchen and money for good ingredients and not have to choose between paying rent or eating, but still, sometimes it's nice to buy a couple pizzas and not feel like picrel
>>21076135>MillennialsThis isn't limited to your retarded generation. Boomers don't cook. Gen X don't cook. Millennials don't cook. Gen Z don't cook.
How fat is your coworker?
>>21076142the business would be even less viable if we didn't abuse immigrants to do it
>>21083038I work in a paper products factory. I currently make 28 an hour and the place I work at hires literally anyone that applies (because the schedule is shit and people quit all the time)