Ethiopian food is delicious.
>>21088210what's that brown slop called?
they have food there now?
>>21088210Looks like comfy well seasoned sloppa, but I don't particularly like injera, always felt like Ethiopian food would work better with naan/roti
>>21088210It is good but I hate the uppity weirdos that insist the spongy bread isn't bread. It's fucking bread!
>>21088210ah yes, the diarrhoea platter
>>21088271It's called "Ethiopian food", anon, read the OP.
>>21088210Who ordered the poopoo platter?
>>21088210I believe you. The Best Ever Food Review Show did an episode there and pretty much everything looked/sounded delicious. I can't imagine what injera tastes like though which is pretty foundational to the cuisine, and I don't get why they often flip-flip between a completely vegan platter to a meal with lots of raw meat. I also don't like how they eat with their hands and feed eachother, but I wouldn't be doing that anyway
>>21088210This looks worse than Indian food
>>21088210When you don't got a lot you gotta do the best you can with it.
>>21088210>Ethiopian foodI knew there would be a thread on this.In curry threads there is always one anon who mentions 'Ethiopian food'.I'm sure they will agree with themselves many times in this thread too.
>>21088210Looks like an Indian beach
>>21088210Mmmm, vomit and diarrhea varietals with a side of green beans and spinach
>the most DELISH food EVARRR>*some third world pig slop trowelled out onto the ground, eaten by hand surrounded by flies and rats*Every single time. It's demoralisation propaganda, nothing more.
>>21088210Looks like a flock of random birds flew by and plorped
>>21088626Friendly reminder this photo was stagedThe kid's parents were behind the cameraman, they had food available, and the vulture was after a dead dog that was out of shot.
someone needs to tell those lightbulb headed niggas to leave the shitty bread in africa and just serve the nice stews with a spoon and side of rice
>>21088210retards who post on this board don't eat anything besides tendies and mummy's yummy mac n cheese anon
>>21088772Nah I helped him
>>21088210looks like baby food
>>21088210Looks like shit and seaweed.
>>21088816I doubt you can. Eat some more ramen, large breasted anon
Your mom's face is delicious.
>>21088678why did the kid look like that if they had food?
>>21088781>only babies post on this board>posts baby foodchecks out
>>21088849You shemales are funny creatures
>>21088851>obsessed with baby food and cockweird
>>21088210Looks like a collection of different types of excrement
>>21088847Ran out of spices.
>>21088847kids are notoriously picky eaters
>>21088304only the places where they make it with flour instead of teff for american palates
>>21088678>stagedTo what end?
>>21089021aid scams. for less than a cup of coffee a day you can help fund a corrupt charity industry that probably steals children.
Actual baby food lmao
>>21088210The worst part is that you eat it with your hands Idk So soulless Stick to coffee
>>21088210i live in washington dc which has one of the biggest or maybe the biggest idk ethiopian populations outside of africa and my friends tell me that their food is really good but i cant get over the diarrhea appearance so i havent tried it yetmaybe i should
For me its the brown dooty with a side of yellow dooty.
>>21088210some of those piles kind of looks good but fuck that big ass sponge bread beneath it. i'm gonna team up *click*ngua*click*aoa*gulp* AKA starving marvin with pedro and sell that shit in tortillas in a food truckwe'd make an absolute killing in any major city
>>21088847sally struthers kept eating it
>>21088678no it wasn't, and the photographer regretted taking it forever.
>>21089611Because he was a rapist.
>>21088274Maybe the world should stop sending gibs if joggers are able to feed themselves now
>>21088210bristol stool chart be like
>>21089555Checked. I've only had it once, i remember everything having a tang to it. I liked it, but I wouldn't ever make it or go there often.
>>21089701It's basically just lower quality middle eastern and north african food. You'll be much better off having lebanese, iranian or moroccan food to get the same flavors but it's actually good.
>>21089740Or save all the cultural appropriation of those cuisines and go straight to the source at a good Greek restaurant.
>>21089752Greek food is vastly different from persian food. They're both good. It seems like a lot of people here in the US conflate MENA food with greek food.
>>21088210Looks the same going in as it does coming out innit
>>21088772Wait until he reads "chinese cuisine" and goes "gutter oil haha!"Anon's a god of comedy
>>21089619>Ethiopian famine happens in late 80s>becomes a childhood memory that "Ethiopia is starving">Ethiopia goes back to normal (i.e. a shitty third-world but not starving country)>the meme persistsIt's been 40 years since the famine, anon.
This is definitely food that I have no idea how it will taste until I actually try it.
>>21090790Babyfood on a sponge, eaten with your hands like a toddler. It's not "bad", but you're just do it once to show how culturally enriched you are.
>>21088210I thought it was ok when I tried it. I should probably have it again sometime because it usually takes two or three tries for food to really click with me.
>>21088541>beachHaving actually been to the beach in India (Mumbai and 2 hours outside of Mumbai) I can tell you that it doesn't.
>>21089574fucking bitch
>>21088210injera is where it's at bro
>>21088210All the veg stuff is just decent but chacha tibs fucking slap. Basically Ethiopian fajitas with rosemary and berbere or however you spell the name of that spice. Super flavorful spice, more than just spicy.
>>21090827Nice Reddit post, back you go
>>21090889>shitty sour bread that turns to mush the moment it comes in contact with any of those scoops of goop
>>21089555you got a problem with chili too?
>>21088210That is a relativley massive amount of food for all of my village. The hardest part would be fitting that metal serving disk into my lip.
>>21088210injera rules
>>21088210masir WATTTTTTT
>>21092564no i just prefer my food not to look like poop
>>21088791hey don't take all the credit... I helped him too!
>>21090827I lived in Mumbai most of my life and know for a fact there’s poo and trash on most of the beaches
>>21090827Saar can recommend job employment in Canada home of sexy lady's? Many many sexy but no touch I learned I have. Put in cage like animal no place to do needful
>>21088210fuckin vile
>>21088210Can I get a spoon?
>>21088210Ethiopian food looks god-awful, but it is in fact very tasty. Not sure how healthy it is; it's mostly meat, peas or lentils stewed in butter and seasoned with a fuck-ton of chili pepper. A little of it goes a LONG way.
>>21088210looks like the poop chart from the doctors office.
>>21090827There are public defecation watch teams who go around beaches, fields and railway tracks to catch offenders. If they catch someone, they interview them (most people refuse obviously) and then follow them home behind them.Not menacingly or maliciously mind you, just as a means of shaming the person. In the sense "this guy who has a crowd of people following him home? Yes he was caught pooping in the fields even after years of PSA and massive infrastructure development"
>>21088772Kys you fucking nigger
>>21090827>saar do not redeem the plane tickets Mumbai is very clean city saar
>>21093267Poo in the loo was a massively successful public health campaign, it's just that when you have a population of 1.4 billion even a single digit percent of people continuing to street shit is still the equivalent of the population of several nations.
>>21088772>you see, mom? I typed "ha" repeatedly in all caps so that the evil racist knows I'm actually laughing and not silently seething inside>I did good so can I get my chicken tendies now?
I heard the bread tastes sour.
>>21089611Did he give the kid all the profits? No? Fuck his regret.
>>21093350What would that kid do with the money? Buy sand?
>>21093348It's fine. It's moist, it's a little spongy, it's stretchy. All the food is "fine". But the issue is, Ethiopian restaurants in the USA are known primarily just for being "different", in terms the food and serving style. And different does not mean "good". The bread is fine, but it's not better than garlic naan. The sloppa shit is fine, but it's not better than chicken tikka, not by a mile. So aside from the actual Ethiopian diaspora, you just have white girls lwho visit once to try it, so we can take a selfie and tick that off our diversity checklist. But if you were to put the same sloppa shit on a fucking plate (you know, like we use in the modern world), then that mush would go from "fine" to just "meh". There's no reason to go back to the restaurant, once you've had "the experience". Everyone would rather go to the Indian place, where you also get sloppa shit and flatbread, but the slop is better, the bread is better, and you're allowed to use a knife and fork because you're not expected to larp the Ethiopian version of Medieval Times. (And I say this as someone who appreciates Ethiopia in the most authentic way: they have a lot of hot ladies.)
>>21088210When I normally see something like this, my dog is giving me with the "I'm sorry" look.
>>21088210the bread is so fucking gross
>>21088210looks good anon