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Stuffing and Chili. 10 bucks is enough to stay full for 4 to 5 days easy
You deserve poverty
wow so savage
looks good for poverty
>You deserve poverty
I used to be very wealthy. Chose to live in poverty. Much simpler, much happier
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leftover new years ham and split pea soup with some pain d’epi
I've actually never had or made split pea soup, I must try it
Canned stuffing? Which brand? Shill me, dawg, I'm not too good for that shit.
it's one of those things that you either like or don't understand why someone would eat it.
try it proper and if you're not into it add in some chipotle chili powder or curry powder and it will transform into something else entirely
Neither are canned. The stuffing is just off brand box stuffing
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oh dude if you don't mind a little work i highly recommend trying a curry crust chili potpie (Jamaican beef patty crust)
Really good when made from what’s left over from a bone in ham
thats cheddar cheese not tofu
Black beans have no place in chili.
>Chose to live in poverty. Much simpler, much happier
Nice cope
Fuck off you hipster faggot
I’ve never tried this combo, what does it taste like if you mix it together?

I’d demolish this, would need at least 2 bowls.

Looks really tasty, is there a recipe?
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what the fuck else could i have done with the extra leftover curry flavored pie crust?
These are fine.
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>is there a recipe?
just add about a table spoon of curry powder and turmeric powder to a standard pie crust recipe, i also use lard because its a savory dish.
I think traditionally it should be 50/50 beef suet and butter (frozen and grated to get a flakey crust)

i use 1 pound of ground pork and 1 pound of beef but i make burgers out of it and BBQ them and cut into cubes so there's nice smokey meaty chunks in the chili
>hating beans
You deserve starvation.
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>some random sperg doesn't like something... a NPCs adopts it as their personality...every NPC follows his lead and now random thing ostracized by the entirety of society
when did not wanting beans in chili turn into straight hatred for all beans in any recipe?
Normal people make cornbread, it's way cheaper
Can I have your money?
I gave it all away fren. I'm an old fag neetlifing it off gibmedats
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i eat it with corn chips and a dollop of sour cream
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jk my chili is about 50% sour cream and 25% cheese, its basically a spicy 3 layer bean dip
I think I'd rather just eat nothing than empty carbs
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>empty carbs
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It's hard to beat spaghetti and spaghetti sauce as a poverty meal. Delicious and cheap. $10 of this will probably last 2 weeks.
>sauce over doubles the cost
>end result is some of the least nutritious shit you can make
It's actually not hard to beat at all
nice i pretty much do the same thing
>>end result is some of the least nutritious shit you can make
I guess I missed the part where OP talked about the meal being nutritious, illiterate
In that case, eat a bullet. Cheapest meal you'll ever have.
It was mean to call you a sub 50 IQ illiterate useless retard shitstain
I apologize
It was probably the schizo voices in your head whispering to you words not actually there which explains your insanely stupid reply
The voices that are probably telling you to murder your family
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i made split pea soup
wish i could have a decent pic for it but using a soup cup because dishwasher is dying
bought the peas in the store but rest was all food bank ingredients , had the bone + lots of leftover meat saved in the freezer
good shit, even roasted the bone beforehand definitely added more flavor to the soup
split pea soup is just not photogenic
needs some kind of protein and fat to be filling, a pound of ground beef is around $4, you could make a meat sauce or meat balls and just eat like 2 per meal and you'd feel a lot better
it would have been better looking in a bowl atleast
delicious though, and will be my lunch for a week
>my lunch for a week
split peas have a lot of fiber, my prayers are with you anon godspeed
yeah bro nothing can compare to a big fat cock
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chicken feet typed this post
I recommend making a big ass pot of ground meat and pasta sauce. Whatever is cheapest, but I don't recommend turkey honestly. Most people have a bunch of rice or pasta of some kind in their pantry ( I have a fucking 8KG bag I'll never finish). Ladle some over that and you have a meal for a family for days. If you live alone, you can probably turn 10 bucks into a weeks worth of food if you portion the sauce out and freeze it.
>autistic fencesitter tries to understand a situation
The ducks at the park are free.
As a split pea soup enjoyer myself I think you did a good job, and soup cup is always based
do not eat the duckies pls
Too late
time is money so the labour of killing and preparing them is not free
So is a janny's salary. And yet you bought a 4chan pass. Pathetic.
Nachos made with leftover taco meat mmmmmmmm
Beans are great. I make a version of frijoles charros from serious eats that uses dried chiles instead of fresh ones and it's probably my favorite winter meal.
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Sometimes I just find food for free, other times not so much. It depends on so many things.
>comfort food
How big is your food disorder that putting stuff in your mouth "comforts" you?
Notice how the nigger took everything he could because of greed while the Whites just took the bare minimum they need to survive?
Just for you, I'll prep some frozen green beans, extra bland. Now you can get your hate REALLY going.
good but not going to last very long
How fucking stupid are you
he needs all those pairs of jordans so he can run from the cops faster
You're fat. Stop eating.
Nuh uh
nigga what's wrong with beans
I will now try your poverty food

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