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This kinda seems like a retarded thread to make but I'm curious
How do you guys drink water on a regular basis? Tap? Filter? Bottled? Do you have a strong opinion on any option? Which is most economical in your eyes?
Not answering any of your questions, glownigger.
I'm not CIA and how could any of this even be useful for the CIA?
I am a sovereign citizen and I do not need to answer any of your questions! Good day, sir!
reverse osmosis filter
I filter all my pee and drink that shit
Hey sit tight for me bud, just what exactly have you had to drink today?

Don’t tense up on me
No I'm serious
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I keep a 1l pitcher of reverse osmosis water in the fridge at all times along with 3 or 4 cans of tangerine La Croix. The idea is if you are physically active in any way you want cold water and if it's ready to go, you're more likely to pound it and stay hydrated. The La Croix is used as a 0 calorie soda substitute that's not full of gay chemicals. I also have a bottle of Perrier wedged away for when I'm feeling fancy or when I want to squeeze some fruit juice into (lime, grapefruit, orange, etc).

Also in summer I'll often infuse green tea with fruit (pic is tangerine with plum from this summer).
I drink tapwater with tapwater ice from an ice cube tray in my freezer
never lived anywhere where the taste has bothered me
my sides, you really nailed the undercover cop attitude
>that's not full of gay chemicals

Except when you backwash lmao
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Just water from the faucet. It's clearly the most economical. Anything else is for saps or people living where there isn't clean water.
>clean water
From my artesian well in the mountains
Breddy gud
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>La Croix
>not full of gay chemicals
Choose one. Those cans are lined in plastic
Home Depot store brand (HDX) Brita pitcher compatible filters are cheap as fucking shit. Fuckin' $18 for an 8 pack. Good enough to make my tap water not taste like chlorine.
ok, significantly less gay chemicals than say coke zero
Whole house RO and filtered either from the fridge or the under sink tap. I haven't had decent city water in a long time.
This. Typically drink about 2 liters a day. I do wish I had a fridge with a filtered water source, though.
1.2ppt is like an order of magnitude less PFAS than most tap water
>Those cans are lined in plastic
So is most of your plumbing
Yeah it's cheap. I know people that think filters are expensive when they are constantly buying bottled water.
lived in a city with high municipal tap water standards, could just fill my gallon jugs from the faucet
moved, the economical option was to fill gallon jugs at a water refill station a mile up the road. no matter what time you go, there's some other asshole filling his jugs up
splurged on a Pur filter for the kitchen sink, it filters this cities tap water into drinking water.
I drink a lot of seltzer because I enjoy carbonation, otherwise I have a two stage filter hooked up to a dedicated faucet on my kitchen sink.
I have a refrigerated water purifier because keeping water in the refrigerator is disgusting
Copper plumbing...
I have really tasty well water so I just drink my well water from the tap with some ice
its not that complicated bro
just take some water and put it in your mouth
I drink tap water filtered through activated almonds.
said the predatory judge
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tap, room temp, yes i am one of those mutants, i cant stand carbonated water, why would you drink something that feels like deep throating a cactus, i do add lime or lemon juice to my water sometimes.
What the fuck is that
I get thirsty, I drink water. shrimple as that
Europeans prefer fizzy water, isn't that nuts?
Reverse osmosis tap water, only healthy way to drink water.
Water bottles are full of plastic.
Unfiltered taps are full of chemicals.
Enjoy the birth control pill remains in your water.
Tasty chemicals and estrogenic meds, yummy!
Buy an RO filter.
European here.
We don't. I'd say 1% of people do but half of the time it's only as a status symbol because Perrier water is very expensive.
is it true, americans don't drink carbonated water? they prefer... tap water?!

I only drink black coffee and beer, but I take a bottle of carbonated water to drink at work every day.

its nice and refreshing when cooled, but who the hell would just drink tap water instead? Fanta and coke is ok too, but plain tap water?I'm not a hamster...
>most often
>most economical
My fridge uses those filter tube thingies for the water so it's tap but it's always cold anyway, saving us fridge space
These are nice.
Since you keep it in the fridge it's always cold.
Yesh, only fat people drink carbonated drinks. The rest of us just have fresh tap
does your tap water taste bad or something? Mine comes out of the tap cold and clean. Enjoy the kidney stones
If it's not a glass bottle I don't want it
when a boy water kettle and a girl water kettle...
Does this have ANYTHING to do with pokemon creatures?
only if i live in a town/city that has treated water, fuck disgusting wells
Filtered water from the fridge. The water from the tap where I live is really hard and doesn’t taste as good.
>I'm not CIA and how could any of this even be useful for the CIA?
anon... trying to attribute anything logical or rational in regards to a poltard, or conspiritard is a waste of time.
Filtered ice and filtered water in a big old metal mug. I'm a federal agent for the Department of Homeland Security by the way.
i drink way too much water and im lazy so i just use ice and drink it from the tap. i'd constantly have a to be refilling a container in the fridge.
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>drink way too much water
no such thing

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