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do you prefer Turkish or Greek food?
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same people, same food
Greek. Turkmens can't into the REAL original gyros or kebabs made from pork
I prefer real food
I'm sure you eat girl food like ramen and sushi, but meat bread and cheese is essential male food.
>Turkish or Greek food?
islamized greek food or greek food?
they're the same thing
I buy turkish because it's the default option here, but in melbourne I buy greek because its the default option in melbourne
also kebabs and burritos are the same food but one has rice
Beef kebab is much better than pork kebab
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Wrong. The only time beef is better than pork is steak. I love pork and pork steaks/chops are delicious but when I want a steak, I eat a fucking steak.
Also burgers.
I love both. Maybe Greek because their pork dishes and meats are amazing.
Nah, beef is simple the superior meat.
Beef burgers are much better than pork burgers.

Pork only shines in sausage and bacon.
Your horrifically incorrect opinions are laughable but I shall fight to the death for your right to have them.
That looks good, I mean really good
Pork burgers is not a thing. Burgers are always made and taste better with beef. But I do think Pork has better flavor that beef with maybe ribeyes being the exception because they have lots of fat and fat is flavour.
>Pork burgers is not a thing
Yes, because of their inferior taste.

It's not hard to take pork mince and make a burger out of it.
>Pork burgers is not a thing
Yes it fucking is, retard.
The key is seasoning. And pork takes it much better. See sausages.
Needing all kinds of seasoning to mask the pork taste, doesn't really help your case.
>Needing all kinds of seasoning to mask the pork taste
I have been lurking, watching this unfold.
It's not about Masking taste, it's about enhancing it.
And this is where Americans get it wrong.

Here is my take on things:
Beef makes for better Burgers.
Pork makes for better Sausages.

When it comes to cold meats . . .Pork wins, hands down.

I think when it comes to steaks - it's a bit of an oddity.

There is far more meat with beef, nobody can deny that but unless it's cooked correctly (according to the cut of beef) it can go wrong.

Pork has less meat and a good Pork Chop(with seared fat) is heavenly but there is more to go wrong.

6 of one - half a dozen of the other.

Americans tend to overdo things and pile as many ingredients as they can in order to get something but that's not how it works.
I would also season beef properly or at least serve a sauce with it.
What's the difference?
you hungry, op?
Beef is already pretty delicious with nothing but a little bit of salt.
Sauce just ruins it.
Smoked beef is disgusting and all of Texas shall burn for doing it regularly.
Conversely, smoked pork is delicious and proof of a living God who wants us to have nice things.
Sauces taste better than meat alone.
gyros with strips of grilled pork whole cuts, cucumber sauce and french fries in thick pita bread is much better than beef or chicken meatloaf with yogurt sauce, salad and other veggies in a tortilla.
Yogurt is delicious with meat.
Probably the best thing to ever come out of Turkish cuisine.
tzatziki (cucumber sauce) is yoghurt based too. That is because Greeks are Turks and Turks are Greeks. But the Greeks still make better qabob.
>Greek. Turkmens can't into the REAL original gyros or kebabs made from pork
This. I really do not like to eliminate whole food groups.

There is a difference in quality in the toppings and sides as well as the avoidance of pork. I do not want someone substituting some "sauce" that avoids dairy. I want thick yogurt based lebneh or tzatziki with chunky bits of raw garlic and cucumber, actual parsley taboulleh with bulgur wheet, rich and thick tahini, fresh herbs, spicy zoug, or whatever I want. I do not want runny mayo drizzle, canadian sweetened condensed milk that is shelf stable, or cheap ketchup slurry drizzle, "curry" on ketchup, or yellow flavored rice that has zero saffron.
It's pretty telling that if you want real gyros in America, you have to go to the Mexicans for Al Pastor, because the "Greeks" are all Turks. Which would be fine, but call a spade a spade. 90% of the poor bastards don't even realize that they're actually roaches because grandpa invented a fake name at Ellis Island.
Using that one. One of my neighbours is a Greek Cypriot and I take the piss outta him by constantly calling him a Turk, which he hates.
Kayfabe off, Cyprus is a pretty interesting place, even more interesting because of the political situation. I knew a guy who planned out a whole trip to the Turkish side and the passport/visa gymnastics were pretty impressive.
Oh, yeah, I'm well aware. I've never actually met a Turkish Cypriot but about a bajillion Greek ones moved to my area for some reason. My area's weird. It's mostly Asian but the largest immigrant population after that is definitely the Cypriot Greeks Anyway, any clue why the Turkish ones don't seem to leave? I'd ask my neighbour but he'd likely just spit and curse rather than answer the question.
No idea, sorry. The natural assumption is just that EU passports make it easier to emigrate, and then immigrants tend to cluster for easier employment (and marriage, since Greeks do a lot of that "my village" shit).
The greeks do good pork (when they're not burning the piss out of it). Gotta go with Greek on this one just for that reason. I'd trade shawarma for gyro with some fries in it, and I think I'd be ok with that.
Depends on the sauce and the meat.
I'm happy with a well browned ribeye with salt and pepper. Loin (filet mignon specifically) needs some sauce, garlic or shallot butter. Well browned pork's good with salt and pepper too, but a mushroom gravy, or lingonberry sauce, or chimichurry, or lemon curd, etc. etc. won't hurt it none. It plays better with more herbs. It smokes and slow-cooks better. Different parts of the pig have different textures and flavours, often salted. Many of these parts (jowl, belly, leg) improve a lot of beef dishes, while the opposite is rarely true.
Pork wins, and so Greek wins. Sorry Turks, your food is good, but if I was forced to choose, I'd have to go with Greek.

Greek. Been to Istanbul many times and the food is incredibly overrated as the place is going through a mass tourism phase from all the EU faggots flying there and pushing prices up.

Not only shits getting more expensive but quality is going down and as a result most places will serve bland as fuck kebabs and do little to no effort even for the locals.

In 2012 you could eat for 2 people and have amazing food for around 12 euros and now its literally 50 euros to eat anywhere half decent.

Greek food is much simpler so its harder to screw up.

Cyprus could legit be paradise if it wasn't for the ukrainians, russians and israelis with dirty money squatting the place and holding literally every lucrative industry there on lockdown making the place an overpriced hellhole with mid tier food.

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