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Did anyone here finally reject the instant pot and come back to the crock pot once they realized how good stews and pot roasts are from slow cookers?

I grew up with pressure cookers/instant pots. I wondered why my stews and pot roasts were always a shit, rubbery mess. Then, I got crock pot pilled one day at a pot luck. Bought an el cheapo from the store and never went back to the pressure cooker

>throw in meat plus veg plus spices
>'low' setting for 8+ hours
>literally a michelin star gourmet meal every time that is so tender its unbelievable

im slow cooker pilled
>I wondered why my stews and pot roasts were always a shit, rubbery mess.
That usually means it was undercooked. You should still be able to make tender stews in a pressure cooker.
What are some of your favourite recipes? I like layering potatoes,carrots, parsnip and such with pork, throwing in some stock and slow cooking in a clay pot for a few hours.
If you take out the little steam plug the instant pot functions as a slow cooker, it has a setting for that. There is absolutely no reason to purchase a slow cooker.
i dont see why anyone would use this when you can just use a dutch oven and get way better results. those things take up so much space as well for a function that can be done in any oven. at least an instant pot can pressure cook.
the oven uses a lot more energy, so if it's something you're actually using regularly it'll save quite a bit of money in the long run.
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it might use less energy but thats not all wasted in an oven, the browning and homogenuity of pressure cooking and dutch ovens mogs slow cookers
>muh energy
who gives a shit really? americans don't
slow cookers are shit
it's just the world's shittiest heating element with like 3 temperature settings, which are all too high if you ever get the temperature up to steady state after 7 hours so you don't actually want to leave it unsupervised

if there is an upmarket slow cooker that can be set to reach an arbitrary steady temperature in an hour or two that would have a use, but the college kid retard slow cooker should either cost literally $5 or should not ever even be considered for purchase or use
I shall tolerate no pressure cooker slander
Beans, lentils and rice cooked using pressure cookers is so much faster and superior to other methods. Plus when you're not using it for cooking you can use it to sterilize your shaving blades and shit
>sterilize your shaving blades
qrd on this?
Well if your opinion is derived from retards making soup in a slow cooker then this arguement is over.
Slow cookers are literally to cook things LOW and SLOW
>sterilize shaving blades
I'm sorry what?
>not realizing instant pots have more slow cooker settings than slow cookers
How embarrassing.
Dutch oven MOGS croc pots if you actually sear things before slow cooking them, if you wanna dump raw meat and vegetables into a pot and make slop, go ahead.
A pressure cooker is basically a really shitty autoclave.
>sterilize your shaving blades
Wouldn't this affect the heat treatment?
Fucking retard. It's a slow cooker, not crock pot. Crock pot is a brand, retarded nigger. I bet you call all homes houses and all vehicles cars. Probably say, "I could care less," too.
Only if it gets above 400-500F.
They're different machines for different uses. I have both an IP and a slow cooker and both get used roughly equally
duck tape
band aids
stuff like that
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Why the fuck would I reject the Instant Pot? It's already a slow cooker. And a pressure cooker too. And has a bunch of other functions that I'll never touch. Hell, just the ability for the Instant pot lid to lock on and the virtue of it having a detachable power cord makes it the king of preparing something ahead of time and then easily driving that bitch over to a dinner party or a work pot luck.
oh shit i forgot to check on my crockpot
Exactly!!! Hate that shit.
>massively exceeds the temperatures and pressure of most autoclaved
>shitty version
-t. Virus kun
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beef, fresh, chopped
canned stewed tomatoes
barley, buy dry in bags
carrots, fresh, chopped
potato, chopped
onions, yellow, chopped
bay leaf

stew beef for hour at a simmer, add all else later
my friend bought an instant pot, and I was considering one myself until I had a chat with him and looked at the thing. Too many bells and whistles when really I either roast shit or slowcook it.

I slowcooked a beef roast just today while I was working and I shall be eating it soon.
I don't got a pressure cooker but I've used my crock pot about twice a week for the past year.
Mostly chicken stew and curry, then whatever bones and I'm scraps I have leftover get turned into broth for rice.
It's a wonder that they're still below $20 for something that can make cooking such a satisfying an accessible task. And if you pick one up at a thrift store it'll be a quarter that
Very practical devices
enjoy your polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons buddy
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help me /ck/, you're my only hope

so I slow-cooked a beef roast today. I just toss it in with a packet of onion soup mix with some water and a couple whole oignons. carrots and potatoes I boil and add later, because otherwise they overcook and get mushy.

but anyway, I drained all the juices and reduced them on the stove to thicken them a little (sometimes I make a roo' with flour for gravy, but I wanted lighter juices this time around). Anyway, it's been sitting awhile to cool off and settle and it has a ton of fat floating atop. what's the best way to remove the fat? I really need to get one of those degreaser cups, but not going to happen tonight. I just have to ladle this shit out? Any tips or tricks I might not know about?

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