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How do I make aloe vera juice tasty? Add some honey maybe?
slather it on sunburns
slather it on your shlong
Could you fuck this?
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I assume the bottled aloe juices use sugar and citric acid.
I tried this. Felt amazing until I went too fast and then missed and my willy slid along the spines, ripping open my flesh. Luckily for me the aloe has healing powers so I was back to full fap within a few days.
Das rite.. the alovussy take care her man
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One time shaving I slipped and the blade slid over my lip like so. You haven't seen blood flowing like this I can tell you, holy shit
Cut a hole in one of these and fuck it. The hole should be slightly smaller than the widest part of your cock. The seeds and the lewd sounds enhance the experience
I bet it'd be good with salt and msg
>drinking poison
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have you actually looked up whether or not that stuff is even edible? you might want to do that.
Thats way to complicated just eat a banana and fuck the peel its lubed already and you get a tasty snack that gives you energy.
i see these little shits in every kroger, is it just to make augua fresca aka mexican sugar water?
OP hasn't but I have. "Chemical analysis reveals that the Aloe plant contains various polysaccharides and phenolic chemicals, notably anthraquinones. Ingestion of Aloe preparations is associated with diarrhea, hypokalemia, pseudomelanosis coli, kidney failure, as well as phototoxicity and hypersensitive reactions."
Nope, it gives you diarrhea, kidney failure and cancer. But American law allows you to sell it as a food as long as you personally believe it isn't harmful. No joke.
The gel from the plant is safe to eat and adds a refreshing taste to different dishes and drinks. But there are safety concerns when it comes to the latex in the leaf. In fact, it's the anthraquinones — which are responsible for aloe's laxative effect — that some studies say could cause cancer. You could get diarrhea or cramps from eating the latex too. However, it's not hard to separate it from the gel.
aww it's smiling
any hole is a goal
get some and report back
I'm not eating it, and also it's shit for treating burns or moisturizing skin.
What an ugly cartoon character. Is he supposed to be a Dairy Queen ice cream or something? Instead of hair he has a skin tail on his head? WTF am I looking at? Why does he have a tie?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's what Chi is.
the chciken breast?!
Buy it from a bottle.
You are not supposed to eat too much of the fresh stuff at once. Only a tablespoon or two.
I bought some the other day, never again, it's ridiculously bitter and slimy and gross.
Dilute it in something very sweet and sour and it tastes interesting.
I wish it gave me diarrhea. I've been constipated as fuck so I took a high dose of fresh aloe and it did nothing.
But what I really wanted to say is, aloe is all bitter, even the gel. Maybe mines was because it was shipped in from far away out of season or whatever, but still.
lurk more grampa.
We're made different
The gel is tasty and I like it.
Plant cummies
>ohh noes, he doesn't know Rockthrow lulz zomg
stonetoss isnt even obscure anymore.
>everybody should know every single dogshit cartoon, we don't have individual minds anymore.
OK kid. Let's laugh at him together in a collective pitch and tone. WE know who Stonetoss is.
my wife's hole is dusty
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well tell dusty he's unwanted
I mean her onahole. Her cock stopped getting hard so she doesn't use either anymore
its what happens when you turn 83
isnt aloe poisonous?
aloe is not food, not once in my life Ive thought of eating it. Its like wanting to eat antiseptic ointment
i know you are, but what am I
Only if you don't separate the yellow layer, which is the poisonous part, from the clear part.
Eat 2-3 teaspoons of palm oil or coconut oil. It will literally grease your shit.
wholly fucking confident and amazing
and you are a gentleman and a scholar

how's your Thursday going?
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ok, well, I read that, but I was expecting to befriend you instead of silly memes

here, have some udon lil buddy
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Hey, thanks. I don't make friends because I don't know how that works so I just reply with memes when I feel awkward. Here's something I made last night.
holy brahps, looks yummy

what kind of sauce is that on the Salomon?
just a simple hollandaise I whipped up. I put way too much on my fish, but I didn't want to throw the rest out.
luckily there are plenty of fish in the sea
You have a sexy mouth anon
e-even w-with that cut?..??
Rookie mistake, you should cut the spines before getting your dick out
that looks amazing

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