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what happens if you eat the brown part of a banana?
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anyone who opens a banana upside-down like a chimp needs to be deported far enough away where they cannot post here anymore
You explode
>t. disgusting incel
That's the banana anus
The bananus, if you will
only a disgust-o opens the banana from the bananus.
It would be extremely painful.
When I was a young lad I heard that spiders shit their eggs there
Your sperm count increases rapidly
both these things point to increased fertility, according to my own researchâ„¢
>he doesn't eat the skin
this has nothing to do with the skin anon
>Let's eat the part that has insect and animal feces all over it
You escape the simulation so I am told
It's weird how you brought up sex after somebody mentioned a banana.
you become brown
you're a brown banana
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>what happens if you eat the brown part of a banana?
Instant death

I think
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Sometimes bananas can have a woody core and its revolting if you aren't expecting it
it would be extremely painful
I've never heard of this and this has never happened to me or anyone I know. Maybe it's a regional thing.
Partly true. It's actually flies. All the little brown dots that appear on a banana peel are the points of injection that the bugs pierced to put their larvae in.
It's more common on wild varieties of bananas but grocery store varieties can have it due to a fungus
How is your post relevant to mine?
This is /banana general/
You are what you eat. I wouldn't risk it.
Who wouldn't want to be a bad banana
They get you.
oh god I've had this a few times o'er the years. it's pretty horrifying. every couple or few years a cyclone will whipe out the banana crop in the top end and then all we get are really shit-tier low quality bananas and they cost like $4 each. I think that's when I've had that weird horrible parasite before.
>bone in banana
I prefer my bananas medium rare

it's happened to me a few times and I eat a lot of chiquita bananas. I got grossed out the first time but apparently you can eat it without harm, but I just throw away the banana and the others in the same bunch since usually they are infected as well
Where are you located?
>Sometimes bananas can have a woody core
It's more than that. It's a fungal blight called Panama TR4.
The scary part is that the near sole majority of bananas commercially are Cavendish, 99%, so they will likely go extinct. So far, attempts to kill the fungus or genetically modify the Cavendish to be resistant have failed. You cannot know if a banana inside will be okay until you bite into it :(

>It's more common on wild varieties of bananas but grocery store varieties can have it due to a fungus.
Nope, they're all Cavendish, organic or inorganic, same issue (btw, both are sprayed with poison and antifungals) or the USDA wouldn't let them be imported.

There are "apple" bananas varietal, which are the short bananas, kid sized. They taste different, are different, with a less durable peel for shipping, so picked even greenerr, but they have the same blight.

Ah ok I'm in the US.

all the bananas come from central/south america
I didnt ask

how much?
mmmm love killing them by digestion
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you guys DO devein your bananas, right?
You gain superpowers, but don't let anyone know.
I revein my bananas.

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