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Not anymore anon. Good job.
only a breadlet would post a loaf with no crumb shot
>he can't tell what the crumb will look like just from seeing the crust

I’d post one but I devoured the sob already.
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Did you just eat it by itself in one sitting or at least have it eith something?
Are you the amateur bread guy who never posts crumb shots and always has some excuse for not posting the cumb?
Are you the brain damaged guy who's always asking if everyone on this board is the same person?
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I made it with this recipe for lentil soup:

> baking your own bread
> eating soup

>Chef jp
Based. Gonna copy you tomorrow night.
No. I hate that guy. OPs pickeral is very reminiscent of another bread man who said he started baking during the KungFlu. He posted a lot of his loaves last year but would very rarely post crumb shots and claim he forgot or give other excuses for only posting loaf exteriors.
Not me either. This is my first bread poast.
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Nice I could definitely fuck up a loaf of bread and soup in 1 sitting too
>can't enjoy a simple meal of bread and soup
Sovless take
Good job anon!
I’ve heard that garlic degrades in the fridge so I store in that aptly-labeled pot on the counter.
Thanks, anon.

I followed the recipe here (https://youtu.be/yuyTBPkem78?si=ZzGflxaFgC862Omn) with some significant modifications.

A) Mixed it manually
B) Did not use a dutch oven but placed the dough on a preheated pizza stone on parchment paper with a Calphalon 5 qt pot to cover the dough. Didn’t use any ice cubes.

Reason I didn’t just bake it in that pot is the cover is glass with some silicon padding around the rivets of the handle, and thus didn’t think it could handle 450 degrees fahrenheit.

Pretty satisfied with the result this improvisation yielded.
Given the frigid temperatures I can’t think of too many better meals desu.
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Nice, I also learned how to bake from youtube videos. I make the "no-knead" breads - with 5-6 folds. I like to do a 2 day cold ferment in fridge, It's yields a better taste and crumb imo. Used to bake mine in a clay oven pot but someone dropped it and broke it ( a woman ) :(
But yeas as along as you cover it with something and traps the steam, you will get a decent rise. Recently I bought a $20 dutch oven and it does a great job.
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This was my clay oven pot, I miss it :(
Man that looks rustic af!
Wow nice airiness to the bread there.
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thanks bud
Yeah, made some really nice loafs in that clay oven.
My ratios:

410gr of bread flour 11,7% gluten (I've done it with 11%) still comes out good - sometimes better.
300gr water
2,2gr of dry yeast
5,5gr salt ( I used to put more salt 7-8gr ) but I get a better rise with less.
2 days cold ferment in the fridge, take out the dough 4-5 hours before baking, shape - turn the oven to preheat on 230C/445F for 40 mins while the dough rises for a final time after shaping. Bake lid on for 28mins on 230C/445F, take of lid and bake for another 20mins on the same temp or maybe 220C/230F
Why do your loaves always have those disgusting scabs on them? They look like a skin disease model.
Wtf are you talking about?
I think it depends on the way you score it, ie how you cut the dough with a sharp knife before you pop it in the oven
Yeah I don't have a scoring blade, I do it with scissors, but I wouldn't describe whatever as disgusting - its fucking bread, those are the crispy bits and they taste very good.
I used a new utility knife gifted to me this christmas since all my knives are rather dull.
Fuck...that's actually brilliant. I have a new packaged one. Good thinking anon!
Fuck off retard
Mm would eat.
It was very good. Be honest with you though i subbed the kale with some spinach since I’m not keen on the former.
I don't really think it would matter much, I don't even remember what kale tastes like desu
And yet eating more nutritiously than most upper middle class people. Curious.
Baking your own bread is great, no sneed oils, no sugars. And you can eat it fresh and crispy.
Also making soup is one of the most nutritious things you can make.
You usually use sugar in bread as a source of food for the yeast.
>t. soulless urbanite or nigger
no I don't
the yeast eats the flour, you dont need sugar
Thanks for proving you know 0 about biology
No, U
I've made bread more than 50 times probably, I've never put sugar or bloom the yeast, I just dissolve it in the water and then put the flour and salt.

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